
Sunday 26 May 2024

We Will Not Forget!

 We Will Not Forget!

By Sis Unsworth

They were indecisive, back then so long ago,

The weather unpredictable, they weren’t sure they would go.

The channel was so stormy, they were filled with gloom,

But a decision had to be made, and they had to make it soon.

The sailors and the soldiers, would face the stormy sea,

while the RAF would fly above, to help set Europe free.

At last they got the order, to face the angry tide,

those who were believers, prayed god was on their side.

They reached the Normandy beaches, early in the morning,

anxious that the enemy, had not had any warning.

Despite the bad conditions, they did their best to cope,

and by the end of that long day, Europe now had hope.

So remember eighty years ago, they fought without regret,

and the least that we can do for them, is never to forget!


Copyright Sis Unsworth



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