
Monday 23 May 2022

Aunt Mabels Easter Surprise 1

 Aunt Mabels Easter Surprise 1

By Sis Unsworth

Aunt Mabel called at Easter, we couldn’t believe our eyes.

Just to see her standing there, was a great surprise.

Grandad nearly tumbled, and had to hold the gate,

Grandma, wanted smelling salts, she feared that she would faint.

Mum and Dad stood staring, their mouths were open wide

Our tom cat he arched his back, and scurried back inside.

Aunt Mabel she was standing there, a smile from ear to ear,

“Aren’t you going to ask me in, don’t keep me standing here!”

She made a real grand entrance, looking rather smug,

she laughed and said, “don’t I look good?” and gave our Dad a hug.

“Do you think I look much younger?” she then began to gloat

and smiled as she removed, her classy faux fur coat.

“Look I’ve lost five stone in weight; I’m always at the gym,

It’s years since you last saw me, so admit I do look slim.

I’ve bought a whole new wardrobe; this is a size ten frock,

I expect you are all speechless, because you’ve had a shock.”

Grandad was the first to speak, and slowly shook his head.

“The reason that we’re all surprised, we all thought you were dead!”


Copyright Sis Unsworth

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