
Tuesday 12 March 2024

Rory of the Rovers

 Rory of the Rovers

By Len Morgan

For three years, Rory Miller had been the top scorer for Melchester Rovers, ever since Jason Fairfax, his friend, had been sold to Coryton United.  So, Rory became Melchester’s star player until he was callously hacked down by his ex-friend Jason in a game against Coryton United.  Rory came away with a broken leg and dislocated hip he was out of the game, flying a wheelchair for the foreseeable future.  He still attended all the training sessions and games, as a coach, encouraging the younger players, like Alan Peters who was currently wearing his No.9 shirt.


Peters was young, not another Rory but he was a good player and given time would be a great player.  He just needed to gain experience.  Melchester lost their next game and drew the following two.


Rory ran through the first game, in his mind, and dreamed it that night, with himself in Alan’s boots.  He knew exactly what had gone wrong, and gave Alan appropriate advice plus some extra training.  The next two games showed improvement but were both draws. 


Then came the return fixture with Coryton United.  A few nights before the game, Rory dreamed of the match.  Jason Fairfax pulled the same crippling stunt on Alan that had sidelined Rory.  He warned Alan, telling him when it was likely to happen.


He was on the sideline during the first half but hadn’t slept well the previous night. His wheelchair was parked in the dugout with the management team when the second half started, but he was drowsy and dozed off.


 He began to dream, he was on the pitch.  The right-back passed him the ball and he headed for goal; as he did so Fairfax slid in with his dangerous tackle, Rory jumped and the attack missed its target.  He shot and the ball went into the top right corner.  Alan turned to find Fairfax writhing in agony; he’d twisted his knee and pulled a hamstrung muscle.


The roar of the crowd woke Rory from his doze, in time to see Alan’s celebration at scoring the winning goal!


Later, Alan related his experience.

“It was almost as if my body had been taken over by somebody else.  When I started my run on goal, I did it exactly as Rory would have done.”


“Except it was you Alan, now I think the Rovers have an excellent player in my place.  I reckon I’ll have trouble winning my place back when I finally get fit,” he smiled and patted Alan on the back. “Nice one!”


Copyright Len Morgan

Saturday 9 March 2024

A Renku

a renku


from Rob Kingston


published in the British journal, Blithe Spirit yesterday.




nursery garden

a single cherry blossom

in the child’s hand                           rk



roll across the grass                        ak 


on the tin roof

light rain

rousts the sparrows                         db


that summer night more than

father would have approved              rk


her prince

left hugging his pillow 

dreams glass slippers                       pc


the hairpin bend

reveals resting tahrs                         ak 


behind the band shell

a clarinet

gathers dust and rust                        pc


fog slides in 

to join us for hors d'oeuvres              db 


the Man in the Moon

beams gently through

a hospice room                                 ak


SS Kidwelly 

still speaks of its ghosts                     rk



a bonfire

smokes canyon walls                          ak 



for decoding come morning                pc 


Sabaki - Linda Papanicolaou USA

rk - Robert Kingston UK

ak - Amoolya Kamalnath INDIA

db- Don Baird   USA

pc - Pris Campbell.  USA



Friday 8 March 2024

We Walked to School

 We Walked to School


By Sis Unsworth


Through sunny days, or rain filled sky,

dense London smog, or freezing snow,

no cars for us to travel by,

through all seasons, we would go.


Small girls, some dressed in ankle socks,

no matter what the weather.

Hand-knitted scarves, and homemade frocks,

we walked along together


Past the old canal, and market square,

with more friends, we would rally.

Through dingy streets, we would chat in pairs,

As we walked down through the alley.


Though our skin was chapped, by wind and cold,

this was our life, we knew no other,

Walking to school now is a thing of old,

Now it’s off in the car, with Mother.


Copyright Sis Unsworth

Monday 4 March 2024

Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel 

By Sis Unsworth

‘I would have liked a guardian angel,’ he heard the old man sigh,

‘I’ve never had much luck in life,’ he looked towards the sky,

I didn’t win the lottery, a race, or premium bond,

Or even bought that great big house, of which I’d been so fond,

I really had to work hard, no handouts there for me,

I couldn’t find a pot of gold, or shake the money tree,

If I’d had a guardian angel, what riches would be mine?

I’d be so very happy now, my life would be just fine.’


You didn’t hear the whisper or the murmur in the breeze?

‘But all your life I’ve been with you,’ the angel said with ease,

you never suffered illness or had to beg for more,

And who do you think protected you when you went off to war?

I thought you’d count your blessings when I helped you to this stage,

Others weren’t so lucky and never reached your age,

You’ve had a long and healthy life, but how little have you grown,

It’s now you’ll need me most of all ~ see how you cope alone.’

                                                   Copyright Sis Unsworth  


The Estuary ~ (A Conversation)

 The Estuary  ~ (A Conversation) 

By Janet Baldey 

“So, any luck today?” 

