
Tuesday 9 August 2022

Tylywoch ~ 22

 Tylywoch ~ 22  Travellers III 

By Len Morgan

   Aldor had been busy raising a force to infiltrate the Eternal City, and restore the balance.   Things were not moving as fast as planned.   This years harvest was not good which didn’t make the provisioning of an army any easier, but they still had to be fed.   Gathering the supplies required, without stripping the countryside, was something of a conjuring trick. 

Dealing with a coupe was not as simple as dealing with external invaders.   The majority of people caught up in it were not enemies, neither was it their fault.   Even the majority of the 9th clan were not engaged in the conspiracy and therefore not their enemy.   Most were not even aware of what was happening.   Most of their troops thought they were bringing criminals to justice.   Even Taleen was more misguided than guilty of true evil; he thought he was in the right… 

Aldor had visited the 9th clan and spoken with Taleen’s new bride Bianne, daughter of the Meyam Ambassador.   She and her father had tried to dissuade him, but his Blutt advisors had set him on a course from which he would not be turned, he was firmly in the clutches of the Surbatt.   The man Wilden was an accomplished plausible and persuasive speaker, and that woman Glamhorten, has an even greater hold on him…  

Aldor didn’t even know for definite that the Empress still lived, though he suspected as much, or that the coupe had stalled.   He knew that Galyx and Weilla were in the city somewhere attempting to turn the conventional forces and ensure the Empress would not remain a prisoner in her own palace indefinitely.    Had she been dead, by now he would have been informed.   Aldor had, by default, been allotted the task of surgeon; responsible for cutting away the bad, without overly damaging the healthy parts of Cheilin society. 


Weilla was conscious of being observed.  The feeling had persisted since the attack on the store.   Being Tylywoch, she'd long since developed a sixth sense about such things, and being aware of his presence she was able to play cat and mouse games with him.   Once she had sight of him, the tables were effectively turned.   Once He had lost sight of her she was then able to follow him.   Before very long the path led to the Emerald Palace where he slipped behind a hedge of vines and into the building proper through a hidden doorway.

She was tempted to follow, but something held her back, training, instinct, she didn't know which but it had served her well in the past and she couldn't risk taking chances at this stage of the game, given her role in it.   Her responsibility now was to all, not simply herself, she couldn't allow herself the luxury of self-indulgence.

She returned to the shop to quiz Galt & Amree.   They both knew the man she described, his name was Wilden; he was a close associate of Prince Taleen.

"This man is dangerous," Galt said "I think it's time to seek an alternative base.   In urban areas like this, it's harder to pass unnoticed for any length of time." 

"We could pass you on to another family group on the other side of the city," Amree suggested. 

"That would be wise, but at this moment he doesn't know that I suspect…" 

"It's possible he's better than we think.   What if he was trying to lure you through that door," said Amree "maybe we should apprehend him…"

"My thoughts exactly." Said Galt. 

"I'm inclined to agree, but we need to know what they plan and he is the closest to Taleen bar Glamhorten, and she it was who introduced him to the prince when she was his nurse.   I'm inclined to stay here and observe, for the time being at least." 

"You're in charge, it's your decision but, don't think that if you can open up his mind you can discover how they think." Said Amree "My father spent many years in Bluttland, he was convinced the whole race is totally obsessed with spreading that vile religion of their, god of vengeance Bedelacq.   During the conjunction, twice yearly - when the red moon occludes the blue, each village or community sheds the blood of hundreds of their own kind acting as if it were a celebration.   All that bloodshed in his name, such a waste, animals and humans the latter is more potent." said Amree shaking her head sadly.

"Her father was killed in one of those rituals," Galt explained. 


"Wilden, we are running out of time!   Apprehend the Red guard and those Tylywoch or your life will be short and very painful.  The conjunction is almost upon us." she hissed hypnotically, eyes closed, she went into his mind and shut off his optic nerves and activated his fear senses, "can you feel the rats scratching at your belly trying to get out…?" 

"Aaah!   I understand" he gasped perspiration breaking out on his forehead.

"If Taleen is not declared emperor tomorrow, it will be too late!   For all of us, do you understand?"  

"Yes…   Yes Mistress!" 

"If Bedelacq does not receive his blood feast at the allotted time he will…"  she mentally squeezed his large intestine from the inside, disrupting its peristaltic action.  "Do I have to say it?"  He turned pale and doubled up in agony. "We must capture the throne room and produce the little slut's body to prove the Tylywoch failed, then we can execute them all in HIS name."

"Yes mistress," he gasped "We have the Red guard trapped in the Labyrinth of tunnels beneath the palace, and a force of five hundred heading for the throne room as we speak.   All are tried and trusted members of the Surbatt.   If by a miracle she did survive they will finish the job properly this time.   Galyx though is still at large but he will be apprehended it's just a matter of time.   The girl is a totally different quarry, we know where she is, and with a dozen guards I shall take her without trouble."

"Do not underestimate her because of her age and sex Wilden, I can protect you only so far…"


   Empress Veille, 34th ruler of the Cheilin Empire, sat in meditation beside the body of her long time friend Cholou, an eighteen-year-old Tylywoch, who had sacrificed her life to save her Empress.   They had been very close, but now they were apart.   Cholou lay cold and still in the small anteroom, dressed in the finest gown, an Empress in all but name.   She looked down at the painted face cheeks and lips rouged warm and red with cochen;   Eyes dark with kohl; so regal, in death, so much the Empress.   Cholou was one of six body doubles with similar facial features to Veille, she was the best, looking at her face was like looking into a mirror.   She had officiated at as many state functions as Veille herself, allowing her mistress to mingle amongst the visiting dignitaries as a normal person.   She mourned the loss of her friend, she'd always known it could happen, but never really believed it would.   Veille in contrast wore simple Tylywoch working clothes and spent most of her time training, exercising, and improving her weapon skills.   It was only a matter of time before the final assault.   She expected to die anonymously and honestly in combat.   She stirred from her thoughts, realising that Ferrice the young captain of her honour guard was beside her.

"It seems terrible to admit it but, this is the most exhilarating and exciting time of my life" she said smiling wanly, "Does that shock you?" 

He smiled, "No, strangely it doesn't.   We may now be close to death but, in truth, I have never felt more alive." 

In moments she would be practicing hand-to-hand combat.   Looking into a mirror she saw a fit lithe healthy young woman.   The person staring back at her was someone she scarcely recognised.   "Ferrice, I understand you once had a near-death experience.   Do you feel you live on borrowed time?"

Yes and no" he answered thoughtfully.   "Life is not a gift, but a loan that we all have to repay eventually.   I will simply enjoy it for what it is and for as long as it lasts."   He smiled warmly and took her hand, "I--we all wish you a long life, ‘Light of the World’."    He led her out from the anteroom, into the Doho, where their senses were assuaged by the Musky scent of sweating bodies, humidity, and the curses of protagonists breathing heavily from their exertions on the rhandori mats; neither lessened as they entered.  Only the Doho master commanded respect here, she was but an acolyte.   Outside the Doho if she requested they commit ritual suicide it would be done instantly without question.   Here she was a student learning skills her life may soon depend upon, if they went easy on her she might approach combat with the wrong attitude then her life and all she stood for would be lost.

Veille and Ferrice bowed low to show their respect for the Sempai, who nodded in their direction giving permission for them to enter the Doho.

(To be continued)

Copyright Len Morgan

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