
Thursday 3 March 2022


 UNDERPANTS ~ (From Next)

By Peter Woodgate

Another pack of underpants

Oh, whatever Next

There’s eight in all and nicely packed

But I am quite perplexed.

For shown, on each, are animals

Clear against the colours bright,

I guess that I must act each one

Be it day or night.

So, should you hear me roaring?

Don’t get too alarmed,

It’s just the lion on my pants

So you will not be harmed.

And should you notice my long neck,

There is no need to laugh

Or no need to wind it in

It’s just the tall giraffe.

Should I be monkeying around

Or swinging on a tree,

I haven’t lost my marbles

It’s just the ape in me.

Some days I may show signs of spots

My face it will be peppered

Not to worry, they’ll soon go

It’s just the stealthy leopard.

Perhaps I’ll be a magician

And quote Abra Cadabra

You may see stripes before your eyes

Relax it’s just the zebra.

Of course some days I’ll blow my horn

And act as if I’m cross,

My pants will feel uncomfortable

It’s that moody rhinocerous.

At times though, I will be so cute

Like a fluffy, cuddly, cat,

I’ll run on four but stand on two

Can you guess? Yes, a meercat.

No doubt, someday, another pack

But please not a shark with fin,

I’ll  dream that he is eating me

Because I cannot swim.

Copyright Peter Woodgate



Wednesday 2 March 2022


 TAKING THE PLUNGE  (Part 1 of 2)                                             

by Richard Banks                   

Danny lost the will to live on the 07.21 train to Liverpool Street station. This was not the fault of the train or the company responsible for its operation. Indeed the train was almost on time and doing a passable imitation of an intercity express. Nor was it the fault of the mobile phone which texted him the information that he had been sacked. The cause of his unhappiness was clearly Global, or to be precise, The Global Equity Investment Corporation who despite making an annual profit of one point three billion dollars had embarked on a round of staff cuts. That these cuts were described as efficiency savings was no consolation to Danny who was told to report to reception and that under no circumstances was he to seek admittance to his office on the thirty-third floor.

         He wondered how much redundancy money he would receive and long it would pay the mortgage on the Docklands apartment he had bought for himself and his fiancée, Tanya. She would not be pleased to hear the news of his dismissal. As the daughter of a Russian oligarch she was used to having money and spending it with a liberality that was especially pleasing to the high fashion couturiers of Regent Street. So far the money she had been spending was Danny's but once certain administrative difficulties had been resolved concerning the transfer of her father's allowance her income would be several times larger than that of her intended husband. Indeed she was hopeful that on their marriage her father, being a particularly affectionate and indulgent parent, would double, or maybe treble what she had previously received. After all she was her father's only child and it made no sense for him to be less than generous when on his demise she would inherit the entirety of his vast estate.

         Danny reflected on his good fortune on finding a wife whose voluptuous good looks were even more important to him than her undoubted wealth. Nevertheless it was comforting to know that another source of income would shortly be available to make good the substantial expenditure of recent months. He decided to text Tanya with the news of his dismissal and on doing so received the message: 'Very funny, ha ha', followed, almost immediately, by another, reading: 'You are joking aren't you?' He replied to the effect that he was not joking and that this was the most unfunny thing ever to happen to him. He had a mortgage and wedding to pay for, mega debts on credit cards and less than two grand in the bank. Would she contact her father and get him to send some of the money he had been promising.

         The rapid interchange of texts paused and Danny witnessed the coming and going of several stations. He imagined Tanya emailing or phoning her father and making the necessary arrangements that would save him from bankruptcy. Her reply came as the train was pulling into Liverpool Street; for a moment he thought it had hit the buffers. In less than one hundred words and the capital T that ended her text, Tanya exploded what was left of Danny's life. How, she asked, had he allowed such a 'ghastly thing' to happen. Had she known he was nothing more than a financial chancer she would never have consented to be his wife. Their engagement was over. She would, if he insisted, return the ring but as the apartment was registered in their joint names she would expect half of whatever it was sold for. Her solicitor was Grimdyke & Downward to whom all future communications should be sent.

