
Monday 14 June 2021



By Peter Woodgate 

I awoke and you had gone,

No trumpet sound or farewell song,

But then your head was always there

Amongst the clouds without a care.

A goddess, so you thought, and fair

Of face, and limbs, you chose to share

Your life, with others, for awhile

Each one bewitched, by your sweet smile.

Unlike Agamemnon, sadly I lack,

A thousand ships, to bring you back,

A ten-year war, a wooden horse,

These things are not for us, of course,

And I won’t dream, or make a fuss,

And you may find that Olympus

Is not as green, a poor excuse,

And you are not a child of Zeus.


Copyright Peter Woodgate

Sunday 13 June 2021

100. Consumed

100. Consumed

By Robert Kingston

In and out I move

From space to space I tread

Soft and hard between the two

The pushes where equal forces are fed


I move my jaw to eat my way in

It consumes all of me first

Its persistence results in materialistic needs

Its reverberation forces thirst


My lungs are drenched with its varied might

My eyelids are constantly setting to steady for each fight

My hair fills with its gusto, relenting, restrained and tied in knots

My face bares the scars of its endurance

Our bodies can do without it, NOT


© Robert Kingston   21.2.15

Saturday 12 June 2021

One Summer's Evening

 One Summer's Evening

By Sis Unsworth

The world felt calm, that summers eve, as I gazed across the hill,

It seemed the earth so softly breathed, the air was warm and still.

Some moments that are so profound, will make us pause to see,

As waves on empty shores do pound, then surge back to the sea.

I knew this day would soon be gone, as the sun descends the sky,

Precious times do not stay long, or wait to say goodbye.

The summer moon would soon appear, to take it’s place on high,

With it’s special glow that shines so clear, to enhance the season's sky.

Yes we know, this time will pass, so why not gaze at ease

Our memories will hold the glow, of a lovely summer's eve.


Copyright Sis Unsworth

Friday 11 June 2021

Cheilin Saga ~ 06

 Cheilin Saga ~ 06 Sanctuary 1

By Len Morgan

At the start of the fifth week, they returned once again into the mountains climbing higher than before.  Three days on they entered a narrow gully high up in the snow line, it was barely wide enough for a wagon to pass.   The path was actually the shallow bed of a stream and they waded knee-deep through its snow melt waters.   The air was cold and sparse and for Aldor breathing was difficult, other members of the band, all of whom had been born in this place, did not seem bothered by it.   The gully opened out two hundred yards further on and the tightness in his chest passed to be replaced by a sense of exhilaration, it seemed as though they were at the top of the world.   If he didn't turn around, everything was below him; he shook his head in disbelief.   The gully had been formed over millions of years, cut by the swift and constant watercourse through which they had waded just moments before.   They had come out onto a vast plateau, and a vast fertile plain, totally invisible from the other side of what had seemed a rather uninviting gully.   Immediately, he glimpsed the village known to his fellow carnivores as 'Sanctuary', they were home.   Looking back he could see that the rock strata of the mountain range had folded back on itself forming variegated layers of rock.   The largest layer was composed of chalk-like rock which suggested the area had once been underwater.   It was this soft porous rock that had been eaten away to form the gully entrance to what must be a hidden fortress.   It was remote and would be easily defended by a few men against a vastly superior numerical force, a general’s nightmare.   The attacking force would initially have to negotiate two hundred yards of swiftly running water probably one at a time.   The defenders would pick them off from high up, on the cliffs on either side, the bodies would sink beneath the water and create hidden hazards for those following behind, until finally, they would create a barricade with their own bodies before even sighting the defenders.   The picture was so vivid in his mind, he had to shake himself to rid his mind of the vision.   The 'carnivores' visibly relaxed as they came out of the gully and for the first time, since encountering them, he was able to access and scan deeper memories in the minds of a few of his companions.   He learned then, for the first time, of their hard upbringing & training, their lifestyle, and their unique position within the Cheilin Empire.   It was almost as if they thought nothing could harm them here in Sanctuary.   They were a remarkable group of self-contained individuals.   Their ability to survive under any conditions was legendary, not just within the Cheilin Empire, Aldor had heard stories about the Tylywoch as far north as Pylodor.    It seemed that the farther away they were the more near to miraculous their exploits became.   Having lived with them, he was more surprised than ever, knowing they themselves believed they could do everything ascribed to them and more.   They believed they could accomplish anything, they believed with a simple certainty that was totally unwavering, they were the Tylywoch their conviction was unshakeable and would sustain them through any trial the world could throw at them.

