
Friday 2 December 2022

Tylywoch ~ 31

 Tylywoch ~ 31  Fighting Back II 

By Len Morgan 

   Aldor’s force entered the city to a warm reception, it was just one hour after Weilla made her speech.   By that time the Surbatt had only one stronghold left, the Emerald palace.   The morale of their troops within the palace was at rock bottom.   Sickness was rife, but the forces loyal to 'the Divine Light' seemed to be immune to the vomit fever and dysentery that left members of Taleen's force with no option but to surrender.   They could not fight in that debilitated state.   So when called upon to surrender many members of the 9th Clan and their sympathisers, gave up without protest, in return for the aid dispensed by Aldor's medical specialists.   Those not affected by the sickness drove their Surbatt masters, to the throne room, and threw down their arms, surrendering to the startled red guard, who had formed a cordon around the throne room, prepared to sell their lives dearly in a last-ditch stand…   Instead, Veille the highest-ranking officer was given the far less onerous task of accepting their surrender and locking them up securely.   When the Empress was shown to still be alive, most of the 9th displayed great surprise, overwhelming her with their demonstrative displays of loyalty.  

The 9th willingly re-joined the other clans in equal partnership and were to play a significant part in the war against Bluttland.   Far from splitting the Clans, the 'Surbatt Incident' had served to galvanise the sense of oneness in the hearts of all inhabitants of the Cheilin Empire.

As far as history is concerned, the Tylywoch took little part in the proceedings.   History would recall the Red Guards' daring escape from the dungeons and their triumphant humiliation of the evil Surbatt cult, but the Empress and the Guard knew what really transpired.   

Prince Taleen disappeared from the palace without a trace.   

Several days after his incarceration Wilden was exhumed from his living tomb.   To his surprise, his addiction was completely cured!   'Wilden's cure' as it became known, was used to successfully rehabilitate most of the others infected by Glamhorten, amongst them Galyx.   

In gratitude, for a royal pardon, Wilden renounced Bedelacq and became a trusted advisor, to the Empress, on all Bluttland matters.   He would prove to be a loyal trustworthy and invaluable advisor in the struggles yet to come.

The Blutt Conflict: 

 Jax closed his eyes…

"Good news!" said Orden "Aldor has entered the Eternal City.   The Empress is alive and well and the Surbatt uprising has been put down.   Aldor will soon be leading an army from the west to support us.   We have only to hold them back until he arrives." 

"That is good news indeed.   I also have news, but it is not good I wish it were, the witch woman from the ship has evaded us, she could now be anywhere!" 

"If that is true, she will now be well beyond your sector and therefore no longer your concern," said Terrek.  "We will catch up with her eventually; it's just a matter of time.   There has been a breakthrough of sorts in this sector.   Two ships discharged in a hidden cove we were not covering.   There may be what you called a witch woman with them.   If so, it's possible that your one will try to join up with that group.   If she is located I will let you know.   Is there any further information to be passed on?" 

"Only to confirm the weather will break overnight and the improved conditions will accelerate their attempts to land,” Said Orden.   “A ship is a big problem logistically, and they must be running low on food and water.   The conditions will have deteriorated markedly for the troops on board, so their priority must be to make landfall.   They were relying on the Surbatt rebellion to succeed and split our forces, they may not yet be aware that prince Taleen and his witch woman, are no longer a threat to us.  I believe you both know Galyx, one of Aldor's Tylywoch?   He killed the witch woman, and Taleen fled the city.   If the Blutt commanders are aware of it, they will know that time is now of the essence if they hope to get a foothold on Cheilin soil.

Terrek laughed, "The man with no name, who introduced me to Jax and persuaded me to take him as my apprentice."

"Quite!   It's unlikely they will attack before dawn, so pass the word to your commanders that everyone should get warm meal and a good night's sleep.   Who knows when we will next have that luxury!" at which point Orden broke off the mind link.

 (To be continued)

Copyright Len Morgan

1 comment:

  1. Rosemary says:
    As always your own tale had me wanting to know more; it's like being put into a game of Dungeons and Dragons instead of watching it!
