
Sunday 22 March 2020

Time travel

Time travel & other dimensions

(by Len Morgan)

“Time is what stops everything from happening at once.” a quote from John Wheeler (Inventor of the term: black hole).

Time travel is impossible.  If it has happened we would know; there would be evidence of tampering or profiteering... Or would there?

Rules for ‘Time travel’ must be simple and inviolate:-

·        Matter cannot be created or destroyed.
·        Matter cannot exist twice in the same place and time. So, if matter is transmitted, the equivalent matter must be transmitted elsewhere, to a different place where it never previously existed; another dimension?  Out of time?  More likely to the present, replacing the traveller.   They would change places at the same instant.
·        Travellers affecting the past or the future would create a new timeline.  The old one continues unaffected, rejecting any time anomaly.
·        Nobody can take advantage of knowledge gained in the future since nothing can be brought back either physically or as a memory.  Travellers would develop selective amnesia; they can’t remember what hasn’t yet happened or may never happen in their newly created timeline.


In a harmonious Universe there is an absence of contradiction and few points of conflict; time may be incapable of creating alternative paths but where outside influences create possible alternatives they will come to pass and things will start to get interesting. In a straight-line path, the outcome is harmony, a changeless state.

Not all the gods were content to rule an unchanging static timeline.

They argued that chaos should be loosed in the universe, to destroy harmony forever.   They believed that the lesser races should be imbued with self-determination, and they willed it so.

“Let chaos reign" said the counsel. 

 And, the chairperson said, “Let there be light!”

Time Lines

Pristine virginal snow softens the angular lines of rock and ice; layer upon layer down through the permafrost.   This is an effete world, a hibernal place, where any life would have ceased to exist whilst it was still an inchoate single cell.  The snow deepens its multi-crusted existence eternally constant.   If humans ever walked here, they would have experienced an orgasmic delight in the satisfying crunch accompanying each hypothetical footfall.   Seemingly infinite layers of snow, hoar frost, dust, snow, hoar frost, dust, built up layer on layer; a veritable Vienetta in construction since the dawn of time, like the coats of paint on an old door, or the multi-layered skins of an onion.

Time has no meaning here; the aeon and the nanosecond are just crude representations that fail to give meaning to the static reality.  The rarefied atmosphere and the dry sub-zero temperature would suck the warmth and life from any living creature, ending its existence before it could take a single step or draw its first breath on this inclement virginal world.

 Welcome to a parallel timeline in which the Earth’s orbit is a few million miles further removed from the sun – the result of an event that happened close to the dawn of creation – culminating in this barren dead place.

Plants failed to develop here, photosynthesis didn't happen so the atmosphere was never conducive to life as we know it.  Life never became extinct, as, in some parallel timelines, it simply failed to materialize. 

There are timelines where dinosaurs still roam the earth, while in others, insects rule. There are branches of our own line where the cold war heated up and life ended in an incandescent fireball.  When an event comes to pass all the infinite possibilities cease.  

When all possibilities have been resolved the timelines become immutable and fixed; we call that timeline the past.  But, there are still possibilities in the present, and in the future.

Alternative timelines exist, like branches on an infinite tree of life. If humans were able to cross over to another twig, branch, or bough, where our kind never existed would we be able to start again? 

By correcting all our past mistakes, begin anew?

Or, would we be destined to repeat them?

©  Copywrite of author


  1. I wrote this a lifetime ago! Way back in 22/03/2020, when we all looked forward to a quick end to LOCK-DOWN not knowing that in 22/08/2020 we would still be housebound. The future? Who knows...

    1. If someone far in the future were to travel back with a cure for Covid-19, would we still be in lock-down? The answer is YES!
