
Wednesday 28 July 2021




By Peter Woodgate

I woke up this morning in one of my “what the Hell am I doing here on this God forsaken Earth,” moods.

      I mention God but I am not really sure if He, Her, Gender-neutral being, actually exists.

I suppose that I am what’s known as an Agnostic (that’s rather a posh name for someone who can’t make up their mind). I mean, I could actually call myself a sales director as I try to sell all my rubbish at a boot fair. I could also claim to be a chief accountant when I break open my piggy bank, count the pennies and come to the conclusion that I am bankrupt.

      Yes, there are lots of ego-boosting titles in this world today with God being the supreme one.

This is where I get confused when I look at the Ten Commandments we have been given as our goal to perfection.

      Take jealousy, for instance, It’s known as a sin, but, these are His words not mine, “I am a jealous God and do not want you Worshipping any other idol, like Boris Johnson or Donald Trump.” Another is, “thou shalt not kill,” ever since our first ancestor took a chunk out of the fruit of knowledge, mankind was doomed to the Adamantine fate, in short, we all “pop our clogs.”

       So, God, made Eve, knowing that she would tempt poor Adam into doing something he didn’t ought. However, God also gave us a free mind knowing that a Man would always be tempted by The Fairer sex, well three out of four times so I have heard. Anyway, If I were a lawyer, I would say that this outcome would be known to God and therefore could be deemed as premeditated murder.

      I, have been told, that we have been made in his image, surely this means that God sins too.

A bit like Boris, “one rule for some and one for the rest of us.

    So, is it any wonder that I am unable to make up my mind, and it is at times like this that I am reminded of the last line of a poem by the famous Jewish poet Isaac Rosenberg.

      “Oh, this miasma of a rotting God”

      Confused, well so am I, especially when viewing the abundance of both beauty and horror that surrounds us each day.

      It is enough to drive us insane, well me, anyway.

                                                                                   Copyright Peter Woodgate  


  1. What are you twittering about? Well written as always & quite amusing. Thanks for submitting...

  2. Well said Peter - glad that someone else feels the same way. Cynical we may be but at least we are not mindless sheep (or is that unfair to sheep?)
