
Monday 12 February 2024



By Bob French

We had expected them to return, but did not know when.  They had landed on the planet in their period called 1969; danced around like children, planted a flag, then left.  Since then, our intelligence systems have monitored five further landings where they attempted to remove rocks of no scientific value. Each time, we closely monitored their behavior and distorted any research and samples they attempted to remove from the surface, to preserve the integrity of the planet we observed from, named Moon. 

There have also been many machines aimed at the Moon, with no man on board.  Those that made a successful landing were intercepted and treated in the same way by our scientists as those machines that were manned. Those that crashed into the surface, we studied the remains and found them to be poor quality and inferior to our technology.

It took over a hundred-man years, since their period of 1510, when we first set up our observation platform on Moon, for the Elders, who guided and directed our mission from many solar systems back into the cosmos, to decide to infiltrate the planet named Earth with our own people to increase the gathering of intelligence.  

Our original findings found that the atmosphere on Earth was poisonous to our people, though the behavior of the weather pattern was perfect for our way of life.  After receiving instructions from our Elders, we began to slowly dissipate the Nitrogen Dioxide from the atmosphere then gradually thin the protective layer of ozone gas that protected Earth from the star they called Sun. We knew from experience that if this process was done slowly and carefully, no harm would come to the construction and environment of Earth.  Once Earth has been cleansed, we would start the process of occupation by our people.

When we reported our scientific findings to the Elders in the man period of 2003, we were informed to stop the operation and await their decision before continuing the final stages of the cleansing process. Our Mission Chief protested that if we stopped the operation halfway through its course, Earth would suffer greatly and the mission would be a failure.

The communication we received from the Elders was full and to the point and covered many facts about the planet Earth.  It was not what we expected. 

Unbeknown to our scientific research team on Moon, those of our people who had been sent to occupy Earth had been reporting back to the Elders on the behavior of man.  Their report began in the year of 1760, when man had discovered machinery causing over two-hundred-man years in which the cleanliness of their atmosphere had been badly compromised.  Whilst we noted this at the time, it did not interfere with our cleansing process, ignored it.

However, the Elders chose to highlight the fact that as this unexpected man-made pollution had unbalanced the climate and distorted our programme findings. They stated that the process of our thinning of the ozone layer surrounding Earth and the depletion of nitrogen oxide, the temperature of the planet had increased each year, it had started to cause adverse effects to the environment.  The surface of the planet was heating up causing great cracks in its surface, the sea levels were increasing as the ice caps on the planet were melting and the rains and winds were intensifying, causing much destruction on the planet.

According to our programmed research findings we are just inside the safety parameters for the completion of phase one of the process, and would soon start to replace the ozone with melphodite gas and the Nitrogen Oxide with Chloride Methane.  But they seemed to ignore this in our report.

The final part of the report, which covered the period of 1870 to 2023 told of man as a primitive being, choosing violence to solve problems rather than negotiation; Of ignoring those who daily struggled with survival.  Greed and corruption seemed to be the tool of advancement in their species and lastly, which the Elders could not understand, was that man waged war in the belief that a higher being, which no one had seen or heard speak, guides them to do such things. They consider that man will not change their ways, so all attempts at colonizing Moon by them must be discouraged.

The final decision was on a separate page to the report.  All it said was


Copyright Bob French


  1. well written, and good logic in the final statement ... {LTB}

  2. Great story.loved the punchy ending
