
Friday 17 March 2023



Peter Woodgate

I look at the barmaid through an empty glass

As the last drop of liquid slides down my throat

I fumble through pockets each side of my jeans

Finding them empty I turn to my coat.

I manage a smile as I grasp some loose change

And thump the glass down and ask for another

She gives me a smile and replies with the words

You’ve had enough darling go home to your mother.

Everyone knows I’ve had a big row

My wife’s kicked me out and I’ve gone home to mum

All I have left is to visit the pub

And drown all my sorrows one after one.

But hang on a moment that girl in the corner

She’s wearing a blouse with pink and white lace

I stumble towards her my luck may be in

It’s then that I trip and fall flat on my face.

So to all those poor fellows who know what it’s like

To feel so dejected their lives full of woe

Don’t bother with women they just give you grief

Stick to the booze but drink nice and slow.


Copyright Peter Woodgate


  1. Another amusing but sad tale of woe, from your poetic pen.

  2. Nice one Peter. There seems to be a theme going at the moment. Was the girl's name Joy?
