
Wednesday 15 December 2021

Jamie ~ 4

 Jamie ~ 4 Leaving Home 

By Len Morgan

Next morning Waldo introduced Jamie to his partner Triss, she too would be going with them on the adventure.  There were tearful goodbyes at the rear of the house as they filed out, one by one, into the long grass.  For most, this was their first foray into the big wide world. Others knew the track alongside the trellis well.  They travelled under cover of currant bushes and elder, heavy with unpicked fruit.  They made a game of shaking the canes and showering each other with ripe red and black globes of fruit that in the days to come would supplement their diet.  They couldn’t see the coughing & gasping, cartoon mice painted on the side of the black van or read the words ‘for EXTERMINATION SPECIALISTS call Hertz & Walsh'…

But, they did witness the large bell-like canvas being hauled over the roof of the house; and they knew at once what it meant.

“We have to warn them!” Barnabus wailed.

“Even our swiftest scouts couldn’t get back in time.” Said Waldo shaking his tail.

“But, they heard Barnies story and so must know what is happening.  By morning they will catch up with us you’ll see.” Said Jamie.  

By morning three who’d lingered outside the house arrived with a dreadful tale.  Many of their kin had indeed escaped, but only to run into electrified netting that had been erected around the house, it burned those who touched it to a crisp, and many who avoided the fence were sprayed by strange creatures with glass heads and silver bodies that looked vaguely human.  They all died. 

A pall of gloom hung over the camp that night, none more anguished than Jamie, who felt he should have done more to persuade the others to leave…

Later in the evening, two more survivors arrived bringing their numbers to 28.  The morning of the second day the terrible truth was evident in all 24 had been killed. 

“I should have prevented it; I should have been more forceful and ordered them to leave!” Jamie moaned.

“You can stop that stupid noise,” said Waldo “It might make you feel better but it does nothing to improve our situation.  You’re our leader.  Organise parties to search for food and clean water.  If it hadn’t been for you we would all have died.  Now, what has happened to those field mice?”

“You’re right Waldo, I know you are but, I just can’t shake off the guilt…” 

“It’s the humans who are to blame, not you!  What have we done to them to deserve this?  If only we were their size.” Waldo was angry and there were tears in his eyes, “my sister and parents are dead, murdered by that evil race.” 

“ They act as if everything is theirs by right, they refuse to coexist!  If only there was a way…” 

“Aaaah!” a piercing scream brought his tirade to an abrupt end.  “The fieldmice are all dead!” Triss cried.  “Outside,” they followed her horror stricken gaze.  Others were gathered outside gazing at a dozen part mummified corpses tied by their tails in bunches of six hanging from nails.

“Eat nothing you find on the ground.” Jamie yelled, “this looks like poisoning!” 

“Cut them down,” Triss cried in revulsion.  “Humans!”

(To be continued) 

Copyright Len Morgan

1 comment:

  1. Yes I hope to see these in print, it may show up others who are doing this to wildlife, me, I grab the ones the cats bring in in an old catfood box and throw them scampering and bewildered into the hedge. It's lovely!
