
Saturday 17 September 2022

Personal Wellbeing ~ 22

 Daily Body Maintenance Routine (for 60+)

 The Barefoot Medic

I’m not a smart arse!  I just know that because I exercise each organ, muscle, & sinew daily my health will be as good as it can be, at 77.  I’ve exercised this way daily since 2012 (10 years) and I'm confident that I will still be doing it at 90 (if I live that long).


It’s really not an arduous routine, my aim is to work as many muscles and organs as I can, daily. 

 The axiom is: 'If you don't use it you lose it!'  

If you wish to join me you will need to put aside ten minutes (10) daily; the time it takes to make and drink a cuppa…

Even better news, you don't have to do it all at once, you can spread it through the day.  It's like car maintenance, check that everything works, on a daily basis.  You only have one body, so look after it!

In addition, you will need to take the dog for a walk, daily.  Walking is an excellent form of exercise; leave the car at home!

"Never lay if you can sit!  Never sit if you can stand!  Never stand if you can walk!  Never walk if you can run!  But, do everything in moderation..."




 1:  I do 20 Faux push-ups resting my hands on the kitchen sink feet 2 feet away (you can do 10, or less of these) don’t over-exert!  This is not exercising as such, just body maintenance.  Some you can do some you cannot; do what you can…


 2:  Then 20 leg stretches hands on the kitchen sink bend at the knees then straighten (you can do 10, or less) don’t over-exert!


 3:  Then 20 arm raises (alternate arms); include 10 with clenched fists (do what you can)


 4:  Then 20 side arm stretches include 10 with clenched fists (dwycan).


 5:  Then 20 shoulder taps (bend arms to touch shoulders), 10 with clenched fists (dwycan)


 6:  Legs apart 10 alternate arms reach down to your knees stretching at the waist to either side (dwycan).


 7:  Feet together repeat 6: above.  Reach down to your knees, clenched fists, stretching your waist to alternate sides (dwycan).


 8:  Feet together, do tummy rolls 10 clockwise, then 10 the opposite way.


 9:  Bend your knees and place your hands on them and roll them 10 times clockwise, then 10 the opposite way.


10:  Then 10 times raise straight arms from your side, touching above your head, then down, finishing behind your back.


11:  Then 10 times roll arms slowly (forward butterfly stroke, straight elbows) 5 with clenched fists.


12:  Then 10 times roll arms slowly (reverse butterfly motion, straight elbows) 5 with clenched fists.


13:  Stand 18 inches from a wall, arms by your side, and bend slowly back at the waist until your head touches the wall (to a count of 10).


14:  Turn and place hands on the wall, bent elbows, your feet should remain in contact with the floor.  Shake your legs (thighs & calves) to a count of 10.


15:  10 times: Swivel at the waist whilst throwing arms from side to side in a swatting/punching motion.


16:  10 times: Swivel at the waist whilst punching your elbows behind you (side to side) at shoulder height alternately ~ left then right ~ with clenched fists.


17:  10 times: hands behind back (supporting) bend forward at waist 45 degrees or as near as possible straight knees (down~up, down~up).


18:  10 times: Legs 3ft apart, turn to face left, lean forward (weight over the left knee) bend & flex knee to the count.


19:  10 times: Legs 3ft apart, turn to face right, lean forward (weight over the right knee) bend & flex knee to the count.


20:  10 times: Feet apart twist upper body while slapping chest with one hand and lower back with the other simultaneously.


21:  10 times: feet together Repeat the above accentuating hip swivel.


22:  10 times: legs straight and 2 feet apart, stretching down towards left foot, then to the front, then right foot, then between your legs. Then repeat to (1 hippo~pota~mi, 2 hippopotami), up to… 10.  (you should not be trying to touch the ground or your toes) this is stretching your back, calves, and thigh muscles.


23:  Stand on your left leg, raise your right leg, and stretch your toes towards the floor to a count of 5.  Then toes to the ceiling to a 5 count. 


24:  Then twirl your foot clockwise to a count of 5. Then repeat counter clockwise to a count of 5.  Kick your raised leg to the side as high as you can then down. 


25:  (REPEAT) above standing on your right leg.  (Did I say you can use a hand for support?  Or, fix your eyes on a point called spotting?).


26:  Spine Stretch: Stand feet together, raise your hands above your head to count of 3, stretch up on tiptoes to a count of 7 then lower your arms to your side to a count of 10.

27:  (REPEAT)


28: 10 count slowly windmill arms to the front; in opposite directions clench fists 5.  (Deep Breath on each count ending with a sharp exhale of breath)


29:  (REPEAT) above in opposite direction.


30:  Same as above but fast inhale to a count of 5, then clench fists and exhale to a count of 5.


31:  (REPEAT) above in opposite direction.


32:  20 count: link hand in fireman’s grip, (like Charles Atlas) pull in opposite directions while raising hands above your head (to count 5) then slowly lower to the front (count 5), down to waist (count 5) back to chest (Count 5).


33:  20 count: hand together in praying position & push palms together, raise above your head (count 5) then slowly lower to the front (count 5), down to waist (count 5) back to chest (Count 5).


34:  10 count: link fingers and rock hands thumbs up, forward, and back.


35:  10 count: praying position raise arms so palms separate, then push fingertips together and push hands away from your body to the count.


36:  Flex left wrist down to a count of 5, then up to a count of five.


37:  Repeat the wrist flexes on your right hand.


38:  10 count: Hands by your side palms facing back, shake hands, and arms flapping at the wrists.


39:  10 count: Hands by your side palms facing your legs, shake hands and arms flapping at the wrist while raising them slowly to shoulder height then slowly lowering them).


40:  Legs together Hands on calves, nod head (x5), shake head (x5), role head clockwise (x5), role head counter clock (x5), rock head on shoulders L/R (x5), push the head back (x5).

(If doing this makes you feel giddy it may help if you close your eyes.)


41:  10 count: Hand above your head and shake them (Jazz Hands). 


42:  10 count: Hand above your head and wriggle your fingers fast.


That concludes your 10-minute body maintenance. It's taken considerably longer to write it all down so I can fully understand it.  But feel free to ask questions if you are unsure about any of the routines...

Live long & prosper…

 The Barefoot Medic


1 comment:

  1. This does work, I am testament to that. Beats the gym, and road running, if you are past a certain age (only you can set that level).
