Tylywoch ~ 03 The Natural Disasters
Len Morgan
When they reached the age of seven there were changes made. They were organised into units of twelve. Each unit consisting of three teams of four students, known as quads. The quad was the basic working unit for the Tylywoch. They were selected by their trainers, who had intimate knowledge of each student's strengths, and weaknesses. The members of a quad were chosen to complement each other, to bring out the best in the quad, and help individuals overcome their limitations, together, they would quickly become a well-balanced close-knit team. Each quad was named, by custom, after successful quads from the past those that had distinguished themselves and brought honour to their name. Weilla was attached to the ‘Natural Disasters’ consisting of the three quads; Fire, Flood, and Storm. Storm quad was made up of two boys Soren & Mynach, and two girls, Hildi & Weilla.
Soren had great dexterity and speed, his sleight of hand was legendary, surpassed only by his ability to solve puzzles, and pick locks. His knowledge of mechanics and all kinds of devices was almost intuitive.
Mynach even at the age of seven was solidly built like his parents. His strength was equal to that of the other three quad members combined. In addition, he possessed a rather unique talent, the ability to mimic and reproduce accurately any sound, after just one hearing.
Hildi was the antithesis of Mynach. She was quiet, thin, wiry, and double-jointed. She could get into and out of spaces and things that others wouldn’t even attempt. She could move soundlessly like an eel without disturbing a blade of grass. She was deceptive, a pretty doll-like child with strength, out of all proportion to her stature.
Weilla possessed both physical and mental strength, she was strong-willed, tenacious, and fearless, she would never admit defeat. She was an excellent tactician, not afraid to be cautious and at times to gamble or sacrifice when it became necessary. Her mind was logical quick and sharp as a razor. She would formulate solutions while others were still coming to grips with the problem.
The Games – were designed to stretch their abilities,
reveal their individual skills, and ingenuity, as well as their leadership
qualities, and their ability to work as a team.
The rules were simple:
The Games always took place at night, each was of thirty minutes
duration, two quads would defend a flag against the third. Each member of the twelve-man team would be
given the opportunity to lead their quad in an attack. They had to produce their plan on paper and
submit it to the invigilators prior to commencing their attack. They could then be judged on their planning, ingenuity,
and flexibility. There were seven unsuccessful attacks then it was Weilla’s turn to present her plan.
Each quad made four attacks on the Flag and defended
eight times, four against each of the other quad’s. It was Storm’s third attack, Weilla had
analysed all the previous unsuccessful attacks and knew that in each, the
element of surprise was lacking. Being aware of the strengths of her quad members, she carefully
outlined her plan. Only Soren was
skeptical, but since most of the work would be done by Mynach & Hildi, who
were more receptive, she submitted her plan regardless. The invigilators' eyebrows rose, but he said
nothing. The horn sounded and she
rejoined the quad, immediately an altercation broke out within the group. She called them harshly into a huddle, and
for several minutes they were engaged in earnest discussion. Hildi’s voice raised in protest, Soren
answered loudly, Mynach and Weilla joined in the exchange. Hildi made an abusive comment, which Mynach
took personally. The two defending
quad’s edged closer to better follow the heated exchanges, smiling with
amusement. It seemed that Storm quad
were having a falling out. It would make
their job easier if they encouraged it.
Weilla shouted for order and was pushed from the huddle, landing
unceremoniously on her behind in plain view of the other quads. Nearly half the allotted time had expired and
still, Hildi & Mynach’s voices could be heard, raised in heated disagreement. The defenders, unable to resist, began to
hurl their comment in support of one or the other. Eventually, they all became involved in
good-natured banter with various members of the Storm quad as full time
approached. The horn blew, and the
attack was over. Both Fire & Flood
whooped with delight…
“Attack Successful!”
Announced the invigilator.
The defenders smiles changed to disbelief then horror as
they turned to discover the Flag was gone.
As if in answer to their pleading looks, the invigilator held up the
flag, as Hildi turned and headed back towards the other Storm quad
“It Worked!” She
yelled in triumph.