   Just a hundred and sixty years earlier, Emperor Daidan I created the Tylywoch from a group of his own fanatical supporters, he also recruited hand-picked agents from all walks of life, he even raided the prisons and cheated the gallows.   If somebody possessed a talent he could make use of they were conscripted, most were not even members of a Clan.   But, he always seemed able to inspire them.   He called them his 13th Clan and the name stuck.   He died peacefully in his sleep at the age of 91 and was succeeded by his son who lived to be 103 before dying from natural causes and placing the dynasty into the hands of Daidan III.

   The Tylywoch were and always would be the Emperor's men.   To them, his interests were always paramount.   The finest warriors they could train were sent to the Emerald palace to provide the Emperor's bodyguard.   They owed their existence to him and would willingly give their lives to ensure his safety.   Their leader, the GOIS (General of Internal Security), General Sanko was one of the highest-ranked Officers in the land and when he spoke all others listened, heeding his commands, and the safety of the Empire was assured.   Sanko was in his fifties, physically and mentally in his prime; highly respected by the council of elders, of which he was an influential member.   A meeting was convened upon their return to Sanctuary.   Aldor was taken to the Carnivores Kebu house, whilst they and Lomax were summoned to the council meeting, in the roundhouse situated near the center of the village.   Aldor was treated hospitably and requested to await the summons of the council; it came the following day.   The others had returned without Lomax, and would not speak of it, his whereabouts would be supplied only on a need-to-know basis.   Evidently, Aldor did not need to know.   He sat in the roundhouse, steadfastly refusing to talk until he knew the whereabouts of Lomax.

"Lomax is being detained, under sentence of death for acting in his own interests rather than the interests of the Emperor," Said Sanko.

"Rubbish!" Aldor chided, "he is not capable of such an act."

Sanko was not a big man in stature, but few would look him straight in the eye and answer as Aldor had done, much less question his decision on anything.

"In the enlightened Kurdik states, a man is given an opportunity to explain his actions, and have others speak on his behalf," said Aldor.

"There is nothing he could say to excuse his actions, he broke our law of non-interference," Sanko answered angrily.

Aldor continued, unperturbed, "have you considered the possibility of conflicting interests?"

"The rules were made for good reasons and they have stood us in good stead for as long as we have existed," said Sanko.

"Rigid blind adherence to outdated rules has sounded the death knell of many a civilization.   It is frequently the sign of stagnation in a culture.   Consider the value of the man you are condemning, does he not deserve the right to explain his actions?"

A huge mountain of a man stood up, and up, his face black with fury.   "You are a filthy Gaijin!   How dare you breathe the same air as our esteemed leader, let alone speak thus to him.   If you were Tylywoch I would declare your life forfeit and squash you like a louse." He yelled.

"What do they call you big-man," he answered with a confidence borne of bravado.

"I am Torek!"

"Well big-man, were I Tylywoch, I would probably be as rigid and inflexible as you, so this situation would not arise.   But, I am not, and if you are foolish enough to challenge me, your life will be considerably shortened," his burning eyes gazed unwaveringly into Torek's as he brought the full force of his mind to bear, concentrated through the jewel, embedded in his forehead.   Even so, it took half a minute for Torek to avert his gaze.

"Do not posture and threaten," said Sanko, "tell us where, in your opinion, our thinking is flawed.   If you can convince this gathering, then Lomax will go free."

"You ask the obvious, I do not believe there are any contingency plans for the unthinkable situation, where sometime in the future an Emperor might be assassinated?"

A collective gasp of horror encircled him.  

 "An unnatural or violent death would put you to the sword, Men women, and children all.   What had you planned, to hold up here forever?   You cannot do that and survive.   Your defenses here are impressive but one epidemic, one poor crop, and you would be finished.   They would start with an all-out assault which would be modified to an extended siege; they will be patient because it will mean eradicating a hated enemy.  Unless you have a secret way out of these mountains you will be dead, in a year, ten years, a hundred, they will carry out the Imperial mandate.   You will be dead; their numerical superiority is overwhelming; and you know the Clans will rally in this cause, like no other, to eradicate the Tylywoch.   Oh I know you are good you could defeat odds of ten, maybe twenty, to one in open combat but one by one you would fall and they would win" said Aldor.

"So, what would you have us do," said Sanko "defy the Emperor and fraternize with the masses?"

"You need to improve the odds.   Turn the numbers in your favour."

"How can that be done?"

"You make the 13th Clan a reality by recruiting and training the inhabitants of the Fringes.   Until you have as big a force as they do; but better trained and motivated man for man and with superior leadership.   The Tylywoch would still remain apart, as an elite, but part of the 13th, and would use the force for the benefit of and in defense of the Emperor and his Empire," Aldor enthused.

"What would be in it for them, the masses?"  Torek asked.

