
Tuesday 16 November 2021




By Dawn Van Win


And at eventide 

Shall we wander

Through vast avenues

In storage vaults

Where life’s river leads

Larger still

Than all of Amazonian facilities


Our warehouse

Of abandoned dreams

The countless possibilities

Of who we someday

Could have been


A slowly reverent walk

Down dusty halls

Shelves stacked to the sky

Down either side


Then gently reaching out

Our hands

Caress the edges,

Shapes and forms


The bittersweet sting

Of smiling tears


so many years

Of ‘some day’, ‘one day’

When work is done


Can we attend then

To this sum

Of all that is

Our Life’s true calling

Held within

This moment’s mourning 


Perhaps our fingers

Chance upon

A dangling thread



A breadcrumb trail

To start the search

Into a box 

Left on a shelf


Refusing there

To be abandoned

This dream still flickers

And calls our name


Wipe tears away

Find packing knife

Unwrap the box

That holds your life


Copyright Dawn Van Win


  1. Yes it means something, to me and to many others. The jumble of our life, adequately displayed in your submitted picture. It all goes together formally trapping a life in amber. Good poignant writing...

  2. Firstly I must congratulate you on this wonderful poem. (a long time coming but worth the wait) I like the short lines and stanzas creating a rhythmic read without the need of punctuation. I love the picture too. as Len has pointed out I would think most persons reading this will be nodding their heads in agreement. Full of wonderful phrasing just one typing error "unraveling" and one word I would change. A poem you should be proud of, very well written.

  3. Descriptive of the pathos of lives alive and dead - a lovely poem.

  4. So beautifully written Dawn.
