
Thursday 16 December 2021



 by Richard Banks

It seemed an odd thing to be celebrating. I mean, no one would be celebrating if it happened now. Think about it, you’ve just turned in for the night when there’s an almighty commotion and all these hairy Vikings break down your front door and make off with everything that’s not nailed down. And that’s not the worse of it, the village men who don’t run away fast enough are stabbed all over and their womenfolk taken away in stripey sailed rowing boats and sold to the highest bidder in a Byzantium slave market. Well, who knows, it might have ended up quite well for some of them, the younger gad about girls who wanted to travel and see the world. A long sea voyage might have been just the ticket for them, especially if they were snapped up by a Sheik who looked like Omar Sheriff.  But it wouldn’t have been very nice for the rest of them. Oh yes, I know it all happened hundreds of years ago and I shouldn’t be fretting about it now but neither should anyone be making a song and dance about it. But then, why do I bother? I’ve said all this before.

         According to the organising committee, it’s going to be a commemoration of the most significant event in the village’s long and lackluster history. It will put Whitmouth on the map and bring visitors to the village who will spend money in the Chequers and the local shops, and maybe come back at other times. “Why would they?” I say. We’re a one church, one pub village with a beach and harbour that reeks of fish and seaweed. Who in their right mind would want to come back here? Once bitten, twice shy is what I say, but I might just as well be speaking to myself.

         We now have a date when it will happen – Saturday, 10 August. That’s one week before the tennis at Eastdeen and one after the Pembersey Regatta, so we won’t be in competition with them and other events; so if you’re desperate for something to do it’s us or nothing. There’s going to be a craft fayre in the High Street, skittles in the pub, and country dancing on the village green. And if that’s not enough - and it certainly isn’t - we’re all expected to dress up like the olden folk who were here all those centuries ago. 

         At first, it’s only us ladies in the WI and Church League that want to get involved but then the men in the Rotary Club smell a nice little earner, and hey presto they’re all but taking over; that’s when the Committee is formed, and what’s more, they’ve got Lord Spentmore to chair it. If the truth be told he’s a bit of a pain in the beam end but anyone’s better than the Vicar; if you’re ever heard one of his sermons you’ll know what I mean. Still, it’s good to have an honest man as Treasurer so he’s duly elected and we get the use of the church hall for free.

         So, it’s all speed ahead except that one of the men thinks we don’t have enough things organised. That’s what I think, I say, not that you’ll find it in the minutes. He says, if we want to draw the crowds we’ll need something special, and that’s when the idea of having a re-enactment of the actual landing becomes the main event in the program. “It’s genius,” says the same man, “why didn’t I think of it before, and the young fellas in the rugby club can be the Vikings.” Then someone else says, “who’s going to be the Saxons, there must have been a battle, even though it’s not written down, it stands to reason there must have been a battle.” The Vicar thinks not and for once I agree with him, it was nighttime, all the Saxons were in their beds, you can’t do too much fighting when you’re tucked up there.

         But why let logic get in the way of a money-spinning idea, so the rugby club are invited and, when it's decided there’s not enough of them for a battle, the cricket club and Young Farmers also get the call. This is just the sort of rough and tumble they’re used to on a Saturday night after closing time, and their girlfriends are more than willing to play the part of Saxon maidens or Viking camp followers. Never have the young people been so enthusiastic about a village event and it’s not long before the rugby boys are sprucing up an old launch to look like a Viking longboat. This means the cricketers have to be the Saxons which they’re not too pleased about because they’re on the losing side, battle or no battle. However, they gain a vital concession when they argue that the Vikings didn’t have any camp followers so all the girls will have to be Saxon maidens which means if there’s any hanky panky while they’re waiting for the Vikings to arrive the Saxons will be one-nil up before a blow is struck. However, when the cricketers and farmers have a meeting in the upstairs room of the Chequers it soon becomes apparent that things are being planned that never happened in any history book. The next thing we know is that the local bikers have been recruited by the Saxons and the rugby club are buying baseball bats from Sports Direct and threatening to use them if anything should happen to their reassigned camp followers. In the end, Constable Lewis has to read them all the riot act and the Committee decided to dispense with the battle and just have the Vikings land unopposed, set fire to the Saxon hovels that have been put up next to the scouts’ hut, and retreat back to their boat with bags of swag and any of the rugby club girls who are up to being part of the booty. An uneasy peace having been restored the rest of us get on with preparing the other events. 

