
Saturday 9 March 2024

A Renku

a renku


from Rob Kingston


published in the British journal, Blithe Spirit yesterday.




nursery garden

a single cherry blossom

in the child’s hand                           rk



roll across the grass                        ak 


on the tin roof

light rain

rousts the sparrows                         db


that summer night more than

father would have approved              rk


her prince

left hugging his pillow 

dreams glass slippers                       pc


the hairpin bend

reveals resting tahrs                         ak 


behind the band shell

a clarinet

gathers dust and rust                        pc


fog slides in 

to join us for hors d'oeuvres              db 


the Man in the Moon

beams gently through

a hospice room                                 ak


SS Kidwelly 

still speaks of its ghosts                     rk



a bonfire

smokes canyon walls                          ak 



for decoding come morning                pc 


Sabaki - Linda Papanicolaou USA

rk - Robert Kingston UK

ak - Amoolya Kamalnath INDIA

db- Don Baird   USA

pc - Pris Campbell.  USA



1 comment:

  1. So now we all know how a Renku is written, very nice...