         At first he could not believe what he was reading but the words on the screen showed no sign of changing. Tanya was no more a part of his life than his fellow commuters who had deserted the train for their desks in the City. With the uncertain instinct of a dazed lemming he followed the last stragglers through the ticket barriers. From there it was only a short walk to his office in the high rise building known as the Beanstalk. On entry his identity card was scanned and cancelled by a security guard who ensured that he join a queue of discarded humanity shuffling towards a help desk. Large envelopes were being handed out and the recipients escorted through the nearest exit by black suited bouncers normally found in local clubs. The news was filtering back along the queue that the company was offering severance pay of one week's salary for every year worked. 

         Danny calculated what would be coming to him and found it to be no more than a splash in the ocean of debt he was surely going to drown in. The hopelessness of his situation overwhelmed him, his body shivering with cold on a summer's day. He was a winner, a go-getter. This shouldn't be happening to him, but it was. Somehow he had lost everything that mattered. His confusion turned to anger, anger at the company, anger at Tanya, anger at the world and everyone in it. How dare they do this to him. His life was over, not worth living. Well, so be it. If he was no better than a dead man his death would be his revenge. He was a lion; he would go out with a roar.

         His plan was a simple one. First of all he had to run as fast as he had ever run. There were forty, maybe fifty yards between him and the executive lift that provided the Company elite with an uninterrupted journey to their offices at the top of the building on the forty-third floor. The doors to the lift were open. If they were still open when he reached them he could ascend rapidly to the forty-third floor and from there onto the roof where he would end his life. His descent would take only seconds. After that his pain would be over. The bad publicity for Global would be their pain, one they would have to live with. As for Tanya – no he dare not think of her.

         Breaking ranks he ran towards the staff lifts. The regulars on security would be expecting that. It had happened before, former staff returning to their offices to download client details. The  guards by the lifts were reinforced by other guards who abandoned their allocated positions to form a defensive shield. They braced themselves for Danny's charge. Instead he swerved away from them and raced full tilt towards the executive lift. On reaching it he pressed the up button and watched the doors close in the face of the one guard able to run as fast as himself. He wondered if there would also be guards on the forty-third floor but, when the doors opened, the corridor outside was empty. He hurried along it and up the two flights of steps that led to the roof. All that was left was for him to hurdle the low balustrade wall on the front elevation of the building and let gravity do the rest.

There was no place in Danny's plan for Sid but as he ran towards the edge of the building he realised he was heading towards Global's longest serving maintenance worker who was sitting astride the wall. He cantered to a halt and not knowing what to say announced his presence with a cough. The trance like gaze of the maintenance man shifted from the urban landscape beneath him onto Danny. On finding the suited figure of a middle ranking trader he adopted an expression appropriate to the continuance of the class struggle.

         “Oh, it's you,” he said recognising Danny as an occasional drinking partner at The Magpie. “What do you want?”

         “Sorry Sid. Didn't mean to disturb you but you're in my line of fire so to speak. Would you mind moving over a bit?”

         Sid replied that if Danny was also intending to throw himself off the top he had three other sides on which to do so. This was his side. He had got here first and would not be leaving it until he was good and ready.

         Danny considered the other elevations and found them unsuited to his purpose. Beneath them were only narrow streets. Few would see him go down there. No, if he was to do this thing properly it had to be off the front of the building into the windswept piazza known as Global Square. At its centre was a statue of Global's founder, O J Stilkenburg. With any luck he would hit the ground in front of it. The significance of his action would be clear to everyone. The stain he made would be scrubbed clean but never forgotten. But if this was to happen it was necessary to jump from the spot now occupied by Sid.

         Danny glanced impatiently at his watch. Security would be on their way up. He could feel them coming. If he was going to jump it had to be now. In an attempt to expedite matters to their mutual satisfaction he approached Sid and sat down beside him. He addressed him in the brisk no-nonsense way he closed stock market trades.

         “Look here mate we ain't got much time. Give me your arm. We'll go over together. You and me, together. Are you ready? Yeah? On the count of three.  One..two..”

         Sid responded by wrenching his arm from the loop Danny had made. To make his intentions    even clearer he stepped away from the wall towards the storeroom that occupied the centre of the roof.

         “What's the matter, mate?” Danny's voice expressed surprise then anger. “Lost your nerve?”

         “So if I have. That's my business not yours. You do what you want, I'm off to the boozer. I've got a cheque to spend.”

