
Thursday 15 July 2021

Apple Blossom Time

 Apple Blossom Time

By Rosemary Clarke

     The phrase 'apple blossom time' denotes a time of great joy, the ending of troubles and worry, or a time when we had none; WELL WE HAVE NOW IN THE WORLD, WITH FIRE TORNADOES THIS IS SURELY THE WORST, OR IS IT?  But nature can be kind if we are kind back.

     We humans on the whole are lazy, that's why it takes a catastrophe to get us off our backsides and pushing.  Governments can't shift us, even common sense doesn't get through half the time, so how did we get like this?  We all began life filled with hopes and dreams and how we were going to make a difference then, with marriages, mortgages, children, and bills we are blunted: here's one solution.

     If you accept a job you don't like, stay until you get the grades or the mentoring or the thing of your dreams comes along, and then FIGHT!  Yes, fight for your dreams, all of us must regardless of everything because one thing that Covid has given us that is good is a chance to CHANGE!  So follow your dream whatever age, colour or sex you are; if you can't read or write, etc...LEARN - there's plenty of places and with the internet, the world is our oyster!

     What we must all be is the best human beings we can possibly be both to ourselves, others, the planet, and EVERYTHING on it; even the smallest thing like complimenting someone on a bus, train, or at work can make such a difference.  And giving a small sum to a charity of your choice can help those elsewhere; it would only mean a few pounds of your pay packet but mean so much elsewhere and who knows, if we ALL realise our dreams the world could be a better place and we would all have our 'apple blossom time'.

Copyright Rosemary Clarke

1 comment:

  1. Very well rounded, starting and ending with your theme. well done!