"Stability, self-determination, a sense of pride and purpose by belonging to a respected group a national unit" Aldor said.   "And, if they respect and are respected by their commanders they will carry out orders without question, performing deeds of heroism that will make them legends through the ages to come."

"How do you propose we accomplish this," Sanko asked.

"I have spoken on it at length with Lomax, and I am not in the habit of repeating myself." Aldor replied.

"So, Kill Lomax, and the great vision will die with him?"   Sanko smiled.   "Lomax!   You can come in now, your presence is required, he is everything you said and more…"

Aldor smiled, "I know you are not a fool General" he said, looking directly at Torek.

 Lomax entered the chamber, a broad uncharacteristic grin on his face.   "He’s clever, resourceful, courageous, and committed to the task at hand.   Oh, did I leave out modest?"   He slapped Aldor playfully on the shoulder.

"He will do!   Go easy on my ears, please" said Sanko.

"Just one moment," said Aldor "I would appreciate being included in this conversation."

"You are a little old for a trainee, but you seem to have the required temperament and the attributes to become a Generalist.   I anticipate it will take you about a year to reach an acceptable level of proficiency in the core disciplines" said Lomax.   "You will be unique, the one and only fourteenth warrior in the 'carnivores' Kebu.   In fact, there has never been a Kebu with fourteen members."

The council applauded, to signify their approval. 

"I appreciate the offer but, I am a controller.   I came here only to start the process, there are other places to visit, and other projects to get underway…" he paused as if thinking.

‘You are not seriously refusing them?’    Orden said.

‘Ah, you are still alive Orden. It has been so long...’

‘Nobody from the outside has ever been admitted to their ranks in living memory.   It is a unique opportunity.’ Said Orden.


‘There are, no more important projects, you must accept the honour.   You must stay and broaden your base by turning this backward and inward-looking Empire, into a vital and significant ally of our cause.   He plans for you to replace him as the most important man in the Cheilin Empire, and what is more, you are probably his only possible successor.’

(To be Continued) 

Copyright Len Morgan


Thursday 10 June 2021



By Peter Woodgate

And you, your mind elsewhere,

amongst the swirling dresses

without a care.

On shiny wooden floors

that supported your team

whilst I, a fly that needed swatting,

it was no dream.

And we, in those years of hardship,


Not through the absence of material things,

but lack of love,

and what that brings.  


Copyright Peter Woodgate

Wednesday 9 June 2021

We all make choices

 We all make choices

By Janet Baldey

As Edna left the hospital, the doctor’s words echoed inside her head.

         “Miss Marford, I am going to be blunt. You already have limited mobility and the circulation in your legs is deteriorating. If your condition gets any worse then we may be forced to amputate. In order to avoid this, you really must stop smoking. It’s your choice….”

         He’d looked at her as she sat facing him and her posture must have told him all he needed to know. With a sigh of frustration, he’d let the pen he was holding fall onto his blotter.

         Edna scowled as she clambered into her mobility scooter and her mouth worked furiously.

         “Young whippersnapper,” she muttered under her breath. “Straight out of medical school and thinks he knows it all.  Just three things make my life worth living, my scooter, my dog and my fags. If I give any one of ‘em up, I might as well be dead.  Anyway, look at Dad, smoked sixty a day until he was in his eighties and always fit as a fiddle!”

         With a cussed disregard for other road users, she swung herself out of the hospital grounds straight into the middle of the road, deliberately holding up the traffic in both directions.  No-one could get past her as she weaved her way along the narrow road, veering from side to side to avoid the speed bumps and potholes. With grim satisfaction, she watched the long line of cars following her slow progress.

         “Do ‘em good to wait,” she thought. “They’ve good healthy legs and posh cars to drive. I’m a poor old woman and I deserve some consideration.”

         With malicious glee, she noted the horror-stricken look on a driver’s face as she swerved to within an inch of his car. “

         “So, what’re you going to do then, sue?” She cackled and the ash on her cigarette shivered precariously.

         Anna Bryant, a young woman driving the car just behind her, felt some sympathy for the old lady slumped defiantly over the controls of her scooter – feeling it must be awful not to be able to walk. But her compassion was mixed with irritation. She couldn’t understand why the woman didn’t use the perfectly good pavement instead of forcing motorists to crawl along behind her at about five miles an hour. She glanced anxiously at her watch. It was almost three-fifteen, Sam and Moira would be finishing school soon.

         As she crawled along behind her, her irritation soon gave way to concern.  She’d noticed that the back wheels on the scooter were wobbling alarmingly as Edna negotiated the bumpy road, and their motion grew wilder as the old woman doggedly continued on her erratic course. 

         Suddenly, the accident that Anna had feared happened.  The scooter hit a pothole and lurched violently to one side.  There was a squeal of metal, one wheel flew off and the chair collapsed in the middle of the road.

