
Monday 6 June 2022

Tylywoch ~ 17

 Tylywoch ~ 17 Galyx Captive I 

By Len Morgan

   Weilla harboured bad feelings from the moment she watched Galyx head towards the Palace.   But, he was obviously in control of the situation, because the guards were following him, not leading him.   He could of course have slipped away from them at any time and they could never have caught him, but that was not his plan…   She came to a decision. 

“How many Tylywoch are there in the city?” she asked. 

“Three Quads, not including ourselves,” Galt replied.   He was interrupted by a knock at the door [3 fast, 2 slow, Pause, 1 slow, 2fast,]; they dowsed the lights and waited the required 30 seconds...


Galyx was escorted into the small guard room by Captain Vadeem and, four members of his patrol.

“So Vadeem, perhaps now you can tell me what is happening here?” he said hopefully, but received no reply.   There were small holding cells beyond the guardroom, he was searched thoroughly and the contents of his pockets were confiscated.   One cell door was opened, he was bundled in and the door locked behind him.

“Come on now Vadeem, talk this through with me…”   The lights were extinguished and the outer door slammed shut with finality.   After a few minutes, he realised they were not returning and he was alone.   He felt irritated by his inability to provoke Vadeem.  “Curse you Vadeem!” he yelled and kicked the door, but he didn’t feel any better.   Vadeem was annoyingly incorruptible, which was why Galyx had chosen him in the first place, but he’d been unable to learn anything of value despite stage managing his own arrest and spending long hours of inactivity in this cell.   

Vadeem knew Galyx of old, they were rivals and opposites but there was respect on both sides.   At least Galyx had the presence of mind to use his old papers, identifying him as a captain in the imperial guard.   He explored the cell cursorily; using a strip of wire from his belt he satisfied himself that he could pick the lock.   Then rested for a number of hours. 

He flipped.  Reduced his metabolic rate to subsistence level, and became one with the dark. Laying against the wall out of the direct line of sight, so he could see but not be seen and ensuring his night vision would not be compromised.   Using his heightened senses as long range warning devices he was able to monitor any movement outside the guard room.

His mind measured time like a metronome, he knew they had left him alone without food water, or any form of stimulation for more than six hours.   His training sustained him.  He knew that after such treatment, the normal untrained mind would be begging for activity and would soak up any offered form of stimulation, like a sponge.   This knowledge would be used to manipulate a captive, but he knew something about his adversary and would use it to his advantage.

He smiled, as footfalls halted at the outer door, and after a few moments, a key turned in the lock.   Galyx screwed up his eyes so that light would not impinge on his retina, whilst flattening himself against the wall his feet fitted into rings he’d discovered six feet above the ground, that were intended to hold chains.   Three men entered, there was a momentary pause then he heard the familiar voice of the Surbatt sergeant.  

“Is this your idea of a joke?   The door is unlocked.”   He gave it a shove with his boot, “He’s not here!   Where have you taken him?   He’s needed for interrogation by chancellor Wilden…” 

“Huh, the Blutt émigré?   What authority has he got to interrogate a Cheilin citizen!” Vadeem demanded. 

“By order of Emperor Taleen.   The Emperor decides these things, and his decisions are beyond the questioning of mere mortals like us.   I want him and I want him NOW!” 

“Can you see him in the cell?   This is where we left him to cool his heels, you and me both!   If you can’t see him he isn’t here and therefore you cannot have him.   I’ve a good mind to incarcerate you for twenty-four hours, to teach you proper respect for my rank.   If you ever demand anything of me again, I will cut you down where you stand and no man will hold me to account.”


“Very well Captain, I apologise for my unwarranted disrespect, my orders are direct from the Emperor himself.   You have until morning to produce him, then I… The Emperor will declare you an enemy of the state and you will be dealt with accordingly.”   He turned stiffly on his heels and slammed the outer door testily.


“He’s a worm captain, but he’s right.   Galyx means trouble for us both, we could hand him over and honour would be served…” sergeant Lakei counselled.


“Honour?   Handing over a brother officer, a valued drinking and sparring partner, to those murderous vermin.   You do know they have likely killed the Empress we are sworn to protect and serve?”

“But the Tylywoch…” 

“TYLYWOCH SHIT!!!”  he ranted.   “The man talked as though Taleen had already been elected Emperor, and I let it pass without comment?   Lakei, we’ve been through a lot of hard times together, what possible reason would the Tylywoch have for such an action?   What would they gain from it!”  He shook his head in exasperation.   “They more than any have a vested interest in preserving continuity, by ensuring the well being of the Empress.   Their very existence is at stake…” 

“You really think it's a conspiracy?” 

“Quite so Lakei…” the tirade was cut short by a slow hand clapping from within the cell.   

“You can come out now Galyx, we have bread sausage cheese, and wine.   Let us eat like civilised men, and I will tell you what I’ve learned since last we met.”  

Sweeping the detritus of previous meals from the table Vadeem replaced it with a red table cloth, untying it he revealed the makings of a promising breakfast, to which sergeant Lakei added two bottles of fine red wine that he’d been keeping at the correct temperature in his blouse front.   With a flourish he produced three beakers from the overlarge patch pockets of his coat. 

“Lock the door please Lakei.” said Vadeem sitting at the table.   The three men ate heartily in silence washing down the food with wine.   Lakei poked the final sliver of sausage into his mouth, drained the dregs of the last bottle, and tossed it over his shoulder with utter disregard, into the growing heap on the floor. 

Galyx smiled, “Glad I’m not the housekeeper,” they laughed. 

“I’ve learned from our brother officers who are not of the 9th clan, that they are disturbed and unsure how to proceed…  These Barracks are only ever used for over-spill, usually during festivals,” Vadeem explained “so you shouldn’t be troubled by too many visiting guards.   I’ll meet with our fellow officers tomorrow and pass on the message that the divine light still shines.” 

“Best not let it go beyond us just yet, if the Surbatt get wind of it they will redouble their efforts before help can arrive from outside,” Galyx explained.

“Of course your right, each clan is represented by an honour contingency, whilst the 9th has an army outside the gates.” 

“Be sure to tell only those you trust implicitly, and only if it’s absolutely necessary.  They should know, tell them to await our call before taking action."

They continued the discussion for about an hour, then without imparting any new knowledge Vadeem and Lakei returned to their own quarters leaving the door unlocked.  They also left Galyx an ample supply of food and water, in case their return was delayed.   They shook hands, not knowing if they would meet again, then he was alone. 

 He left the cell to search the guard room. He found clothing in various chests, he chose something in his size then ate well before reconnoitring.   Outside he found a corridor with identical cells in either direction.   Some were locked, some open, but all were empty.   Returning to the cell he’d chosen as his base, he explored in the opposite direction with similar results.   He called softly at locked doors, getting no reply.  

Then he heard a troop of soldiers approaching, he decided to make himself scarce, ducking into a convenient unlocked cell. 

(to be Continued)

Copyright Len Morgan


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