
Thursday 16 September 2021

Cheilin Saga ~ 18

 Cheilin Saga ~ 18 History Teaches…

By Len Morgan 

 Dan was aware that, whenever he appeared in public, there was a possibility that somebody would attempt to take his life.   At sixty, death held no fear for him; he knew it to be coming closer with each passing day.   But, was that not the case for everyone?   He’d witnessed the heroic deaths of young men, with a whole life ahead of them, dieing eagerly fighting for one futile ideal or another.   He had witnessed old men, barely able to breathe, shamelessly wasting their breath, begging for a few moments more.  But, death did not waver or hesitate.   When it is your time, you go; there is no choice.

  His grandfather was of the 7th Clan, but that ceased to be relevant when he was elected to Emperor ‘Light of the World’.   Dan recalled a story he’d been told a hundred times seated on the old man's knee…


‘The Knodd,’ he explained, were the twelve Oybun - Clan chiefs, traditionally called to elect a new leader when there was no legal heir of succession.  They were called to gather, following the demise of Ossamon IX, who died childless, aged 18, from ingesting a virulent poison for which there was no antidote.   His father died a year earlier, from the effects of a similar brew.   All members of the kitchen staff were under suspicion so when the judiciary failed to identify the guilty party they were all summarily executed.   This did not prevent the son from sharing his father’s fate.


   Initially, there were twelve candidates, ‘the chosen', one from each Clan, each a potential Emperor.   The Oybun would rank them from 1 to 12, in the order they would most like to see them become Emperor.   After four rounds of voting, there were just two candidates, Yvdrx of the 5th Clan and Daidan of the 7th.   The Knodd vote was tied at 6 to 6.   Several hours passed as they discussed how they could proceed.   Finally, the decision was to do a countback over the previous two rounds and discover who consistently received the highest votes.   Consequently, Daidan was named ‘Emperor Designate’ the decision to be ratified one month from that day.   At that ceremony, he would be formally named Emperor Daidan I, ‘Light of the World’.   From that day on, all his Clan affiliations would be severed.   His forces and staff would be recruited equally from all the Clans.   The other eleven candidates would be installed as the new Oybun - Clan leaders.   The final official act of the ‘Knodd’, the old council of leaders, was to elect the new Emperor.   Unlike the other Clans, the 7th Clan would install Daidan’s deputy as their new Oybun.  

   Daidan I, would then create a dynasty to rule the Cheilin Empire for so long as there were legitimate heir’s.


   As far back as historic records go, there has never been an Emperor from the 5th Clan.   Each of the others had produced at least one dynasty.   The 4th 9th & 11th had all produced two, whilst the 7th had produced three including Daidan I.   The 5th were very dissatisfied with the outcome of the final vote.   They believed to a man that Yvdrx was the rightful ‘Emperor Designate’ they believed that a Knodd at stalemate should have sought other means to break the deadlock.   The other candidates should have been given a vote; Yvdrx had always been the favourite with his fellow candidates even in the beginning when there were still twelve prospects.   The system provided a number of alternatives, in the event of a deadlock, to ensure a decision would be reached.   Hand-to-hand combat was the popular choice of the 5th Clan, their man was a blades man without equal.   But the Knodd had chosen to employ a count-back, by 7 to 5, thus effectively robbing Yvdrx and his seed of their considered birthright.

  History records that the 5th Clan laid siege to the Eternal City, in protest.   An army stood at each of the four gates, demanding that the Knodd should be reconvened, to right the perceived injustice.   The Knodd however could only be convened when there was no Heir apparent.


   Yvdrx issued a public challenge to Daidan, reasoning that the ‘’Heir Designate’ was not Emperor.


  Daidan’s first counselor pointed out that he was not honour bound to meet the challenge.   He had an official champion who should answer it on his behalf.   It was even suggested that he would not be permitted, by law, to fight a duel to the death.

 “He was still seventeen days from ratification, therefore fair game,” reasoned Yvdrx.

“If you kill me you will automatically be debarred from the election,” Daidan pointed out.

“That may be so, but my son will stand in my stead,” the new Oybun replied stony faced.    

“And if I kill you?” asked Daidan.

“Then all 5th opposition will vanish.   My family will become your most loyal supporters, and your dynasty will be assured, unto the end of your line,” said Yvdrx, “but that is not going to happen is it?   No doubt, you will hide behind the office and claim immunity.”

“The honorific ‘Light of the World’ stands for unity,” said Daidan.   “If the 5th are aggrieved, that unity is in question and with it the future stability of Empire.”


 “My lord do not think that way, you have nothing to prove, he is noted as the finest swordsman in the 5th Clan.   You are unlikely to best him,” the first counselor pleaded.  

“The interests of this Empire, and its unity, are paramount and must at all times be preserved,” said Daidan quietly.   “Yvdrx!   You have your showcase, we meet at first light tomorrow, I hope you are man enough to live with the consequences.”

“My son shall be the next Emperor,” he yelled with delight.    “Say your farewells to the world Daidan.”   

Daidan only smiled politely.


“I want him and his son incapacitated if he fails to take the field he will lose by default and no blood will be spilled.   If he does take the field it will be in a weakened state and I ought to be able to best him.”  

“It shall be so ‘Light of the World’,” said his first counselor.


As Daidan lay awake contemplating the approach of daybreak, a figure slipped through his window.

“Who is that!”   He demanded.

“Your counsellor will play you false this night,” the shadow figure warned.   “You will be fighting a man in his prime, full of vigour, and confident in his ability to prevail.  However, you must believe that you are the better man and convince Yvdrx that you are, in order to justify the confidence of the twelve.   I have here a blade, which will give you an advantage.   A man who is not of this world crafted it, for just such this situation.   Try it for balance,” he said offering the blade...”

“Your name first if you please,” said Daidan I.  

“I am from Chinake far to the north, I am known as Wizomi the storyteller, but my talents are not limited to stories. 

“Chinake, are you of the wierding way?” Daidan asked with suspicion.

Wizomi smiled, “You have heard of my tiny village,” he said with pride.   “My mission is to see you through the morrow.   Now take the weapon, it is unique, be assured there is not another like it in existence.   Feel how light and responsive it is?   We call it a living blade it amplifies your confidence and ability but it is a double-edged blade; pardon the pun,” He snickered briefly.   “It will deflect heavy blows, with the minimum of effort on your part, and will absorb the impact of any heavy weapon as though it were willow twig.   Your opponent is fast and confident, but he will be defeated, and I will demonstrate how you will accomplish it.”

(To be continued)

Copyright Len Morgan

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