
Tuesday 31 March 2020

The Cull


 by Peter Woodgate

It was spring in Winnipeg in the year 2021. Just outside the city, nestling in the hills of the beautiful countryside of Manitoba stood a grand mansion. This magnificent building highlighted by the soft spring sun would normally have been the epitome of calm. Not today, however, as multiple helicopters descended on the building like bees returning to the hive.     

All this hum-drum of activity was due to a covert meeting called by the governing bodies of certain countries, these being; USA, Canada, the UK, Germany, Japan, China and Russia. The said meeting had been arranged by the Heads of State in the aftermath of the particularly devastating Coronavirus which had ravaged the globe for the past eighteen months. The death toll had now peaked at 1.4 billion, 1.3 billion of which were the elderly over 70’s.     The president of the USA opened the meeting and immediately thanked the representative of China explaining that a vaccine had now been formulated by that country and would be distributed immediately. During further discussions, all agreed that “The Cull” had been necessary as the ageing population had been causing global markets to fall. 

The manufactured virus had been a great success targeting those deemed to be surplus to requirements when trying to build a strong global economy. It was further agreed that healthy growth could now be expected.    

 Of course, viruses had been released in the past but had never been as successful as this and it was agreed that China should again be nominated to manufacture another to suit the occasion when needed.     Mission accomplished, the bees left the hive. 

©  Copywrite of the author

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