
Wednesday 10 August 2022

The Heatwave

 The Heatwave


By Sis Unsworth


The heat did so engulf us, those days not long ago,

a Sun that reigned supreme, so intensely it did glow.

Our streets were isolated, as midday came too soon,

While men and dogs took shelter, throughout the afternoon.

trains were often cancelled, as rail lines were affected,

the heat they warned was coming, was hotter than expected.

Many fires were started, and they so quickly spread,

Engulfed by an inferno, fields blazed, in flames so red.

Homes were set ablaze, and people had to flee,

panic and despair, on their faces you could see.

If this is Global Warming, it’s a really scary sight,

At last, it’s getting cooler, and we can sleep at night.

But we must try, to change our ways, before it is too late,

to start a war with nature, will surely seal our fate!


Copyright Sis Unsworth

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