
Thursday 18 February 2021

Cheerful Ron

 Cheerful Ron

By Sis Unsworth 

Ron was such a cheerful soul, who lived just down our street.

He was always so friendly, to all he chanced to meet,

even if a situation might cause him to be fearful,

he had the reputation of always being cheerful.

Ron fell and broke his leg one day, whilst running for the train,

he laughed and said, “a drop of gin, will soon relieve the pain.”

He always was so cheerful, and never had the blues,

and always cheered the other side, when his football team did lose.

It rained once on his holidays, like stair rods it came down,

we thought he’d come home miserable but Ron didn’t even frown,

in fact it was the opposite, as he stepped from his car,

“I’m glad that it did rain a lot, I could stay there in the bar.”

He surprised us all by moving house; he went one day last week,

Ron said, “but while its empty, go down and have a peek.”

So we went down to his old house, as he had left the key,

we all crept in so quietly, and wondered what we’d see,

I don’t think we were that surprised, and all gave out a cheer!

As now we too were cheerful, he’d left a crate of beer.


Copyright Sis Unsworth


  1. We come to expect that inevitable sting in the tail from Sis & this one does not disappoint. Well written...

  2. "stair Rods" Sis, how many remember those I wonder? Humorous, as usual.
    Cheered me up for the day.

  3. We all love a cheerful chap like Ron.Thanks for cheering us up Sis.x
