
Friday 8 March 2024

We Walked to School

 We Walked to School


By Sis Unsworth


Through sunny days, or rain filled sky,

dense London smog, or freezing snow,

no cars for us to travel by,

through all seasons, we would go.


Small girls, some dressed in ankle socks,

no matter what the weather.

Hand-knitted scarves, and homemade frocks,

we walked along together


Past the old canal, and market square,

with more friends, we would rally.

Through dingy streets, we would chat in pairs,

As we walked down through the alley.


Though our skin was chapped, by wind and cold,

this was our life, we knew no other,

Walking to school now is a thing of old,

Now it’s off in the car, with Mother.


Copyright Sis Unsworth


  1. You got it girl, things have changed; that's life eh?

  2. Very evocative of an innocent past, an English sadly now gone.