         Come the day we’re ready and raring to go, the village is decked out with bunting and almost everyone has made some attempt at dressing up. The weather could not be better and by 2pm, when the craft fayre begins, the village is heaving with people most of whom have already paid good money for parking on the school field. All the craft stalls do good business and the village green has never been so full of people. And what a show we give them, we quite surprise ourselves - country dancing, sheep shearing and corralling, a display by the bird sanctuary, all kinds of music and races for the kiddies. 

         The day is more successful than we dared hope and we haven’t yet got to the main event that is to take place in the evening as the sun is setting over the sea. There must be four hundred people at least on the Quay when the boat is sighted in the gathering gloom. By then we have flaming torches down both sides of the harbour and the bell ringers in the church are sounding a death knell for dramatic effect. Even better is the sight of the boat as it runs aground on the shingle beach. The Rugby boys have done us all proud, the boat is just like the ones in the history books we had as kiddies, there’s a red and white stripey sail, a dragon head on the pointy bit at the front and a crew of bewhiskered warriors who have done a fine job of the rowing are now racing up the beach brandishing their battle axes and swords. 

         On cue, the Saxon hovels are set on fire and the girls in the scout hut scream so loud you would have thought they were doing it through loud hailers. Fifteen minutes later the Vikings are back on the beach with their bags of swag and the girls, in shifts that are far too short, are being carried off on Viking shoulders. And then, as quickly as they came, they are off and we watch them row away into the dark. 

         What a round of applause we give them. It is a triumph, a fitting climax to a wonderful day. The crowd begins to disperse, some going to the car park and others to the Chequers. I’m on my way home when I come across Archie Moss, the Secretary of the Committee, who is talking into his mobile phone. The expression on his face I will remember for the rest of my life, a look that changes from surprise to utter bewilderment and then to horror. One of the crew has phoned him to apologise for not making it to Whitmouth. They have, he says, been blown off course and are now a mile down the coast lucky to have got back to land.

         “He’s having you on,” I say. “They’re all be down the bar at the Rugby Club having a fine old time.” So he phones him back, all angry now, saying that if anything has happened to his daughter and the other girls in the boat he will hold him personally responsible. This time it’s the rugby guy who sounds surprised. “No,” I hear him say, “we don’t have the girls, how can we, we never arrived!” Then Archie flies into a rage, uses language I never heard him say before, and threatens to call the police. The rugby guy gets halfway through shouting something back when Archie ends the call and starts phoning the police. 

         “No, no,” I say, “phone your daughter on her mobile. You know what these young folk are like she’s bound to have it with her.” So he does just that and we hear a phone ringing in the Scouts’ hut. It’s hers. This time Archie does phone the police and a few minutes later when we see Constable Lewis we tell him too and he gets in his car and hares off to where the rugby boys say they are. He finds them still on the beach waiting for one of the Dads to pick them up in his van. The girls are not with them and no one knows where they are. At least that’s what they say, and when the van arrives Constable Lewis makes sure they go straight to the police station. And that’s where they stay until the following evening when they’re taken to the prison. By then the first body has been washed ashore, and all but one of the others follow the next day. Each one cut and bruised by the rocks and stones against which the sea has tossed them.

         The village is in shock, people struggling to make sense of what has happened, desperately hoping it is a nightmare from which they will awake. Then good news for the parents of Lindsey Medhurst, she alone of the girls has survived and is found wandering aimlessly on a private beach two miles away, deeply traumatised and unable to speak. The families of her supposed abductors brace themselves, waiting for her to say something that will either condemn or absolve their young men from blame.  

         The rugby boys continue to protest their innocence. Forensic tests provide no evidence against them and they are released from prison all charges dropped for lack of evidence. Their claim not to have landed in the harbour is corroborated by the crew of a herring boat who saw them off-course and in difficulties, half a mile from land only minutes before the Vikings landed. How could they be in two places at once protest the families, and indeed they can’t. Nevertheless, the police interview everyone who saw the re-enactment; there are over one hundred witness statements, only three of which claim to have seen someone among the Vikings whom they recognised, in one case a man with no connection to the rugby club who was one hundred miles away in London.      


When Lindsey speaks we will know the truth but who knows when that will be. Some say that what has happened has robbed her of her reason as well as her voice. She can sometimes be seen at one of the windows of a large, grey brick building that used to be the workhouse.

         “And do you see her from the inside or the outside of the window,” asks the Chairman of the Committee.

         “Both,” I say.

         “From which side now?”

         “From the inside, of course. I’m here on a visit. That’s what I do, what you’re doing, and also poor Archie whose daughter drowned.”

