
Thursday 7 September 2023

The Appointment 1

The Appointment

By Jane Goodhew

When I think of an appointment the first thing that comes to mind is the book by Agatha Christie and Appointment with Death. I rather hope that this will not end that way but will lead on to bigger and better things for it is some years since I went on a date let alone one that could take me on a voyage of a lifetime.

The advert in the paper had just said ‘If you are someone who likes an adventure through travel and being a companion to a stranger then phone 333 246 66000 before 6pm today.’

Naturally, I jumped at the chance, as I had just left a very mundane job and wanted to see the world and although this seemed too perfect to be true there was only one way to find out.  My friends thought I was mad and foolish to take such a risk, after all, what did I really know about life.  So far it had been a rather sheltered one living in the countryside and meeting mainly people who were related to me or my family.  I was what one might call life’s innocent and far too trusting for my own good, but you can’t go through life seeing only the bad and mistrusting everyone or can you?

I do try to look at life from all angles but that sometimes just confuses the issue as you might see things that aren’t there and miss out through fear of the what-ifs.  Now please don’t jump to the conclusion that I am a complete fool, I would do my homework once I had met the person and then make a calculated decision based on, well, probably how I felt on the day.

Today was that day for I had made the call and the appointment was to meet at 3pm at the café along the embankment so fingers crossed that we would both like what we saw, and I would soon be travelling to distant shores.

I sat there full of anticipation and hope that it would be all that I could wish for and I, all that whoever it was could want.  A tall, distinguished looking gentleman came in and made a beeline to my table, surely it couldn’t be him, he could easily find a companion without the aid of an advert.

I smiled but with eyes lowered so as not to appear too forward as he pulled up the chair opposite me.  After the initial exchange of names and necessary information, we both seemed to relax and enjoy the tea and cakes and people watched as they walked along the embankment taking in the last rays of the sun.  We felt completely at ease and silence no longer needed to be filled with unnecessary chatter.  It all seemed to be going too smoothly as I was jolted back into the land of reality when he said “I am so glad you kept the appointment as I have been looking for many months for the ideal person to keep my mother company since she was widowed and finally, I believe I have found her.  Would you accept the position as travel companion and hopefully friend as the worldwide cruise leaves next month so time is short to get all the documents and vaccines necessary for yourself before departure.  That is, of course, if you accept?”

 That was over a month ago and naturally, I accepted, so Bon Voyage, and to all those who thought I was mad, just wait till you receive all those postcards from me as I relax on deck and realise my dream life has come true.      Or has it?  Only time will tell.            

Copyright Jane Goodhew


  1. Sadly nothing about your journey but why should there be? This story is about 'The Appointment'. Sorry, I had a problem with your charming collage, so I finally looked one up on the net; hope it suits your purpose?

    1. That's okay, it looks similar to the one I'd put on and maybe I'll tell you about the countries in another tale.

  2. sounds great, I'm jealous
