
Tuesday 2 April 2024

Jills first Easter Egg

 Jills first Easter Egg

By Sis Unsworth

Jill remembered her first Easter egg, all those years ago,

Sweets were still on ration then, but she’d been to young to know.

She remembered the counter, in Woolworths where they did stop

It was always exciting, when her aunt and mum, would shop

They told her of the Easter egg, and she couldn’t wait to see

The only eggs she ever saw, were those they had for tea.

And they were still on ration, she heard her mother say,

So buying a chocolate Easter egg, made it such a special day.

Jill was so excited, it was so hard to bare,

The egg was in a cardboard box, so they handled it with care

Life seems very different now, she reminisced with tears

such a special moment, to treasure through the years.

So as Easter came around again, she felt a bright warm glow

Remembering her first Easter egg, from all those years ago.


Copyright Sis Unsworth


  1. Memories are made of this! Nice one Sis...

  2. reminds me of my first egg (Peter)