         “Is he here too?”

         “Yes, of course, that’s him watching TV with Constable Lewis.”

         He scribbles something down on a notepad. “And all these people are in your story?” he says. 

         “Yes, your Lordship, but it’s no story, every word is true.”

         “And what is the name of your character? Surely the person relating this narrative should have a name.”

         I disagree, but he says that names are important, that they tell us who we are and who we are not. “If we lose our names what else do we have?”

         I make no reply.

         He smiles. He could tell me my name if he had a mind to but he wants me to say it. Until then he will continue to call me what he usually calls me: his friend the author he says, the unreliable narrator. 

The End.


Copyright Richard Banks


Wednesday 15 December 2021

Jamie ~ 4

 Jamie ~ 4 Leaving Home 

By Len Morgan

Next morning Waldo introduced Jamie to his partner Triss, she too would be going with them on the adventure.  There were tearful goodbyes at the rear of the house as they filed out, one by one, into the long grass.  For most, this was their first foray into the big wide world. Others knew the track alongside the trellis well.  They travelled under cover of currant bushes and elder, heavy with unpicked fruit.  They made a game of shaking the canes and showering each other with ripe red and black globes of fruit that in the days to come would supplement their diet.  They couldn’t see the coughing & gasping, cartoon mice painted on the side of the black van or read the words ‘for EXTERMINATION SPECIALISTS call Hertz & Walsh'…

But, they did witness the large bell-like canvas being hauled over the roof of the house; and they knew at once what it meant.

“We have to warn them!” Barnabus wailed.

“Even our swiftest scouts couldn’t get back in time.” Said Waldo shaking his tail.

“But, they heard Barnies story and so must know what is happening.  By morning they will catch up with us you’ll see.” Said Jamie.  

By morning three who’d lingered outside the house arrived with a dreadful tale.  Many of their kin had indeed escaped, but only to run into electrified netting that had been erected around the house, it burned those who touched it to a crisp, and many who avoided the fence were sprayed by strange creatures with glass heads and silver bodies that looked vaguely human.  They all died. 

A pall of gloom hung over the camp that night, none more anguished than Jamie, who felt he should have done more to persuade the others to leave…

Later in the evening, two more survivors arrived bringing their numbers to 28.  The morning of the second day the terrible truth was evident in all 24 had been killed. 

“I should have prevented it; I should have been more forceful and ordered them to leave!” Jamie moaned.

“You can stop that stupid noise,” said Waldo “It might make you feel better but it does nothing to improve our situation.  You’re our leader.  Organise parties to search for food and clean water.  If it hadn’t been for you we would all have died.  Now, what has happened to those field mice?”

“You’re right Waldo, I know you are but, I just can’t shake off the guilt…” 

“It’s the humans who are to blame, not you!  What have we done to them to deserve this?  If only we were their size.” Waldo was angry and there were tears in his eyes, “my sister and parents are dead, murdered by that evil race.” 

“ They act as if everything is theirs by right, they refuse to coexist!  If only there was a way…” 

“Aaaah!” a piercing scream brought his tirade to an abrupt end.  “The fieldmice are all dead!” Triss cried.  “Outside,” they followed her horror stricken gaze.  Others were gathered outside gazing at a dozen part mummified corpses tied by their tails in bunches of six hanging from nails.

“Eat nothing you find on the ground.” Jamie yelled, “this looks like poisoning!” 

“Cut them down,” Triss cried in revulsion.  “Humans!”

(To be continued) 

Copyright Len Morgan

Tuesday 14 December 2021

A political Haibun

 A Political Saga it is. 


By Robert Kingston


This morning I woke with a headache. No not the sort where your head bangs from having overindulged. No, this sort is the type that festers at the back of the mind until the trigger is pulled. That trigger this time came in the form of my yearly dose of Scrooge. Not though the Charles Dickens version, but a version established by watching from beginning to the end “The Medici” series. A Netflix offering; Set in, circa 1400’s. This coupled with a recent press release mentioning that a large portion of the current UK government, including the PM, have their foundations established in the classics.


 It is said that very little is invented.


vintage bicycle 

hard to remove patches

on the spokes



Robert Kingston ~ 12.12.21


Monday 13 December 2021

Cheilin Saga ~ 30

 Cheilin Saga ~ 30  Efelel’s Failure

By Len Morgan

  Efelel watched from the crowd. She cursed under her breath, she knew he was coming she knew the signs, nausea, itching, and numbness she had to get back to the room or he would punish her.   She ran to their base which was close by.   She slammed the door and sat trembling in the corner of the darkened room; he was coming.   Slowly, the fluorescence began to grow, the feeling of nausea grew with the green light.   His figure was indistinct, at first, growing rapidly more tangible with each passing moment.

