
Sunday 18 February 2024

Valentine Surprise

 Valentine Surprise

Jane Goodhew


As Naomi looked out of the window, she could see the mist close over the hill in the distance and wondered if her visitors would be able to find their way if it changed to a thick fog. Just as quickly as the negative thought entered her mind, she turned it around and told herself it would be the best event that Woodward Hall had ever known and would ever be likely to. Her sisters had all married and she was the last of the line yet she was the oldest but she had saved herself for the one who she had always known was her soul mate.  He was just slow in realising it or the time was never right, always some excuse, tonight he would be amongst the guests and she would make herself irresistible and charm personified.

Time stood still as it does when you want it to fly past but this evening, she wished for the reverse for it to speed up and be over before it had even begun, figurately speaking of course. The servants had been busy decorating the hall and preparing the food and all the bedrooms for the many guests who were expected to attend. The penultimate hour had arrived and then the phone rang, who could be ringing at this point she thought but nonetheless had no alternative but to answer it as strangely no one else had.

“Hello, 743”, a voice she did not recognise at the end of the line said “Naomi Page?”. “Yes” she replied, “can I help you?”  “Yes, if you would fetch your coat and get into the waiting car.”  “Surely you cannot be serious, I am having a party this evening and the guests are due shortly is this someone’s idea of a joke and under whose instructions are you working?”

The line went dead and so did all the lights in the house and everywhere seemed as silent as the grave, what was happening and where were all the staff they seemed to have vanished off the face of the earth. Bright headlights shone through the French windows into the hall and she realised that the car was outside; curiosity got the better of her and she grabbed her coat and went towards the tall man who was dressed as a chauffeur and held the door to the Austin Sidley open and stepped in, thinking that perhaps she was being rather rash and far too trusting as she had no idea who he was or who had organised this?

When they arrived at the hotel it also was in darkness, had they too had a power cut, surely not as the other homes seemed to be lit up, so what was happening? The chauffeur opened the door and taking her hand, led her through the entrance and then he placed hers into a hand that was small and soft, and she realised was that of her younger sister Rebecca, what was going on?  Rebecca turned on a small torch and they walked in silence to one of the ground floor bedrooms. The room was dimly lit but, on the bed, she saw a beautiful midnight blue evening dress with matching shoes and in the comfortable looking armchairs were her other sisters. Why were they all there when they were supposed to be at hers, nothing made sense, but she loved adventure and went along with it without asking any questions as she too also liked surprises?

Once she had changed into the dress, they took her in silence to the banqueting hall and when the double doors were opened, she saw that the room was full of all her guests and staff and in the centre was the man of her dreams. He looked at her and smiled taking a step towards


her he whispered in her ear “ You look lovely tonight my beautiful one.” Then in a voice that could be heard by all, he said “Will you do the honour of becoming my wife”  and once again taking her hand he produced from his inner pocket the most sparkling sapphire and diamond ring she had ever seen, her eyes glistened with tears as she could hardly believe what was being said and moving as close as she could she kissed him gently and said “I would love to, just say when”.

The room filled with music and as if by magic and military precision,  all her friends and family moved into rows leaving space in the middle for them to walk down and from behind the partition appeared the Reverend Parsons and as her best friend and husband stepped into view the music changed to here comes the bride.  Naomi looked totally dumbfounded, it had all been organised without her knowledge, he had obtained a special licence, and bought not just an engagement ring but also his and hers matching platinum wedding bands, was there anything he had forgotten?       



The marriage took place, the meal, dancing and then the clock struck midnight and the chauffeur appeared again.  This time Mr and Mrs Jasper Rice set off to start their life together, first they went to the airport to fly out to Venice to spend their honeymoon and have a blessing at St Mark’s Square which had always been her dream.

The evening had been perfect and more than she could ever have imagined, certainly more than she had only 6 hours earlier presumed would happen. She had hoped that he would finally ask her to move in with him but never this, never happy ever as his wife and would be for life.  This really had been the best Valentine's Surprise ever  x       


Copyright Jane Goodhew


  1. A sentiment in keeping with the day, sorry it is a trifle late...

  2. A dream come true?
