
Thursday 25 November 2021


 Using ~ (05/03/2001) 

By Len Morgan 

Twenty Years ago, a misdirected finger pressed the wrong button and found me listening to radio 2 instead of 4.

A track from the Eurythmics was playing.  I stayed my correcting finger before it could change the station.  The sound was crystal clear and for the first time I could listen to the lyrics (plagiarism?):


Some people want to use you

Some people want to be used by you

Some people want to abuse you

Some people want to be abused by you…


I was at first surprised by the lyrics, initially being drawn towards the S&M connotation; a very shallow interpretation.  But, that would be selling the song short.  Because people use people, it’s as simple as that.

Gregarious people have a greater need for interaction with others.

A hermit/unsociable person would be less inclined to take advantage or even associate with people.

If I’m honest everybody gets used at times, sometimes even abused or taken for granted. 

But, who can put 'hand on heart' and say they have never taken advantage of another person. 

Never been guilty of Bullying…  Oh, you can dress the ‘B’ word up how you like, but ‘at the end of the day’ it means the same…

I guess ~ as the proverbial undertaker would say ~ That’s Life!





  1. Good observation Len and food for thought. In recent years of identifying what has been called coersive control,I have sometimes reflected on the lyrics of Stings I'll Be Watching You.