         “That won't last you long. Then what?” Danny answered his own question. “The dole. That's what you got coming. You'll never find another job, not at your age.”

         Sid tried to snap back but the only words he had were of loss and humiliation. He would keep those to himself, his emotions he could not. He had been in the Company's employ for thirty seven years, risen to the grade of Senior Maintenance Officer with authority over others. His job told him who he was, what he was, separated him from those who had no work and no prospect of work, people he despised. Now he was no better than them. He should be angry, defiant, instead he was crying. For the first time since primary school he was crying.

         Danny had no tears but was troubled by those he had helped bring about. His last moments should surely be better than this.

         “Sorry mate, I was out of order, way wrong. Here's a tenner. Have a drink on me. In fact have the whole damn wallet. Just do me a favour, will you?”

         “What's that?”

“Watch me go will you. Say a prayer while I'm falling. Can you do that, mate?”


Copyright Richard Banks     

Tuesday 1 March 2022


 HELP (now's the chance to)

By Rosemary Clarke 

Tear up the Visas!


It's not HOLIDAY


These are the people

Of Ukraine

Like Afghanistan

Will we fail these one's again?

There is no 'them' now

There's no 'us'.

All should be welcome

What is all this rot and fuss?

There is no 'lady' 

Even 'gent'

Home Office oh so wrong

Even if it is well-meant.

We are all of us

Just the same

If we don't see that

We should really take the blame.

All take to the streets

Make a noise

Let others understand

That we won't stand for their ploys!

Send funds overseas

To Ukraine

They need our help now

Let us make it very plain!

Light the brightest light

Rules must bend!

Welcome people in

And show them that we are friends.

Those who want to fight

Go out there

If you can use a gun

Show their forces that you care.

Go on the Net now

Put Ukraine

Find out how to help

Someone needs us once again.

Knit or sew garments

Send some toys

Help the refugees


Help them anyhow

It’s not too late

Show them what it is

That makes us Britons Great!


Copyright Rosemary Clarke

Saturday 26 February 2022



Peter Woodgate

It blew my bloody wig off

My flippin eyebrows too

I don’t know how that happened

Cos I used a lot of glue.

My fence, well it went walkies

And the chairs up in the air

I think that they have landed

But goodness knows just where.

My fairy lights they sprouted wings

And nestled in a tree

The blackbirds were so happy

They sent a note to me.

My two potted acers

Are not now very ace

They took off in a hurry

And are now in outer space.

I made a fatal error though

When I opened the back door

Eunice slammed it in my face

I woke up on the floor.

She finally ran out of puff

And slowly waltzed away

but I was not so fearful

when Franklin came to play.

It appears they give each storm  a name

Using the alphabet

Each name is added from the list

And I would like to bet,

That there will be a Janet

A Jane and June and Pam,

A Sis and Carole up the line

A few doors they will slam.

Of course, there will be a Len and Pete,

A Richard that’s for sure

But they will not be bad at all,

Just why, I’ll tell you more.

The female of the species

Is the weakest, that’s a joke

They are the strongest, that is true

Far more than any bloke.

So, when you hear each given name

Your reaction should be clear,

If a male, you can relax,

A female, well, oh dear.


Copyright Peter Woodgate

Thursday 24 February 2022

Tylywoch ~ 06


Tylywoch ~ 06  Specialisation

By Len Morgan

Galyx and the Natural Disasters; a dozen ten-year-olds and a serious looking young man in his early twenties, were heading towards the central counsel chamber.   A crowd was already gathering even though there was still half an hour to go before the naming ceremony officially got underway.   The meeting was special, the trainers and elders had debated into the night, deciding on the future specialisation to which each young person would be allotted on attaining the age of ten years.   Today they would learn what their future held, they would start to Specialise, and begin their personal training programs.

Finally, after a long expectant wait, the gathered crowd went silent, as the counsellors and committee entered the central arena, solemnly soberly and in single file, as the ceremony decreed.

“We will call each student's name, followed by their allotted specialisation, you are advised to listen carefully because they will not be repeated.”:

“GALEIN – Healer,  BRODEK – Warrior,  SOREN – Intelligence,  GORR – Warrior,  UVALAN – Weapons Master,  TURPO – Warrior,  DANNE – Logistics,  HILDI – Espionage,  PLAVIN – Warrior,  BRAN – Diplomat,  MYNACH – Warrior.”

