
Wednesday 12 October 2022



Peter Woodgate 

I hear that it must grow and grow,

The latest from Mis Trust and Co.

We all must have jobs that pay more

So why the strikes, are we so sure.

There are lots of mundane jobs to do

But poorly paid, is that a clue.

These basic jobs are our foundation,

They are essential in creation.

Tower blocks, they need a base,

They may be hidden, without a face

But we ignore them at our peril,

And our growth may well be sterile.

Each bud that blooms does so through roots

They must be fed or else they die,

And starved of their essential needs

The blossoms fall, alas you sigh.

Growth is structured and should ensure

There’s no huge gap between rich and poor.

This future pie, it must be made

Each ingredient with a proper measure,

The crust atop should share the glory

And when sliced, expose the treasure.


Of course, you may think,

That this is just barmy,

I look back to the slave trade,

The Miners, the Hierarchy.




Peter Woodgate  Oct 2022





  1. Interesting Peter, nice allegory, well conceived.

  2. But don't you realise Peter, what we need is growth, growth, growth?
    And if people aren't satisfied with what they earn, - then they should just go out and get another one!!!
