
Friday 22 July 2022

Tylywoch ~ 21

 Tylywoch ~ 21 Fighting Back I

By Len Morgan 

   Placing their best warriors in the van, they attacked the Barracks.   Luck was with them, and they caught most of the occupants of the first barracks were asleep, their attack was swift and bloody.   The second room was almost empty, they stripped it of weapons food, and anything likely to prove useful, then set it ablaze.   The serious fighting began when they attacked the third barrack room.   They were still able to count on the element of surprise and made a telling blow before the occupants reacted.   Then for a while, there was a hard fight until, at a signal, the lamps were extinguished and the reds withdrew.   For minutes the defenders were attacking each other, then somebody realised and ordered them to put up their arms.   At that precise moment, the Tylywoch entered the killing zone and the fighting came to an abrupt end.   

Scouts returned to report there were two other fully manned barracks close by.   Flushed with success Veille and his reds were all for pressing home their attack but Schell insisted they stick to the plan, not losing sight of the objective, to release Galyx.   So, they attacked and retreated as planned.   Finally, the alarm was raised and all available enemy units converged on the lower-level detention areas in far greater numbers than had originally been anticipated and Veille quickly acknowledged the wisdom of sticking to their plan. 

It took the attackers ten minutes to demolish the containment doors to the lower levels, by which time the defenders were well on their way.   The glow from the torches of the rearguard led them on into the maze of tunnels in hot pursuit.   Hildi, Soren, and four of the Red Guard slowed to ensure their pursuers did not lose contact before plunging into the next tunnel.   Five minutes later… 

“I think we’ve missed a turn,” Soren said, “We will have to go back.”   But as they turned to retrace their steps the first of their pursuers came into view.

“We’ll never get back in time, I know the way, follow me,” Hildi dashing down the next tunnel on the left.   They were now heading in the same direction they’d have taken had they previously made the correct turn.   The chasing pack followed with renewed determination, they were gaining on their quarry.  

“It's time to lose them!”   Soren said half an hour later.   They increased speed to match the slowest of the red guards quickly losing their tail.   Fifteen minutes later they caught up with the main group poised ready to attack at the opposite end of the palace.   In went ‘Stealth quad’, to silence the watch. 

(to be Continued)

Copyright Len Morgan

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