
Saturday 26 June 2021



By Rosemary Clarke

By Rosemary Clarke
They bite you here
They bite you there
They bite most blessed anywhere.
The itching almost
Drives you bats
Of course I'm talking about gnats.
And when you're
happy and asleep
Dreaming of those jumping sheep
From near your ear
A little sound
A whine that tells you they're around.
Then you leap up
Turn on the light
But little gnats stay out of sight
Until you sleep
You hear the drone
And wonder if you should leave home.
But Citronella
Candles call
Gnats do not like that stuff at all
So joss sticks, candles
All alight
And little gnats
Will all take fright
Leaving you
To hit the hay
Knowing gnats will stay away.

Copyright Rosemary Clarke


  1. Gnats & mosquitoes, don't know which are worse. Thanks for reminding us, now that Summer is here. Your stanza's are short and pithy as befits the little buggers. thank you for sharing...

  2. Great poem Rosemary and very apt. Liked it a lot.

  3. You must be unlucky Rosemary, nothing seems to bite me, must have horrible blood. Hope you blow your candles out before you go to sleep.