There was a pause and some discussion amongst the trainers.   Weilla stood dry-mouthed, her name had not been called.   She looked questioningly at Galyx, who could only shrug…

“WEILLA – Generalist!”   A surprised buzz went around the small group of villagers & friends still remaining in the hall.   Weilla stood with a puzzled expression on her face, "GENERALIST?"   ‘What sort of classification is that,’ she thought. 

The others began to drift away, bubbling with excitement over their new found status, Weilla remained in the meeting area, bemused and uncertain as to what action to take.   After a few moments, Galyx approached her.   “I have spoken to the committee, it seems that you are not training in any particular field.   You will receive continued but intensive training in all disciplines until your true vocation is revealed to us, you will then follow your new path whatever it may be.   This does mean you will have to work much harder than the others, but as a concession, you will not be required to carry out Kebu duties.   You will concentrate exclusively on your training.   You may find others looking down on you because of what appears to be a slight on your character.   Bare their foolishness with good grace, and be assured that it is an honour that has been bestowed on you, not a slight.   You will appreciate this more fully as time passes.”


   At specialisation, Aldor believed the term Generalist had been invented to increase his sense of not belonging.   Now a ranking General, he’d long ago learned that this was not so.  Instead of being responsible for himself and his quad, he found himself responsible for the commitment and well-being of the whole Clan, and answerable for their actions.

 Early in his career during his time at court as captain of Emperor Daidan’s bodyguard, he’d developed a close bond and working relationship with the wile old man.   From an early age, Aldor had displayed a talent for languages.   He’d used this talent unashamedly in the service of his emperor, listening in on conversations between visiting delegations.   He was able to raise his surveillance skills to a new level when he learned to 'lip read' from a man he’d helped and befriended.  The man happened to be deaf but was able to amply repay his debt to Aldor by reading lips for him and eventually sharing his skills with the Tylywoch.   Aldor was able to be a party to any conversation carried out in the open, within line of sight, for up to a quarter of a mile.   His agents often use this as a fast effective means of communication in an emergency.

Because of political factions and secret alliances, the emperor was not always able to rely on the impartiality of his ministers or associates; many of whom were susceptible to bribery and corruption.   Not so the Tylywoch who guarded him, he knew them to be completely incorruptible; which was why he came to rely so much on the 13th clan.

Emperor Daidan I had created the 13th Clan, five hundred years earlier, from his personal guard of fanatically loyal supporters, who were not necessarily from the Clan classes.   The members of the 13th Clan were named ‘The Tylywoch’ (The Ravens), after his personal bodyguard of hand picked agents, many of whom came from the lowest and humblest of beginnings.   He was later to add to this corps, trusted members of the intelligence service and assassins guilds.   Others were enlisted from those marked for death; scum of the earth to whom he offered conditional pardons in return for their loyalty and the use of their skills and abilities in the name of the Empire.   They were funded armed and trained by the very best.   Many rose to high office, acting always as the ever vigilant eyes and ears of the Emperor.   They swore a death pact to the Tylywoch and to the Jade throne, whoever held the office of Emperor had their unswerving allegiance.   In the golden days of the empire, troops led by these warriors conquered the disputed heights of the Sabretooth range and, the poorer barren lands surrounding the empire.   They were granted unofficial title to these lands, that nobody else wanted anyway.   In return, they were charged to provide an unbroken lineage of Generals to protect the Empire from hostile neighbours, and the Emperor, now the Empress, from physical harm.   So they took on the remit to protect the Empire and its Ruler from any form of attack.   There were rumours that their very survival was dependent on ensuring that successive occupants of the Jade throne died of old age, and from natural causes.   This had been successfully accomplished for more than 450 years.   But, despite their unstinting loyalty and total vigilance, their position was still precarious. 

Aldor was concerned, having discovered that the rumours were backed by written plans that had existed for over 300 years, to hunt down and exterminate every last Tylywoch man woman, and child in the event of their failure. 


Winli watched, with bated breath.   His mouth was dry.   He licked his lips unconsciously as he marked his target; the old faded blue felt hat and jacket Aldor had been wearing, on his arrival in the Eternal City, two days earlier.   The General would die for his sins, at the hands of Winli.   He felt a sense of expectant elation welling up inside.   In just a few heartbeats the accursed Aldor would be no more!   His shining brow exuded a scent of triumph.

