
Monday 9 May 2022



By Sis Unsworth

I often think back through the years, my memory stretches far,

When petrol was much cheaper, but so few owned a car.

So understand in those days, a car ride was a treat,

Neighbours were quite envious, if you drove out of our street.

One sunny Sunday afternoon, a knock came at our door,

we rushed to open it at once, and uncle Jim we saw.

An old blue van with windows, he pointed out with glee,

“I am the new proud owner, that van belongs to me.”

Uncle Jim said with a smile, “I’ll take you for a ride,”

so Mum, Dad, Nan and me, we all just climbed inside.

Then Nan sat with uncle Jim, next to the driver’s seat,

he’d have to pick up, Lil and George, who he’d arranged to meet.

I felt so proud as we drove off, I hoped our neighbours saw,

I waved to Mrs Jones, who was standing by her door.

Then we picked up Lil and George, who lived just down our way,

I did feel quite excited, it was a special day.

Uncle Jim said with a smile “I’ll drive down to Thorpe Bay,

and pick up Auntie Alice too, her house is on the way.”

We knocked at Auntie Alice’s, she went back for her hat,

that was when Jim noticed, one tyre had gone flat.

You'll all have to jump out, so I can change the wheel.

The thought that we had broken down made me feel quite ill.

But Uncle Jim soon fixed the tyre, and we started off again,

then when we got to old Thorpe Bay, we had some heavy rain.

We’ll wait here till the rain stops, Uncle Jim did say.

But then the dark clouds emphasised, that it might rain all day.

“Or maybe we should head for home,” he said with heavy heart.

But when he tried to drive us home, the engine wouldn’t start.

Uncle Jim then tried again, then added with a frown,

“I don’t think this will get us home, it seems we’ve broken down.”

Uncle George said, let me try, but he didn’t have a clue,

so Auntie Alice jumped out then and headed for the loo.

Uncle George looked inside, he frowned and scratched his head,

I think that me and Lil will go, into that pub instead.

Nan, Dad, Mum and me, were still inside the van,

A very sad faced uncle Jim said, “I’ve done all I can.”

Auntie Alice then came back, from her visit to the loo,

heard Lil and George were in the pub, so she went in there too.

Still the rain was pouring down, and Nan began to moan,

”I wish I hadn’t come now, I should have stayed at home.”

Uncle Jim got angry, he said “I’ve done my best.”

He’d tried to get it started; now he’d like to have a rest.

Aunt Alice came back from the pub, to say she’d lost her hat.

George and Lil both came back, George tripped and fell down flat

Lil tried to help him up again, with help from uncle Jim,

They got him to the old blue van, and we pushed him in.

Then we tried to get some sleep, as we had to stay the night

We heard someone knocking on the door, it gave us all a fright.

So uncle Jim peered outside, then gave a second look,

It was a policeman standing there, opening his notebook.

“Are you the owner of this van?” He said both loud and clear,

“you cannot park here overnight, so move it out of here.”

Uncle Jim then explained, “the van it just won’t go.

The policeman said "I’ll take a look or else I’ll get a tow,"

popping the hood he checked it through, said with a cheerful grin,

“If you want to drive this van back home, then put some petrol in!!”


Copyright Sis Unsworth



1 comment:

  1. Another Sis Special, you've excelled again, with your own unique ending (punch line). Well done!
