
Thursday 17 June 2021

Personal Well-being: 11


Personal Well-being: Sunburn Remedy

By Barefoot Medic

 We are in the summer season, ice cream, seaside swimming, sunburn…  Yes!  You come out of the water, your factor 20 has all washed off, and so you have to reapply the lotion.  I dread to think of the cost.

 I spent two years in Cyprus whilst in the Forces, man it was hot in 64~65!  I tried to spend as much time indoors as I could but even so had to do some external work, I spent a lot on sun cream.

 My friend, a pale-skinned, ginger-haired, Scott in the ‘Army Postal Service’, was out in all weathers and never seemed to suffer from the heat; unlike the rest of us.  One day he watched me rub suntan lotion on:

“What're ye doin man!  That stuff’s a waste o good beer money.”

“So what d’you suggest Jock?”

He pulled out a small bottle of what looked like milk.  “Try some o this,” he said. 

I opened it and sniffed, “smell like coconuts” I said.

“Aye, So it shood, it’s coconut oil, use it before and after goin oot an yell ne'er get sunburn agen…  Keep it, mon, I got plenny more, I buy it by the pint!”

Well, I kept it and use it to this day, & I never get sunburn. 

And, there’s an added bonus. It tells you when it needs to be applied:

  In hot weather it’s liquid ~ if it’s cooler it becomes a mushy paste ~When it’s cold it’s solid.  Apply at any time to calm itchy skin. You only have to apply it once, it soaks in, and it doesn’t need to be reapplied if you go for a swim…

It just another tried and trusted remedy I can heartily recommend from personal use over the last 55 years. 

As always you try it at your own risk, but it works for me.



  1. Hush my mouth, a day late I'm afraid...

  2. Thanks for that Len but I will sit in the shade. I have had the good fortune to be able to select how much sun I am exposed to. I appreciate, however, that not all have that choice.
