
Sunday 29 October 2023

The Indian Summer

 The Indian Summer

By Sis Unsworth 

We had an Indian summer, that took us by surprise.

The colours of this autumn, are enhanced before our eyes.

Lovely dry warm afternoons, the sun in all its glory.

The nights beginning to draw in, but that’s another story.

People in their summer clothes, adorn the parks and streets,

packed tables outside restaurants, and queues waiting for seats.

Nature looked quite puzzled, not sure of anything,

The sky so blue, the earth so warm, it surely can’t be spring?

the Indian summer now is gone, seems it just moved on,

Nature now is less confused, awaiting winter's song.

Then on the weather forecast, someone mentioned snow,

so treasure all your memories, of that lovely autumn glow.

Copyright Sis Unsworth

1 comment:

  1. You caught me out this time, the second to last line was your punchline.