Jaffat of the 9th Clan, a member of the Surbatt, knew how hard the death of his brothers had hit Winli; he was counting on it.   A year earlier, Aldor’s Tylywoch had pre-empted the purloining of a shipment of goods that would have kept Winli’s band of freebooters, and their families, in luxury for a year.   All but Winli had perished to his undying shame.   He’d witnessed the execution of his own brothers – inverted and hung by their ankles from a tree, their heads were split open like gourds - he'd been forced to witness the life leeching slowly from them, with the draining of their life's blood.   The executions were carried out in the time-honoured way prescribed for felons, on the orders of, the  General of Internal Security, General Aldor.   Jaffat, Winli's patron, had been sympathetic even generous.   He had financed the families, supporting them through the winter.  He Promised to provide Winli with an opportunity to exact retribution on his tormentor.   True to his word he had called on Winli two days earlier, taking him to witness the arrival of the Tylywoch, and to mark well the object of his hatred – General Aldor.   He had provided the place for the ambush and the means of revenge – the bow and quiver of arrows.  

He smoothly increased the tension on the bowstring until it touched his lips, a practice bead…   He relaxed.   The string had left a thin blue tell-tale line bisecting his tight lips.   He smiled, satisfied with the weapon.   Unconsciously wiping two sticky blue smudges, from his draw-string fingers, onto his shirt front.   He breathed out then in again slowly, deeply, shaking his arms, relaxing his muscles.   It wouldn’t do to take the shot with tension in his body.  "Now," he thought, drawing the bow a second time adding a second blue line to his lips, parallel to the first; he was aware of neither.   As he loosed the shaft, he felt both elation and triumphant suffuse his being.   He knew in that instant it would fly true and the man in the blue felt hat and coat was dead.  Tears of joy, escaped from his eyes, even as they blurred and his body relaxed a final time… 

Aldor turned the body over with his boot and saw the tell-tale marks of the slow-acting poison on his lips.   ‘Blaqero’ he thought, looking back towards the slumped body of Jaffat, in his blue jacket and hat.   He smiled mirthlessly, it was a mistake to plot with a known felon in a public place, you never knew when your conversation might be heard or seen by a competent reader of lips.   But, officially Aldor was dead, which was just perfect!   Winli had finally served the purpose for which he had been spared.   Setting a chain of events in motion, that would culminate in the final destruction of the Surbatt, an organisation that had been a thorn in the flesh of successive rulers of the Cheilin Empire, and their protectors.

(to be continued)

Copyright Len Morgan

Monday 21 February 2022

A Bottle of Prosecco 03

  Another Bottle of Prosecco

Jane Scoggins 

Carolyn worked in an old people's home on the edge of town. It was almost at the end of the last row of houses. The Limes was originally a large quite imposing Victorian detached house in its time. There was no sign of any Lime trees now, probably died years ago or were removed to make way for the car park. Over the years since it had been acquired for use as a care home, the property had sprouted several extensions and add ons. Not particularly sympathetic to the original building but all had somehow managed to pass building regulations and now provided the right size and type of accommodation needed for its purpose. It took Carolyn two buses or one bus and a longish walk to get to work. During the two years she had worked there she had considered getting a bike but did not know where she would safely store it at home as she lived upstairs above a newsagent shop with no storage space and not even a hallway in which to stand it. So at twenty one years old and fit and well, she had continued with the bus and walk option.  At first, she was not sure if it would be the right sort of work for her, but it now seemed to be after all. Leaving school she had not got the grades for university and had not wanted to go anyway, Academic life was not for her. She had first tried hairdressing but found it rather boring washing and blow-drying hair and sweeping up. She was not the sort of person to indulge in gossip either, and in her particular salon, it seemed to be a requirement. So she didn’t feel she fitted in with the other staff or the clients for that matter.  Her friends had been more ambitious and could not understand why she would want to look after old folk for a pittance. But once she had got her head around the work at the care home and developed an understanding of dementia and emotional needs as well as the practical ones she felt useful, confident, and best of all appreciated by the residents. The manager had offered to put her name forward for NVQ training, which she explained could lead to promotion and take her on to being a senior carer. If she really wanted to go further she may in time, consider training in management. Carolyn was not sure what she wanted to do in the future but it was nice to think her boss thought enough of her abilities to make these suggestions. Meanwhile, it was all go on the shop floor so to speak with residents needing help with washing, showering, dressing, feeding, toileting, getting up, and putting to bed. Just as important to them was being entertained, socially stimulated, and chatted to. Carolyn had learned so much about these frail residents that amazed her. The lives they had led and the careers and adventures they had had. Some had families close by who visited, others had family who only came occasionally and others had no one at all who came to see them. Carolyn would sit with these residents more often when time allowed and talk with them. The ones with dementia were often confused but had occasional moments of memory of past events. Carolyn tried to be available at those times to encourage those memories and share and store them for a later time when their brain fog had misted them up. Everything was done to maintain stimulation and activity on a regular basis. Bingo, chair exercises, music and singing, pet therapy, arts and crafts. Every so often there was a raffle and staff, residents, families, and visitors were encouraged to buy tickets. All prizes were donated, and all proceeds went towards the annual resident’s day trip to the seaside. When Margaret’s ticket won the Marks and Spencer hamper, she insisted that Carolyn have it, saying to her that it was she, Carolyn, that made her life bearable with her smile, gentleness patience, and willingness to help.

