
Saturday 8 April 2023

Uncle Charlie’s Mobile home

 Uncle Charlie’s Mobile home

By Len Morgan

I recall it all even though, it happened more than 30 years ago. I asked Sheila, my sister, if she remembered our trips.  She said not, so I really had to double-think, maybe I was dreaming?

In the dreams, Uncle Charlie would take me and Sheila out in his Camper Van. I remember he called her Betty. She was, bright yellow with Peace, flowers, and mystic signs painted all over her.  We would travel out into the Essex countryside then he’d ask where we would like to go…

I remember it was Sheila’s turn to choose… “Let’s go to Scotland,” she said.

“How would you suggest we travel Kevin?” he’d ask me.

“Let’s go by steam train, the Flying Scotsman,” I said.  And Betty would whiz & spin like a Catherine wheel, when she stopped we were in a train carriage attached to the Flying Scotsman.  You must understand, this was not our first adventure with Charlie & Betty, so we were not phased by the transformation. And so this adventure began. We watched the countryside flashing by and when we opened the windows we could smell the steam and hear the familiar rhythmic sounds from the engine.  In next to no time we were in Glasgow, then on to Stirling, & finally Edinburgh.  When we left the station, our faithful Betty was waiting kerbside to take us where we wanted to go next.  Princes Street first to get a present for Mum, then to a nice restaurant for a meal. 

“Where next?” Charlie asked.

“the Zoo…” said Sheila.

“Oh yes please,” said I.

“Well your in luck kids, I just happen to have three tickets for the chimpanzees' tea party,”

What a day that was, and we were still home in time for tea.


At another time we visited Dickensian London, and Betty became a street cab.  We actually saw Charlie's namesake Mr Dickens and his home at 48 Doughty Street.  We waved to him, he smiled and waved back at us. 

 Another visit took us farther afield, to the USA, New York and the Wild West!  Betty became a stagecoach New York was smelly and overcrowded so we went on to Buffalo where we met Mark Twain, he spoke with a strange accent, nothing like Tom Sawyer or Huckleberry Finn. 

at various times in my memories, Betty became a submarine, a hot air balloon, a helicopter, an airplane, and a spaceship.


Sadly, as we got older Uncle Charlie's visits became less frequent.  It’s been 16 years now since his last visit.  We were all so busy with school, university, and work.  Guess we just forgot about him and his distinctive companion ~ Betty.  But, how could we ever forget those wonderful adventures?  Sheila says it was all in my mind, but looking around I can see the many souvenirs we brought back for Mum…

Today I received an official letter from Uncle Charlie’s solicitors.  Informing me that he had sadly passed away peacefully, at a Nursing home in Saffron Walden.  The letter explained that he'd left various bequests to friends and family.  He sent me two dozen gold coins, in plastic wallets, that he'd collected on his travels. I was asked to look out for a special delivery tomorrow 08/04/2023. 

I smiled when I saw a car transporter unloading a bright yellow Betty, embellished with flowers and magic symbols, it seemed untouched by the passage of time!  I smiled sadly remembering Charlie; wondering ‘where I would go’ as the transporter driver handed me the keys to Betty.  

I have no children but, I think I might take Sheila’s twins David & Katie for a drive; just for old time's sake…

Copyright Len Morgan


  1. Nice little tale Len. It's a mystery all right!

  2. Very enjoyable. Everyone should have a Betty in their childhood
