
Tuesday 9 March 2021

Personal Well-being: 03

 Personal Well-being: 03 Make your own false teeth 

   By Barefoot Medic

I purchased a tub of POLYMORPH from Maplin's to make a replacement screwdriver handle for one I'd stupidly shattered when I used it as a chisel and hit it with a hammer...

Polymorph is a thermoplastic material that can be shaped and reshaped any number of times. it is normally supplied as granules that look like small plastic beads.  It can be heated in hot water and when it reaches 62 degrees centigrade the granules form a mass of ‘clear’ material (like chewing gum). When removed from the hot water it can be shaped into almost any form and on cooling it becomes solid once more (Majik).

I lost a tooth and was in pain eating hard/hot food.  My dentist said it would cost £20 consulting fee, £50 to remove the root, £250 to make a plate. I already have an upper metal plate.  I previously tried a lower plate but it made me gag, so that was not an option.

If I wanted the tooth set into the jaw that would cost me £1000. 

I told her my pension wouldn't stretch that far so I will just have to suffer; maybe the gum would harden up...

But, it didn't, and I was forced to chew on one side only.  Then, I got to thinking; I placed a few granules of polymorph in a cup and poured hot water on them.  When in the soft malleable state I rolled it into a ball and forced it between the teeth either side and wedged it in place, bit down on it, moulded it and waited for it to harden.  It was a little too large, so I jiggled and wriggled it until it came out.  I cut off the excess with scissors and reheated the remainder.  This time it fitted perfectly and for three months I forgot it was there, but it became discoloured due mainly to my love of curry (turmeric was to blame ~ not me).  So I fashioned a replacement. 

A pot of polymorph cost me £20 and has a hundred uses and would probably make a thousand teeth.  So, every three months I just replace it.  Even the dentist had to admit that it does a good job.  I carry a piece of polymorph in my wallet for emergency use.  I have friends who now follow my example; one informed me you can now get polymorph on the Internet which is good because Maplins is no longer in business in the UK. 

Health Warning:

I've been making my own teeth, like, this for over ten years but, as always, you follow my example at your own risk.  If in doubt seek advice.


I'm now running out of ideas for 'well-being/money-saving tips' that work.   So, if you have something that works for you, please let me know, I will try it on myself and post it to this blog for the benefit of all.  I will also give due credit to the contributor.

Suggestions to:


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