‘What do I want with all that stuff? I was hoping for the furry slippers if anything’ she laughed.   ‘But Mary’s daughter won those for her. By the look of her old tea stained slippers, looks like she needs them more than me’ she whispered to Carolyn behind her hand, and smiled. In the end, the manager agreed to Margaret’s request that she accept the hamper. Carolyn graciously accepted with the proviso that Margaret kept the chocolates; Ben had the biscuits Ron the Cheesy Nibbles and Alice the fudge. Carolyn went home with the diminished hamper with a light heart.  She and her three old school friends met up every so often and this time the venue was Carolyn's little studio flat above the newsagent's shop. It was a bit rundown but the rent was what she could afford on her rather basic wage as a carer. She had made it cosy and her Mum had bought her some lovely bright curtains. All in all, it looked very nice when her friends came round for the evening a few days later. They were impressed, which delighted Carolyn as out of them all she had the least well paid job with the least status. Carolyn served the treats from the hamper and poured them all a glass from the bottle of prosecco. Tasha made note of the deliciousness of the food and prosecco and teasingly asked Carolyn if she had had a raise, knowing well enough that she had not. The other girls also complimented Carolyn on the tasty spread and quality of the prosecco before raising their glasses to her. While they ate and drank Tasha, then Kelly and Jules shared their moans about their jobs. Tasha worked long hours to keep up with her bad tempered Boss’s demands, Kelly had to endure a very boring job, and Jules wasn't sure she even understood what was expected of her half the time, and the other people in the office weren't very friendly. None of them particularly enjoyed their jobs, but were all going to stay because the pay wasn't at all bad, it was as good as they thought they would get elsewhere, and they had got used to having spending money. When Carolyn told them why she enjoyed her job and that it gave her satisfaction, and with promotion on the cards too, they were full of admiration.  Tasha said she thought that more prosecco was definitely called for, and offered to pop down to the off-licence and buy more. Carolyn sipped her drink and thought of Margaret, and her gift. The frail elderly lady with Parkinson's disease who had once been an Olympic athlete and an overseas ambassador.  She thanked her lucky stars to be part of the lives of some amazing people who were inspiring her.


Copyright Jane Scoggins

Sunday 20 February 2022

Tylywoch ~ 05

 Tylywoch ~ 05 Not a bad days work

By Len Morgan 

Weilla and Mynach made two further trips up and down the mountain before Terrek announced they’d collected enough.   “It’s time for me to return to my forge.”   But, Gardon & Spass declared their intention to stay, and no manner of inducement would change their minds.  Terrek was annoyed.  “You were paid for the return trip, now I will have to hire more help to get my cargo home.”   What made matters worse was the fact that carbon is worthless to all intent and purpose, Its value became evident, only when he’d turned his iron ore into steel and turned that into blades.   Only then could he realise a return on his outlay.

“How will I get it all home when I have only sufficient funds to settle the reckoning at the Inn?” He railed.

