
Sunday 4 September 2022

Tylywoch ~ 24

 Tylywoch ~ 24  Captive II

 by Len Morgan

   They had to break down the door to Vadeem's rooms, both he and Lakei were trussed like turkeys, both would have preferred continued bondage to the company of Glamhorten, beautiful as her eighteen-year-old body was, but their choices were limited.

"Look at me!" she commanded and Vadeem knew just how limited his choices were.   His eyes were drawn to hers like lodestone to iron.   He felt his free will leeching away and realised, that her age was an illusion, but her eyes could not lie.   He tried to avert his gaze but she had him like a candle flame holds a moth.   He realised his chances of survival were slim, her eyes seemed to grasp him physically, he was hers and she knew it.   She smiled without emotion.   He felt an itch inside his skull, it seemed to slither around inside his skull cold and slimy, but it moved as though it were alive.   He shivered involuntarily.   He scratched at his head and face sweat breaking out on his brow, he began to drool, exhibit terror, while making pitiful animal noises and cries.   He felt ice water trickle down his spine, as a primordial scream filled his being, shattering his mind, his thoughts, memories, and values;   sundering them in all directions like shards of ice.   She snuggled contentedly into his mind like a new born kitten, it was warm and embryonic.   He shivered and cried, shaking spasmodically, as she reassembled the shards of his memory in the order of her choosing.   She licked her lips.  "Kiss me!" she commanded inside his mind.   He could taste and feel her soft moist lips, smell her sweet breath, and yearned to please her in any way she commanded.   His life would be unfulfilled until she asked…   He cried like a new-born child, which is what he had become, her child.

Lakei saw what she had done with Vadeem in just a few moments, and determined it would not happen to him.   He hurled himself at her with an angry snarl but after three steps felt an irresistible force pushing him to the ground.   He came to his knees, but never felt the force of the cold steel that cleaved through his left shoulder, cutting to the waist.   He was dead before the cut was completed.   Vadeem smiled with contentment as he wiped his bloody sword on Lakei's tunic before sheathing it.   "How else can I be of service mistress?" He asked with a pleading look, all free will gone from his eyes.   She completely lost interest in men when that happened, it seemed such a shame to have to dominate them in that way but it was the only way to be sure of their loyalty.

"Go find Galyx and bring him to me, take the guards with you." She commanded.

Vadeem snapped to attention "yes mistress he said bowing.   "You three with me!" he yelled as he turned away from her.

"The girl?" she said aloud…

Wilden jumped to attention and signaled to a sergeant at the door "you and your men, with me now!"  As he left she was scolding the remaining guards.

"What are you waiting for?   Get that carrion out of here!" she kicked Lakei's corpse. 

She returned to her bed-chamber and the mind of Taleen.  She continued speaking to him directly; mind to mind. 'It may be taxing dear heart but, you must keep it together!   The future of the religion is dependent upon your actions over the next few weeks.   If you take the Cheilin Empire we will have a springboard from which to launch our assault on the rest of Abbalar.   Our future will then be assured.   Our army of occupation is even now, decamping on the other side of the river Stalbech at Tain Point.   They will cross by sailing craft at the appointed time and with stealth will take and hold the forts at Ricc, Sticol, and Teel.   

Then, with luck they should also be able to take Stokk, Bago, and Foldic,' dots lit on the map in her mind, 

Then Bedelaq appeared, in a green haze.   'We will then control the whole of the eastern region, and be ready to march on the lands occupied by the 1st & 2nd Clans who will not be expecting an attack from without.   We then move on to take the 11th and engulf the 12th and 10th from either side and from within for they will surely capitulate against superior numbers.   We then cut off Northern access from the 3rd & 8th who will sue for terms.   We then assimilate the 4th 5th 6th & 7th in succession over the next few years, whilst continuing to pour in reinforcements from Bluttland.   We then spread out from the centre mopping up the forts in isolation as we go, striking North at the Huren, Kurdik States, and the Meyam, then beyond.   There is no limit but it all hinges on you!"   She felt Bedelacq's presence leave her as the sickly haze dispersed she visibly relaxed.   But, she did wonder, at his ultimate goal the whole of Abbalar?  Then What... 

(To be Continued)

By Len Morgan

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