         There was a moment’s silence, then the sound of car doors opening and a hubbub of voices as drivers rushed to where Edna sat, a dazed look on her face.  She’d been thrown forward and had grazed her head. A thin stream of blood was trickling down her face and her eyes were vacant as she stared at the concerned faces looking down at her.

         “I’ll call an ambulance,” a voice said.  At this, Edna came back to life. “Oh, no you don’t! No hospital.” Her voice was adamant. The crowd stood around her, looking perplexed.  “I want to go home.” Edna snapped.

         Anna looked at her and thought, “poor old thing.” Crouched in the middle of the road, she looked like a defiant toad. Her glasses had been knocked awry but her cigarette was still stuck to her lips. Anna opened her mouth and the words were out before she had chance to think.  “I’ll take you home.” She looked around, “can someone help her into my car, while I arrange for my children to be picked up.”

         As they drove along the road, at first Anna tried to make small talk but Edna sat mutely in the car, staring straight ahead. Whilst being manoeuvred into place, she had banged her leg. It was now throbbing hotly and she gritted her teeth against the pain. The silence in the car grew uncomfortable.

         Edna couldn’t help darting sideways glances at her young Samaritan. Resentfully, she noted the healthy bloom on her skin and the mass of shiny chestnut hair that framed her face. If she had been pretty when she was young, maybe things might have been different. As it was, men had never given her a second glance; she had always been homely, short and dumpy with lank hair. That was why she now kept it cropped short, close to her head. “Hedgehog head,” that was what she’d heard some rude boys call her.

         At last, they reached Edna’s house. ‘Here,” she said abruptly thrusting out a set of keys.  “I’ve got a manual wheelchair in me hall. I can get meself into that if you can go and get it for me.”

         Anna quickly got out of the car and went up the path, eager to be rid of her burden. She inserted the key into the lock. As she did, she heard a snuffling noise coming from beneath the door.  As soon as it was open, she was almost bowled over by an excited whirl of legs and fur.

         “Oh, a dog!” she exclaimed. Anna loved dogs, this one had a funny, lopsided face with one side brown and the other white. It jumped around her, obviously delighted to have company.  Anna, stroked the dog’s thick, wiry coat. “Hello, boy,” she crooned, as the dog wagged his tail. “What a shame”, she thought. “The poor thing deserves better to be cooped up in a tiny place like this.” Immediately, she felt ashamed of her reaction.

         “I didn’t realise you had a dog,” she said to the old lady as she held the car door open.  Edna’s eyes flickered and for the first time Anna saw some animation in her face.

         “Yeah, that’s Bruce,” she said gruffly.

         “The kids and I love dogs – we miss ours terribly. We had to give him away when we moved because the place we’re living in now doesn’t allow pets.

         Edna looked at her in surprise, “what did your husband say about that?” she asked.

         Edna noticed that Anna’s eyes misted over and for the first time it crossed her mind that perhaps the girl’s life had not all been wine and roses as she had assumed.

         “My husband died.  He’d been ill for a long time and afterwards we couldn’t afford to keep the house on.  The Council stepped in but they wouldn’t allow us to keep the dog.  It was hard on the kids, first losing their dad and then the dog.”

         Edna was silent for a minute, then she gave a snort.  “Well, if they miss having a dog so much, they can always come and walk Bruce – he needs the exercise.  P’raps I was selfish to have him, but he is company for me.”

         Anna looked at the dog as it sat laughing in the sunshine, shade from the trees, dappling its fur.  She beamed; “that would be wonderful – they would love it.  I’ll bring them round after school tomorrow, if that’s alright with you?”

         Edna watched as she drove away.  She would never admit it to anyone else, but it would be nice to have someone to talk to.  She smiled grimly to herself. Perhaps she would even have a go at giving up the cigarettes.  After all, she wouldn’t want those kiddies breathing in her smoke.

Copyright Janet Baldey      










Tuesday 8 June 2021

Blood in our hands

 Blood in our hands

 By Robert Kingston

They stirred the hornets’ nest in Iraq

And many places since time begun.

They stirred the hornets’ nest in Afghanistan

Just when images to me stung.

They stirred the hornets’ nest again in Iraq

And removed the tyrant Hussain

They stirred the hornets’ nest in Egypt

And left the people there to roam again

They stirred the hornets’ nest in Libya

Taking out the man Gaddafi

They stirred the Hornets’ nest in Syria

 And now the world’s gone batty.


The moral of this story

Is becoming clear to sing

If leaders keep stirring hornets nests

One day they are going to sting 

So hence a message to voters wide and far

Take care to whom you place your vote

For when you finally realise

It’s you who fuels their choke…

Copyright Robert Kingsto