Mynach smiled, ”We have friends who could help you, and not necessarily require immediate payment.” 

“How far away are they?” Terrek’s asked. 

“I should be back within the day” Mynach answered, “you will need to negotiate payment with my brother, who I believe you met at the Inn?” 

Terrek grinned, “ah! the man with no name, So be it!   Go find your friends, we’ll wait for you here.”


Mynach returned with Galyx, Soren & Hildi.

“They seem a little puny to me, can they do a day's work?” Terrek asked.

 Hildi answered him by lifting a full sack above her head and depositing it on the nearest mule.

“Ok, so what about payment?”

“We work on a quid pro quo basis” Galyx explained.  “We do something for you and you do something for us in return.”

“Sounds reasonable to me,” he said, “let’s get on…”

“Aren’t you concerned not knowing what we might want in return?” asked Galyx.

“Would you ask for some exorbitant sum or make unreasonable demands?”

“No,” Galyx replied.

“Then let’s get to work,” Terrek said.


Gardon & Spass were not around when they left, at Midday.   Before sunset they were back at the Inn, quaffing ale in the common room, sampling, with their olfactory senses, the fine aromatic meal being prepared in the kitchen by Mistress Karpe. 

Terrek sat back nonchalantly, and turned to Galyx, “have you decided what form of payment you require?”

“Yes, we would like you to teach our local blacksmith how to make that fine steel you boast of…”

“What?” he said incredulously choking on his ale.   “That’s impossible!”

“How so?” said Galyx, “I thought we had a deal.”

“No, you don’t understand.   What does he make, horseshoes, plough shears, tools, hardware, furniture?   A swordsmith's apprentice will spend ten years learning his craft.   He will do little more than look, listen, and make notes for the first five years.   He will start at the age of ten, how old is your smith?”

Galyx turned, and looked askance at the innkeeper.

“HURRUMPH, Grazzek is umm, about my age, forty?”

“And the rest laughed Terrek he’s fifty if he’s a day.  I have spoken with him, he would be dead before he could finish the training, and who will tend his forge for you whilst he is studying with me?”

“We thought you might be able to teach him here before you go?” said the Inn-keep hopefully.  

Terrek and Galyx both laughed uproariously.   “Is there no young ten-year-old you could spare for ten years?"  Galyx asked.  

“You mean some good for nothing lazybones who isn’t worth his keep?” he answered looking towards the fire hearth with a twinkle in his eye, looking at the ever present boy listening in on their conversation.   “Jax!” he yelled, the boy jumped to his feet. “Come here boy, your to be apprenticed to a swordsmith.”

Terrek viewed the soot smeared boy, “your face is black boy,” he said with a smile that broadened as the boy rubbed it with his cuff, only succeeding in making it look worse.   “Don’t worry, you’ll get plenty of that working for me.” He tousling the boy's hair playfully. 

“You’ll take him?” asked the innkeeper with surprise and joy mingled on his face.

“Aye, he’ll do if he’s half as intelligent as he looks.”   He turned to Galyx with a quizzical look on his face, “why are you doing this for them?”

“GYRI!   We owe him for past services, he requested that we help his stepson to learn a trade, when I learned of your need it seemed a perfect opportunity to repay a debt.

“Ten years is a long time to be apart from loved ones.” Said Terrek.

“The Inn-keep thinks Jax is worthy of a chance, he does a man’s job, and never shirks his duties, he’s earned it!” said Galyx.   “How long will this black powder last?” 

“A year, possibly a year and a half” he replied.

“There will be a similar quantity awaiting collection in twelve months, and thereafter, in return for its worth in good honest workman-like blades.

Terrek looked into Galyx’s eyes and knew that he spoke true.   “Accepted,” he said offering his hand. They shook on it.

Galyx smiled.   In one transaction, he’d secured a supply of top quality weapons, and a means of payment.   The gold accumulated by Terrek's helpers, would pay local labour for mining processing and hauling the carbon.   Even as they spoke, Fire & Flood quads were making a start on mining the next shipment.   The Inn-keep would warehouse it for collection later when Jax returned with up to twenty good serviceable blades.

Galyx smiled, ‘Not a bad days work’. 

(To be Continued)

Copyright Len Morgan