“Firstly,”  I held up a finger.  “It was such a lovely day, I decided to take a walk along the estuary. Hadn’t gone a hundred yards when I found myself lying face down, my nose inches from a puddle. Completely dazed… Hadn’t a clue what had happened, but although I was winded, nothing seemed to be broken.  Even Essex mud can sometimes be a blessing.  Anyway, feeling a perfect fool, I began to get up, hoping no-one had seen.  Fat chance….seconds later I was being suffocated by lavender and a female voice was doing its best to hit top C.” 

“Are you alright?  Marcus, you bad dog, how could you?  Here, let me help you up.  Oh no!  Now, I’ve made it worse. I’ve got paint all over your lovely jacket.  How stupid!  You must let me pay for it.”  Her voice rose even higher, chasing larks into the sky.

          I looked at the woman jitterbugging in front of me.  Middle fifties, maybe.  Blonde, plump.  I was about to tell her what I thought about her and her damn dog, when I took a second look.    Her clothes were casual but obviously top quality and I’d swear the pearls glowing in her ears and around her neck were the real thing, so I changed the shape of my mouth into a smile.

          “Please don’t worry, it was my own stupid fault…wasn’t looking where I was going.  Is this the culprit?”

          Now, you know I dislike dogs intensely, but I made myself pat the hairy thing drooling in front of me.

          “I’m afraid so, He’s usually so good but he must have seen a rabbit and when he does, the red mist descends and he’s off.”         

I nodded understandingly.  Then, I noticed a smudge of blue paint on her nose, an easel and a half-finished canvas and quickly made the logical conclusion. “Why, you’re an artist!”         

She laughed, a shrill tinkling sound that made the fillings in my teeth ache.  “Oh hardly, I just dabble, I only took it up after my husband died.”

          I pretended to admire the widow’s painting.  “It’s very good.”  (It wasn’t, just a mere daub – God, the things I do for you.)

          “Do you think so?”

          “Absolutely.  It’s just that…excuse me, do you mind?”  I reached for the brush and added a couple of thin, ochre lines.  “There…”         

“Oh, that is so much better.”  The old girl clasped her hands, looking as if she was peeing herself with joy.  “Do you paint?”

                “Used to but when Mater and Pater fell ill, I had to move out of the Manor.  Care Home fees are so expensive, you know.  Where I live now, there is hardly room to swing the proverbial cat, let alone store canvasses and what not.” 

          Blondie’s eyes widened, she couldn’t have looked more stricken if she’d caught me strangling a cat – or her bloody dog.

                 “What a terrible shame.  It’s obvious that you’re sooo talented.”

                 I hid a smirk and looked sad. “Of course, I miss painting immensely – almost as much as I do the parents.”

                 Her voice dropped to whisper, as if she was in the very presence of the dead.  “I understand completely.  Tell me, what is it that you do?”

                 “Got a little business going – internet design.  Not doing too badly actually – in fact I’m on the brink of something earth shattering.  If, of course, I can raise the money to finance it.  Anyway, enough of nasty business talk.  Where do you go to paint?” 

                 “I belong to a local group; we meet in the village hall.  It’s great fun.  Oh, I’ve just had a brilliant idea.  Why don’t you come along and join us.  I’m sure we could learn from you.”

                 No doubt about that, I thought.  Aloud, I said.  “Do you know, I’d really like to.  Take my mind off my business worries.  But, as I said, easels and canvasses take up a lot of space.”

                 She fingered the pearls at her neck and my mouth watered.

                 “That’s no problem.  I rattle along in my big old house like a pea in a pod.  I’ve got plenty of room.  Come and see.”

                 I held up a second finger. “So, I helped her pack up and she dragged me along and wow, that house!   Drowning in ivy, glowing in the sun, slumbering under oaks, all the clichés you can possibly think of, and I had an ‘in’!”  I licked my lips and leaned back in my chair.

 “And thirdly?”         

“Give me a chance, babe.  But thanks to Marcus, I’ve sown a whole row of seeds and they’ll fruit soon enough.  Anyway, what happened with you.  Did the old goat bite?”


          The words were no sooner out of my mouth when a shaft of sunlight coloured her hair rose-gold.


 She crossed her long, bronzed legs and lifted one perfect eyebrow.  “Stupid question – wish I hadn’t asked.”


Copyright Janet Baldey      
























Saturday 2 March 2024

Riddles 13

 Riddles 13


By the Riddler

The Riddler is wondering, how good you are at arithmetic?  He has two puzzles for us today:


No 1.  12/3x4+1 = ?  answer is ~ (0.8, 2, 17, 20, ?)


No 2.  4/x +x = 5  What is the value of x?   


Keep em coming Riddler

Sunday 25 February 2024

The Wishing Well

 The Wishing Well

By Sis Unsworth

I Walked along that summers day, when first I saw the Well,

A monument to life and hope, no secrets would it tell,

Forgotten dreams of bygone days, so softly guarded there,

Protected by the wishing well, no bounty would it share,

I endeavoured to approach it, and make my wish come true,

To change my life for better, I longed for pastures new,

But wishes like the ‘greener grass’ may not be all they seem,

Someone had been there before me, and shattered my dream.

They’d left a message on the well, “Remember all of you,

Be careful what you wish for, sometimes they do come true.”


Copyright Sis Unsworth