‘What news.’  He demanded, even before he had fully materialised. 

Before she could formulate her reply he was inside her mind, railing with anger.

‘You failed me and squandered valuable resources in the process.   What others can you count on.’    He demanded.

‘The girl the prince and, of course, myself are all that remains.’

‘You have not excelled in this den of unbelievers if you cannot accomplish this simple task.   I am disappointed.   When this is over you will yet feel the measure of my dissatisfaction.   But, your purpose here still has to be accomplished.’

‘The prince is closest,’ she began, ‘it would be a simple matter for me to…’

‘No-No!   He will be our very last resort, he must be above reproach, you understand?   Only after you and the girl have failed’ he said.

‘Then it must be the girl I will take her over, and accomplish the task, right in front of the accursed Tylywoch’ she said.

‘Now you're thinking. Your mission was to discredit them and cast confusion into the minds of our enemies.’


Zophira was distinctly agitated, she knew instinctively that something was about to happen.   Constance being a sensitive picked up on it, immediately, moving closer to Zophira to lend her support.  

“Put your hand on my shoulder,” she said.   Zophira did as she was asked; it had an immediate calming effect on her, and she began to relax.   Several minutes passed and she began to think she had allowed her imagination to take over.

“Uh!”   she gasped, experiencing a full gamut of emotions, her features twisted and contorted as she turned to face Daidan III.   “No oh no,” she cried.

Constance removed a small clear glass globe from beneath her robe and touched it to Zophira’s forehead.   There was a brief crackle of red sparks then Zophira slumped into Gavein’s arms.

“What have you done to her,” he demanded.

“Don’t worry, she will recover in a moment,” Constance replied.   One look at her face and he knew she wouldn’t lie. 

   As the procession moved on, the eyes of the crowd followed its passage.   The crowd had thinned out and moved on towards C20.   As they went Gavein took Zophira’s hand and she slowly recovered. “She tried to force me to act but I lost consciousness, did I do him harm?”

“you are both still living, I believe Constance saw your change and acted accordingly.  I wonder if I might be next on Efelel’s list…”

(to be Continued)


By Len Morgan

Sunday 12 December 2021

Jamie ~ 3

 Jamies ~ 3  Crisis Point

By Len Morgan

Jamie was concerned.  The young ones were getting restless, wanting to do things their own way.  There were so many now they outnumbered their elders four to one and were growing more belligerent by the day.

Yesterday, Frizzy Whiskers had three of them for breakfast, and two for supper the night before.  He’d totally lost interest in chasing Jamie.  Not surprising when fresh young mice walked up to him and whispered in his ear “Eat Me!” 

It was way past the time when the older group should have moved out to find new premises but, they steadfastly refused to budge.

Barnabus the eldest of the Elders told Jamie of a similar thing happening in his youth.

 “That must have been oh… four years ago?”


“The humans all left the house.  They took their little ones and pets with them.  They removed all the food.  Then, a large black van appeared out front, and a canopy was draped over the house.  Then a thick yellow smoke began to fill the house.  I got scared and ran up a disused water pipe but I was too fat and got stuck halfway up…

Two days later I was considerably thinner and overcome with hunger.  Then I was able to back down the pipe.  The air inside was awful, and there were dead bodies everywhere.  My whole family and all our friends…”  He gazed fixedly at the ceiling a haunted look in his eyes.

“There there Barnabus, there’s no need to worry, it wouldn’t – couldn’t happen here in our world.  Look at it, a land of plenty…”

“You don’t see!” said Barnabus, “it did happen here; It happened four years ago, just four years ago!”


“Just four years ago, I watched men sweep and shovel the bodies into a sack and burn them in the garden on a bonfire.”

Jamie fell silent; he had a lump in his throat.  “We must call a meeting…”


“Guards, keep an eye open in case Frizzy Whiskers returns.  This meeting was called to tell you all that we have to leave this house as quickly as possible!” Jamie began. 

“Yea yea!  We’ve heard it all before, Rules Rules Rules…” a voice piped out from the crowd.

“But you don’t understand…” Jamie yelled above the laughter.  “Barnabus has told me what happened in his youth, and he only survived by accident…”

“That was a shame!” yelled the heckler, accompanied by more laughter.

