
Tuesday 26 January 2021

The Old China Teapot


The Old China Teapot 

By Sis Unsworth

 When there was trouble of some kind, and problems in excess,

my old mum and my aunties, had a way to sort the mess.

The china teapot would come out, and they would gather round,

and very often to their plight, solutions would be found.

It always was a ritual; the pot was warmed with care

while a cup and saucer would be placed for all who gathered there.

Sugar cubes and milk in jugs, no bottles on their table,

The kettle heated then by gas, no electric plug or cable.

A spoon of tea went in the pot, for each and every one,

with an extra spoonful for the pot, the job was almost done.

Then boiling water added, they made sure it did not stew,

it stood for just a little while, then they had their brew.

All the tea was strained, as they poured it in each cup.

Milk and sugar added, just before they drank it up.

It seemed just like therapy as, they all joined in the chat,

But I think the ritual of the pot, seemed to add to that.

For when I have a problem it always seems a shame,

As a tea bag in a mug, somehow, just don’t seem the same.


Copyright Sis Unsworth



  1. Lovely work Sis, as always you bring us down to reality with the final line...

  2. I remember tea leaves with a certain degree of hate. Even though we had a strainer there were always tea leaves at the bottom of the cup. Even today, in the age of teabags, I still leave some tea unconsumed.
    My mother used to read the tea leaves, I think she was a witch as she could see the future. When I'd finished with my cup she would say to me "you will get a thick ear for not finishing your tea, she was always right. Nice poem brought back painful memories.

  3. Absolutely right and proper Sis. Always felt posh if there were sugar lumps and you had to use the tongs not your fingers. And never ever a milk bottle on the table.