“Of course it did, it was Weilla's plan,” said Mynach imitating Hildi’s voice.
There were no further successful attacks that day, so much to the chagrin of Fire & Flood, Storm was top quad!
The two women shared an intimate embrace and a few private tears, then Weilla shouldered her small bundle of personal possessions, and left their home as a child, for the last time. Meillo felt tired and so alone, she wiped a tear from her usually implacable face. Aldor was away, traveling the Empire, keeping the peace, and winning the hearts and minds of the ordinary folk. He’d made his views known, that they would have need of friends and allies in the not too distant future, and it was his responsibility to make things happen.
The Natural Disasters would from now on share a Kebu, a
communal hut, living as an extended family.
Fishing, hunting, cooking, bartering, and planting, whilst continuing
their education as a team. They would
continue to work in quads, but from eight years of age, they were expected to
embrace a larger team, the Tylywoch community.
A thirteenth warrior would be joining them, appointed by virtue of
his/her age and experience, to be Kebu master.
All the quad leaders would then report and be responsible to the Kebu
master. It was not usual for operatives
so young to be used in real operations, but they would have their share of
training operations and exercises to test the efficiency of other imperial forces,
at the direct request of the Empress.
The Tylywoch were her shadow warriors, answerable to her alone. They were fiercely loyal and lived by the
code: death with honour. Prior to undertaking a covert operation in
her name, they would yell the oath at the top of their voices. Since one weak link could destroy them all,
they had to have complete confidence in every member of their quad or
team. A month after moving to the Kebu,
the natural disasters were introduced to their Kebu master, Galyx. Newly returned from serving as Captain of the
Empress’ honour guard.
He was a tall slim serious young man of eighteen, sporting short dark wispy facial hair. He, it was who began their training in earnest!
By the time they
had reached the age of ten the Natural Disasters had grown hard with work and
to the casual observer or outsider could be taken for adults. Dressed in warm sturdy waterproof clothing
hoods and full-length capes that would double as a tent, they headed for Sudoren,
the nearest town, just thirty miles distant.
Outsiders were reported to be staying there, asking questions about
their mountain homeland, and its inhabitants.
The inn-keep was their eyes and ears in the area and had called them
to do a routine surveillance and vetting operation. They had carried out similar operations many
times before, enough to make it routine.
Galyx had delegated Fire quad to slip into the town, locate and identify
the tools and equipment the visitors were using. They had been taking soil, rock & mineral
samples, and were studying the geological formations in the area. They had ore samples, detailed maps, and
their tools suggested they were who they said they were, mining
prospectors. Two were pale and stocky
wearing heavy animal skin clothing and boots.
Their leader was tall, broad-shouldered with iron-grey hair and of
indeterminate age dressed in the local fashion.
“Outsiders,” Galyx said with distaste spitting on the ground. “They must not be allowed to approach home
territory, they must be followed constantly.
Either Fire or Flood will shadow them at all times. Storm will accompany me into Sudoren. We are a hunting party, stopping for supplies. Ask discreet questions, and try to get closer
to them, to discover their true purpose on our side of the Saber Tooth mountains.“
Weilla and Mynach were more obviously mature, and would therefore be the ones to make the closer contact.
“Over the
centuries, the Meyam people have panned for gold in the rivers filtering down
to the lower slopes of the
“You will lead them to the deposits, and stay as guide and hunter, learning all you can of their expedition. You will need to learn their language, this will be part of your training,” Galyx explained.
“How do we…” Mynach began.
“You will learn keywords, joining words, common words, and how to create sentences and ask questions.”
“We will need somebody who speaks both languages.” Said Mynach.
“I speak many languages, one of them is Meyam. There are tricks to learning language, I will teach you the rudiments and you will learn from our visitors.” Said Galyx.
“Is one night sufficient?” Hildi queried.
“For the Natural Disasters it will be,” he said, "gather round..."
(to be Continued)
Len Morgan