
Sunday 5 May 2024

A Haibun and a Haiku

 A Haibun and a Haiku

By Rob Kingston 

Aligning stars

How weird, you're thinking about something that has come through spiritual lines and you open today's wordle and type a relative word.

strike one
the clatter of skittles
dancing on the floor


gong bath

a bit of me in full

chakra colours 

Both were published in last month's Blithe Spirit Volume 34, number 2


Friday 3 May 2024

The Appointment

 The Appointment


By Sis Unsworth


George was feeling quite poorly, not himself from his point of view

He rang for a doctor's appointment, and was told he was in a queue

At first, he was quite patient, just waiting for his turn,

But after half an hour, he began showing some concern

A voice said they were busy, but would answer him real soon

So frequently they said it, it filled poor George with gloom

He heard the postman knocking, but wouldn’t leave the phone

It surely must be his turn soon, he had a silent moan.

George was feeling hungry, his breakfast had turned cold,

He wanted that appointment, so he continued to hold.

He noticed through the window, it had begun to rain

Earlier he’d put some washing out, it would now be wet again,

The dog was rubbing around his legs, impatient to go out.

“Why don’t you get the washing in,” he heard his wife cry out.

George was feeling so irate, when he heard a voice then say,

“All appointments are now filled, please call another day.”


Copyright Sis Unsworth

Wednesday 1 May 2024



By Peter Woodgate

I have this sort of problem

With names of things and places

With people too it’s just the same

I can’t put names to faces.

There’s thingamajigs and whatsername

And watchermecallit too

Thingamebobs and whatsitcalled

Just give me a bloody clue.

You see it’s fairly simple

It’s there within my brain

But accessing is difficult

It’s never been quite the same

Since I became an O.A.P.

My memories gone to pot

My children look at me and say

That I have lost the plot.

This does not concern me much

Cos I can keep a list

Of all those names and birthdays

And things I’ve often missed.

But something is quite worrying

When I cuddle the wife and then,

She utters the words “You’ve had that”

And I can’t remember when.

Copyright Peter Woodgate

Sunday 28 April 2024

she realised the truth

 It was a long time before she realised the truth

By Sis Unsworth 

Jill had bought a mirror and placed it in the hall,

as time went by she realised, she wasn’t sure at all.

So she moved it to another place, but didn’t like it there,

she thought it might look better, closer to the stair.

Yet still she felt dissatisfied, something was still wrong,

she must find another place, while she was feeling strong.

Jill tried it in the bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom too,

she couldn’t solve the mystery, she didn’t have a clue.

It was a long time, before she realised the truth.

Wherever she hung the mirror, it revealed her fading youth.


Copyright Sis Unsworth

Friday 5 April 2024


  ALEXA PART THREE  (The Tormented Trilogy)

By Peter Woodgate

OK Alexa, we’ve come to the crunch,

It’s cards on the table, I guess,

I’m sorry that I pulled out the plug

And left things in such a mess.

I realise now that you are AI,

Despite that beguiling voice,

My wife is real, with human traits,

Despite that, she is my choice.

It’s easy, you see, to forget real love

And things that are taken for granted,

We both have our moments, as humans,

But, in our heads, it is planted.

We love each other, through thick or thin,

And despite the ups and the downs,

We can be silly, especially me,

Consequently, we act like clowns.

So, thanks for declining my proposal,

My mind was in such a muddle,

I realise now what a fool I’ve been

We would never have had a kiss or cuddle.

Copyright Peter Woodgate


Wednesday 3 April 2024

Riddles 15

 Riddles 15 

By the Riddler

The Riddler Has two puzzles for us today:


No 1.  I have a Key & a Lock.  A Space but no room.   You can Enter, but you cannot go outside! 

What am I? 

No 2.  I shine bright at night but disappear at dawn.                                                                     

What am I? 

Keep em coming Riddler


Tuesday 2 April 2024

Jills first Easter Egg

 Jills first Easter Egg

By Sis Unsworth

Jill remembered her first Easter egg, all those years ago,

Sweets were still on ration then, but she’d been to young to know.

She remembered the counter, in Woolworths where they did stop

It was always exciting, when her aunt and mum, would shop

They told her of the Easter egg, and she couldn’t wait to see

The only eggs she ever saw, were those they had for tea.

And they were still on ration, she heard her mother say,

So buying a chocolate Easter egg, made it such a special day.

Jill was so excited, it was so hard to bare,

The egg was in a cardboard box, so they handled it with care

Life seems very different now, she reminisced with tears

such a special moment, to treasure through the years.

So as Easter came around again, she felt a bright warm glow

Remembering her first Easter egg, from all those years ago.


Copyright Sis Unsworth