
Sunday 14 March 2021

Personal Well-being: 05


  Personal Well-being: 05 Bringing up trapped wind.


 By Barefoot Medic

Trapped wind can be uncomfortable at best and at worst downright painful.  It has at times been mistaken for a heart attack.  Not much fun at all!


Bruce Forsyth passed away last year.  Thinking about him reminded me of his appearance on the Michael Parkinson chat show twenty odd years ago.

Somehow the conversation turned to things that impair a stage performance.  One of the most unlikely things mentioned was 'trapped wind'.  Bruce then proceeded to demonstrate his method of relieving 'trapped wind' :

His instructions were to Lean forwards until your torso is parallel with the ground.

Drop your left shoulder suddenly and at the same time twist your torso so you're facing to the right.   "Burp, Bururp!"  Not something you do in polite company or on a TV chat show, but Bruce did and it caused uproarious laughter.

I remembered it and when I next needed to relieve trapped wind I followed his instructions and it worked!


I have used it ever since without fail and passed his advice on to others who suffer from wind on occasions...

It works, and it costs you nothing so, next time you feel that uncomfortable pain, give it a try!


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