“Just listen to the story!  Then you can make up your own minds.” Shouted a large intelligent-looking youngster.

“What’s your name?” Jamie asked.


“As Waldo says, you can make up your own minds.”   They all fell silent so he retold Barnabus’s story.  They listened politely until he’d finished. 

“So, what does it have to do with us?  That was then,” somebody yelled.

“Good point,” said Jamie, “But, have you noticed the humans haven’t been around for several days, the food is gone…”

“Holidays,” said a voice from the crowd.

“Do they usually take their pets and food with them?” Waldo said.

Silence, was the reply.

“We need to leave the house for two to three days then we can return…”

“It’s just a story Barnabus is rambling he’s nearly six; getting feeble-minded.  You believe what he says?” asked the Heckler.

Just then one of the guards called out “A big black van just stopped outside, it’s reversing up the drive.” 

“Call it a Holiday,” Waldo chipped in. “We can take our stored food, and camp outback, visit our cousins the field mice, we may even enjoy the adventure.” 

They took a vote, half wanted to stay, the others wanted to go.  Surprisingly most who voted to go were the young ones. 

(to be continued)


Copyright Len Morgan

Saturday 11 December 2021

Jamie ~ 2

 Jamies ~ 2 Golden Rules

By Len Morgan 

Jamie was small in stature, but as mice go, he was very much an adult at two years of age.  He’d long since learned the rules for survival.  The do’s and don'ts that mean the difference between living & dieing.


He’d seen family and friends come to sticky ends, because they failed to observe those rules.  He was determined that neither he nor his siblings would ignore them.

Rule 1:  They all knew they had the run of the house when old Frizzy Whiskers went outside, but Jamie insisted that one of their number should be constantly on guard duty to warn of his return so they could all be safely below floor when he re-entered the house.

Jamie nibbled contentedly on nuts, ham, cheese, and bread left on the kitchen table.

Rule 2:  Always eat from the same place where humans eat or prepare their meals; never from the floor.  Slow painful death from poisoning resulted from ignoring this rule.

All things considered, life was good, if a little crowded, at 17 Cedarwood Terrace.  The rodent population had grown and flourished under his watchful gaze.

Rule 3:  Warned that when the population reached a certain level, the adults should move out and populate other nearby buildings.

But, life was easy, just a little too comfortable for those expected to move out.  Why should they leave a haven of plenty, for a meagre existence half a mile down the road?  

Time passed and their numbers continued to increase… 


“No!” Jamie yelled at a svelte young female named Natasha.  She was scurrying towards a large smelly ball of cheese, standing on a wooden plinth on the floor.  She hesitated, and looked in his direction, allowing a rival to get to the cheese first.  He jumped on the plinth and buried his face in the soft delicious smelling cheese.  

Snap!  A screech of pain, then silence. 

“Your hesitation saved your life!” said Jamie coming up beside Natasha.  “That could have been you!”  Taking two paws full of cheese he handed one to her.  “You ignore the Elders rules at your peril, never eat from the floor.”

She stifled a yawn and mouthed ‘never eat from the floor’ as he spoke the words.  In her mind, Elders like Jamie were unnecessarily restrictive on the young ones; they fear competition and new ideas.

You stick to your silly old rules and I’ll find my own…” she said.  He left her not knowing it would be the last time he would see her. 

There are good reasons behind the Golden Rules, they are not simply there to spoil the fun for the young.  Some would learn them the hard way, others like Natasha, would pay dearly for not learning from the experience of others.  They had gotten out of the habit of asking why?

(To be Continued)

Copyright Len Morgan


Wednesday 8 December 2021

Personal Well-Being ~ 19

 Personal Well-Being ~ 19  Constipation

By Barefoot Medic 

There are numerous quaint and amusing old wives tales and remedies for curing minor/common ailments.

Constipation is a case in point.  One would have us believe chocolate works (excuse the pun).  It’s true there was a small bar of chocolate sold in the 1950s, specifically for the purpose, known as Xlax (brand name). It carried an effective medicated chocolate in small half-inch squares. 

Other suggestions that spring to mind are:


  • Going for a half-mile run.
  • Eating raw vegetables Celery, carrots, etc.
  • Fresh fruit, always favourite, Pineapple, grapes, oranges, plums.
  • Some swear by dried fruit ~ raisins, figs & prunes.


But, I have always found that eating an apple while drinking a cup of hot tea at the same time…  Works for me (excuse the pun).


None of the above are injurious so give them all a try

Wait long enough & you may GO anyway (not another pun…)