
Monday 12 July 2021

A visit to the Zoo & A game of Cards

  A visit to the Zoo…

By Rosemary Clarke

   I haven't visited a zoo since Regents Park when I was a little girl, but there's another type of zoo that I'm always visiting to look at the animals - a sort of wildlife park - I refer to people watching.

I started this a while ago on an idea dreamed up for the Southend Writing Group by Ken Westall, always one to have an idea to get things started, so, to get to the nitty gritty, I sit on a seat, not that there are that many at the moment in Southend - way to go for caring for those who can't stand for very long, yay - I study people going in and out of shops, the way they take their masks off immediately or leave them on in the street, the camaraderie of groups of friends meeting, I could be watching you right now, and making up stories about you and 'you're other self', in my head.

It's an interesting game, it harms no one and helps me build characters, and let's face it, characters, and plots are every writer's stock in trade.



By Rosemary Clarke

Solitaire is a very interesting game, it can teach us a lot about the stupidity of racism in that, you cannot play to win with just red or black, you have to have an amalgamation of both, they must both join together to win.
Just so with people, in fact with all species; as we need cats, dogs, and foxes so we need more obscure wildlife and even spiders and flies to help keep the balance.
Human animals, be they rich or poor, in sedentary work or on building sites are all needed. Every creature on this earth has a purpose, so before you dismiss someone, squash a bug or cut down a tree think, we are all here for a purpose and if that purpose is upset
..that's when the trouble begins and pandemics, tsunamis, forest fires and global warming all carry high the hellish torch of our own making.

Copyright Rosemary Clarke


  1. I can see a link between the two, both relate to our interaction with the world. Life is short, so to live it well we need others and their cooperation. Last night Italy became European Champions, dashing England's hopes. But are we missing the point? We enjoyed a great game but it took two teams to create the spectacle. Well written!

  2. Good points well made Rosemary and Len.

  3. I too like people watching, and also hearing snatches of conversation and different accents as people pass by. I am much less interested in having to listen to someone on their mobile phone who appears oblivious to the fact that all around can hear them!

  4. Thanks Rosemary. So much wisdom in two small paragraphs.
