
Thursday 17 March 2022



By June Druce

I have written about all kinds of things

Even about a snail and his house

I have written about a frog on his lily-pad

I have put pen to paper about a mouse.

And now I am going to write about my poo, no less

A special poo, to be exact

It must be special because the doctors have saved it

And sent it to a lab to get data and fact.

They think it is clostridium difficuli

What a name to give a poo

I bet he never thought when he appeared

He would be named, what a posh name too.

I feel sorry for all the other poos

They just get washed away

My clostridium difficuli poo

Will be remembered to this very day.

So, to all the poos, that go down the pan

Your brief entrance was for a short while

But my one will go down in history

I am so proud, it makes me smile.


June Druce 16 March 2022


  1. I first had a picture of Winnie the Pooh here; thought you'd spelt it wrong! Then I read it... Personally I enjoyed it, others might find it indigestible, (or in bad taste), the kids would love it, and still be smiling. Well done June! It's the turd best poem I've read this month!
