
Monday 1 March 2021

Personal Well-being: 01

  Personal Well-being: Peppery, Dry Gritty Eyes?  


   By Barefoot Medic

 Many of us work long hours, frequently late into the night, in front of a glowing computer screen.  Is it any wonder that we suffer from dry sore eyes?  We don't blink enough; we don't take frequent breaks, so we are our own worst enemies.  There is another growing breed who suffer from the same symptoms, the 'games players' who can't or won't pause that game to take a break for fear of being eliminated. 

 You need eyewash to keep your eyes healthy.  The finest eyewash is freely available & costs nothing.  It is your own tears; if you are able to cry at will then you'll never suffer from sore eyes.  Unfortunately few of us have that ability.   But, a good substitute is 'Saline', slightly salty water.   The main problem is not the constituents, water & salt, but the quantities of each required to mix 'false tears'.  Well, it’s your lucky day:

1.    The foolproof method I use is to mix a supersaturated solution of salt. Add a teaspoonful of table salt to a small quantity of boiling water.   It's important to stir vigorously and add further salt until there are undiluted crystals remaining; this is a supersaturated solution of salt.  Pour the liquid into a dropper bottle, (available at most chemist shops)' taking care not to transfer the un-dissolved salt.  Allow this to cool.

2.    When you need to wash your eyes out, fill a standard eye-bath (20ml) with very hot water:

·    Add 6 drops (less than 1ml) of supersaturated solution into the hot water and stir well.  Leave it to stand for a few minutes.

3.   Everybody's eyes vary ever-so-slightly so the solution may need fine-tuning but, it will be within +1 or -1 drop. Start with 6 drops of saline if your eye feels raw add a 7th drop of saline this will be the required mixture for your eyes in future.  If there is too much salt your eye will feel itchy.  If this is the case, discard the eye-bath contents & start again adding one drop less.  Ideal for tired eyes and irrigating dust, dirt, or an eyelash from your eye. 

    One small dropper bottle will last a month or more and cost a few pence, or two packets of salt from McDonald's.

   I have used this remedy effectively and with confidence for 'forty years'.  It was recommended to my mother, by the surgeon who removed her cataracts.  He maintained this simple salt & water solution is closer to natural tears than any of the proprietary brands of eyewash.  


This remedy has been used by me with no ill effects, however, be advised that you try it at your own risk.   If in doubt consult your physician.



  1. Well Len, Jo suffers with dry eyes because she plays Candy Crush each day like forever. However she has lots of tears too because she supports West Ham. I'd always wondered why !!!

    1. Hadn't you noticed? The Hammers are in the top four, she may need some 'I' wash after all...
