
Tuesday 10 August 2021



Peter Woodgate

Shapes and angles should unlock

The future of life’s ticking clock

So Pete had thought, when catching sight

Of mystic stones, they’d shed a light

On his dull and miserable life

And a hard graft job full of strife.

There should be better things ahead,

A girlfriend who would share his bed,

A better job with better pay,

These stones, he thought, would show the way.

Instructions too were found within,

The silken pouch so soft and thin.

Well Pete, quite rightly, thought he ought

To read the message, then he’d be taught

On how to read each ancient stone,

His future then, it would be shown.

So, he read them, through and through

But poor Pete, he had no clue.

For each stone studied, caught him out,

He got frustrated then he’d shout.

Was it acute? Maybe obtuse,

He couldn’t tell, it was no use.

Pete asked his mum, she was nice

And gave poor Pete some good advice.

“You know that woman, three doors down

She will help,” Pete gave a frown.

Despite his lack of trust, he went

To see the women, then he spent

His last ten quid to gain her knowledge

But she just sat and ate her porridge.

Pete looked at her, thought what’s your angle

She showed her wrist, twisted the bangle.

Eventually, she did ask Pete

To take his gear off, show his feet,

Then threw the stones upon the floor

Asked Pete to dance, and a whole lot more.

Pete, it seemed had got his wish,

Although the women was no dish.

Excitement dawned from that day on

They were a team and made a bomb

By casting stones for simple folk

This is the truth it aint no joke.

Although the readings were just trash

They made an awful lot of cash,

Produced an advert “EXPERT READINGS”

Phone us now to start proceedings.

So Pete and “her” from three doors down

Are millionaires, they bought the town,

So, should you come across some runes

Whistle and hum some happy tunes,

For you could make a fortune too

And have a future you won’t rue.


Copyright Peter Woodgate


  1. Yea, that's exactly what they do, but millionaires is that true? well written and I didn't convert the text to VERDANA as is my wont.

  2. Brilliant poem, Peter. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Just wondering what VERDANA is?
