
Friday 6 November 2020




by Rosemary Clarke

Trees are beautiful to see
A rare delight for you and me.
They breathe the air, take out what's bad
To have them we should all be glad.
They shield us from the rains and storms
And bring a golden peace and calm.
With building land so towns will grow
The trees are always first to go.
Inexpert tools on trees and hedges
Turn them into shapeless wedges.
And concrete blocks on land are shown
Where once it was that trees were grown.
Some stupid people, on a whim
Smash the trees, break off their limbs.
Nature must take it's time to grow
And we will miss the greenery show.
So for us all, I ask you, please
Leave the lovely, gentle trees.

Copyright Rosemary Clarke

Thursday 5 November 2020



            A question often asked of writers is: “Where do you get your ideas from?” When inspiration is running thin the answer could be to use a plot finder grid. An example is below.

            It works like this. Take the last digit of your telephone number, landline or mobile, and select the horizontal line beginning with that number, eg someone whose number ends with a 2 has to write a story (or poem) that prominently features: a dentist, Southend Pier, a diary and the motive ‘power’. Why not give it a try. The end result can be surprisingly good.

            A golden clever clogs reward will be awarded to the first member to have one published on the blog.                                                          




           A CHARACTER           A LOCATION                AN OBJECT                   A MOTIVE


0          SAILOR                        A PRISON                      BOTTLE                        LOVE

1          CRIMINAL                   A RUINED BLDG         RAT                                MONEY

2          DENTIST                      SOUTHEND PIER         DIARY                           POWER

3          SOLDIER                      THE HEREAFTER        BUS                                SURVIVAL

4          BIGAMIST                    A CHURCH                    MOBILE PHONE          REVENGE

5          POLICEMAN                RAYLEIGH MOUNT     MAP                               GLORY

6          FIREMAN                     AN AIRPORT                  BOOK                            INTEGRITY

7          PHOTOGRAPHER       A CAVE                           TWO FINGERS             HATE

8          ARTIST                         TOWER BRIDGE            LION                              REDEMPTION

9         DOCTOR                       SUPERMARKET             MEDAL                    DESTRUCTION 


 From Richard Banks

Knowing Calm & Peace


Knowing Calm & Peace

by Rosemary Clarke

Kittens prancing 'round the floor
While on my lap cats gently snore
My day begins calmly like this
No more fights from mum or sis
No more bullying yells and fuss
Here it's now just all of us
Cats and human animal here
Living through the months and years
Knowing calm and knowing peace
Hoping this will never cease
But knowing if it ever ends
I've got my Nat, Anka and friends.

Copyright Rosemary Clarke



Wednesday 4 November 2020



By Peter Woodgate 

Since lockdown

it has been a lifeline,

the RLWG,,

a lantern in the darkness,

a visit you can make from home,

tangible, within our minds,

it’s there for all to see.


Stories full of guts and gore

of romance, humour, and much more.

Muses too have filled our minds,

with thoughtful verse of many kinds,

I swear that I have loved the chat

with comments made to this and that.

It’s wonderful and kept me sane,

stopped me from going quite insane.

Of course, this blog, is not by chance,

a sudden sight, just worth a glance,

it has been crafted, without pen,

by Mr Morgan, our mate Len.

This tribute then I give to him

and raise a glass (that’s full of gin)

to say a thank you from us all,

reminding Len with this roll-call.


There’s two Bobs and a Robert too

who likes to write a nice Haiku,

Richard of the many words

and Phil who uses guns not swords.

Shelley, Dawn and Sis use verse

to capture emotions without curse.

Janet is a story teller

bends your mind like Yuri Geller.

Not to forget Sujata Narang,

who calls for girls to join her gang.

I’ll mention Bob, French that is,

a novel from him would be bliss,

and Jane, whose stories are never dull,

no despair, a glass half full.

Rosemary too will right this world,

with her verse that’s been unfurled.

Some names missing, it would seem

who’s works, as yet, we haven’t seen,

however, this may be for reasons

as varied as our yearly seasons.

Encouragement is what we need

to observe the final bloom from seed

and so, I offer up this rhyme,

acknowledging lots of their time

that Len and others have all made

to haul us out from lockdown’s shade

and finally, to lift the gloom,

Chris will show us all, with ZOOM.


Copyright Peter Woodgate


Tuesday 3 November 2020

The Last Journey?

 The Last Journey?

By Len Morgan

All-around her the sound of thunder as the herd rolls across the plain.


A seemingly unchanging dust bowl, but each year it grows and the waterholes shrink.  She blinks, clearing her vision momentarily.  Every year they make the same journey, their survival depending on it.  They travel from here to there, for the lush green grass and cool, clear, deep water.  Then travel back again when the weather turns and they receive that irresistible urge to make the return trek.


  Don't think about it, just do it!  Keep with the herd, there is safety in numbers, follow the line towards the setting sun.  Look forward, never look back.


But, our numbers are dwindling, food and water becoming harder to find.  Surely we must all know the end is coming.

Will this journey be the last?


Copyright Len Morgan




by Rosemary Clarke

 Your wheelchair never held you back
 In fact you were so driven
 To never let the illness win
 You were a gift from Heaven.
 And on first Tuesdays you would come
 To fill us all with laughter
 And we'll remember you with love
 Forever ever after.
 Your arms were always open
 For the hugs you always brought
 And happiness and joy and fun
 These were the things you taught.
 You talked of Jesus like a friend
 As though he lived next door
 We thought that it would never end
 We want you back for more.
 But angels are sent so rarely
 And we know we were sent one
 We Bookworms all are grateful
 For your lovely sense of fun.
 We'll miss you in Rayleigh Library
 When Covid's gone it's way
 But we'll love you and remember
 For the rest of all our days.

 Thank you for being a Bookworm.  You'll always be special.


Copyright Rosemary Clarke

Through Your Eyes


Through Your Eyes


 by Rosemary Clarke

 I want to look through your eyes
 And see the world through you
 Then I won't pass the world by
 I'll have a different view.
 I want to walk in your shoes
 And feel your very feet
 To know just how you really feel
 When walking fields or streets.
 I want to feel with your heart
 To know the very core
 That way we'll never be apart
 No prejudice anymore.

Copyright Rosemary Clarke