
Saturday 5 March 2022

Waiting for Spring

 Waiting for Spring

 By Sis Unsworth 

The first day of Spring, I heard the news,

It may blow away all those dark winter blues.

Alas, as I peered through my window that day,

the whole world seemed dark, gloomy and grey.

No sign of the sun, to shine from on high,

or fluffy white clouds to grace a blue sky.

There were some early flowers to brighten the earth,

and a blackbird a singing for all it was worth.

But still it was cloudy, dismal and grey,

no real sign of spring, on that dull dreary day.

Then in my diary, I saw a new date,

What it had to convey was, we all have to wait.

“Vernal Equinox”, that heralds in spring,

Third Sunday in March, is when it begins.

So I’ll wait for that day, with anticipation,

to light up our lives, and cheer up our nation.

If life is uncertain, as the experts all say,

then I’ll patiently wait, for the first spring like day.


Copyright Sis Unsworth


  1. Nice poetry, and now I will forever turn to it to find out the first day of spring. Thank you Sis!
