
Monday 26 July 2021

Cheilin Saga ~ 10

 Cheilin Saga ~ 10 The New Broom

By Len Morgan 

   Aldor accompanied by a dozen experienced Tylywoch, could have travelled swiftly, unobserved, but that was not their current mission.  They moved freely from one habitation to another, gathering intelligence in the guise of carnival entertainers.   Each having acquired a multitude of skills in order to survive. They pay their way, bringing aid to struggling communities when needed while creating a carnival atmosphere.   While passing on rumours and news gathered on their journey, to the community and freely dispersing their own propaganda.   Aldor always found eager audiences at local inns, thirsting for news and stories told in his own inimitable style.   His stories were both educative, informative, and gauged to win over the hearts and minds of the populace.


   The journey from Sanctuary to the Eternal City took a month, but speed was not of the essence.   So from a high vantage point, on the crest of the Parmenian hills his eyes traversed the central highway from his feet down to the gates of the famed city, still twenty miles distant.   He gazed at the three green mushrooms sprouting from the center of the city and pinpointing the Emerald Palace.   He smiled recalling a tale told by the Emperor himself, on a prior visit, explaining how those domes gained their unique colour.  

The most striking features from outside the city are the domes, situated at the four corners of the building and the largest one central directly above the throne room.   For the first few years they shone with metallic lustre in the sunlight, then the lacquer began to peel off and what was promised and paid for as gold was revealed to be brass when the weather began oxidising the metal.  

Everyone then knew we had been cheated, but the architect had long since vanished without trace together with our gold. The domes have never been cleaned, maybe to remind the powers-that-be of an old folly, which was fortunate because in a short time, the bright emerald green made the palace look even more impressive than the gold domes ever had and it became known ever after, with pride, as the emerald palace.   The colour was so striking it eclipsed its former gold countenance.   

  The highway was thirty yards wide constructed from blocks of fused granite magma. It ran as straight as a lance for a hundred and fifty miles.   It was, he knew, a thousand times older than the city itself.   Yet constant use by wagons, coaches, and carts, over eons had failed to leave a single mark on its crystalline surface which looked as if newly laid.   Starting at the gates of the Emerald Palace, it stretched onward to end in a lake of turgid black fluid six miles in diameter.   He had been told that torches dipped in the lake burned slowly giving off thick black smoke.   The road was a testament to its builders, their ancestors, who had travelled to the stars in the dim distant past.

   These thoughts were buried deep inside him hidden from, the probing minds of Orden and those beyond this world, known collectively as the Universal Network (UN).

  Aldor knew men were short-lived creatures whose inventiveness and vitality were a direct result of their short lifespan.  He knew also that there were machines and computers, located throughout Abbalar, all created by their ancestors, attesting to the levels men had achieved in the distant past.   It would seem all that knowledge was now lost to mankind but, Aldor knew otherwise.   There is a secret sect known as the 'Revisionists' who tend the machines, keeping them in good working order.   Not only do they understand the technology of the past but, are involved in a training program to raise man to higher levels of ability.   

The city itself was constructed of large basalt blocks raised one on top of another, with a thin external veneer of carved pink marble, built to a scale that dwarfed men.   It was almost certain that the Karaxen had built the city, and it was their imminent return that made the elevation of man necessary.  They were potentially superior to the Karaxen but, because the latter would awake from their long sleep with full knowledge of their own technology, man would need to be prepared to take the offensive.   It was Aldor's responsibility to ensure that the Abalon's would be equipped to deal with them when the time came. But, he was aware that time was running out.

   The Tylywoch would separate and enter the city in ones and twos.  Aldor would proceed alone afoot.   He would be seen as just one more hopeful traveller, coming to the big city to seek his fortune.  This was how he wanted to appear yet he never ceased to marvel at the symmetry of the place.   Entering by the Triumphal Arch at the Eastern Gate, he climbed steep stone steps to the walkway along the outer wall.   Then, he crossed the fifty-yard killing zone between the outer and inner walls, climbing to the walkway around the inner wall, considerably higher than the first.  He stood above the Arch and gazed along the central highway towards the distant hills.   He appreciated its perfection, which was taken for granted by those who used it, day in day out.   He turned his back on the hills and gazed along the same highway passing below him terminating at the hub of the city, the Emerald Palace.  

Only from here could he view the city as, an enormous, three-dimensional map.   The city was in effect an enormous wheel laid flat on the ground, Avenues forming its spokes, 20 Roads joining them in ever decreasing circles as they closed in on the hub.  The final circle formed the outer perimeter of the palace grounds.   He viewed the populace, going about their business, like ants far below, busy and purposeful, totally oblivious to his presence.   The palace so completely dominated the scene it was hard to believe it was created over aeons by two disparate races.   Half turning, he looked down between the inner and outer walls a hundred feet below.   Filled now with market stalls and street performers and at the corner of his eye the coloured disks used for starting foot, horse, and chariot races during the sporting season.   

   Fortunes were gambled, won and lost, on those balmy spring and summer days.   As the season progressed the whole populace would line the race route in order to be part of the spectacle, committing it to memory, ready to retell for the asking.  Thus, a series would never be forgotten, living endlessly through the minds and tales of those who bore witness.   The only rule being you had to be there to tell it.   As the storytellers grow older, the stories become embellished and coloured with sentiment until the protagonists became nine feet tall spitting fire and brimstone.   Tellers of some past classic and infamous races were renowned for their fanciful versions, and much sought after.   The season was over now, but the bars and taverns would be awash with storytellers all eager to make a name for themselves.   Aldor could always command an audience anywhere, and raise funds for charity, with his seemingly inexhaustible repertoire of tales.   During the ten years, he had lived in Cheilin, he had listened to assimilated and retold hundreds of stories told and enjoyed by the peoples of this land.   He had also told and retold others of his own and those gleaned from passing travellers.   

He'd told stories in all the major cities of the empire and every town and hamlet.   He observed the cities were all built on a similar design based on the wheel motif.   The Empire itself was unique.   Laid out in a circle, like a clock, the Eternal City at its center and all the clan cities surrounding it like the numbers on a clock dial the 1st Clan at one o'clock, and the others in numerical sequence around the hub of the Emerald City.   

 His mind returned to reality with a rush.   He’d briefly glanced at a female in the crowd, espied her carriage, her mannerism, and bearing  All of which brought Jazim to mind.   If she is here he thought she will be up to no good.

‘You don’t know if it’s her, Sprout.  Bedelacq has others, many of them, she is not by any means unique’  Orden’s voice warned.   'Follow her… at a distance and discover where she is lodging.’ 

He identified the woman, dressed distinctively in green and gold, a full-length voluminous free-flowing garment with a wrap over her head that partially masked her face, in the desert fashion.   He cast his mind out and down to where she stood holding a globe before a street vendor.   But, there were too many people about and the wider he spread his mind net the more babble he picked out from shoppers and sellers in the market place.   He had to get closer to her.   He took the stairs, two at a time, whilst attempting to refine his reception.   When he eventually reached the stall, he realised the man was a herbalist selling herbs and potions, but she had already moved on.  

“Where did that young woman go?” he asked the herbalist. 

He was answered by a blank uncomprehending stare.  "Which woman?"

 Though he had made his mind up not to intrude on the privacy of other's mind unless, in dire circumstances, he judged the situation indeed to be dire.   He entered the man’s mind, intending to be in and out before his presence was noticed.   All he wanted to know, after all, was the direction she had taken.   He acted without subtlety, even so, he saw immediately it had not been Jazim but somebody bearing a passing resemblance.   He felt guilty and tried to leave the man’s mind immediately, but found himself unable to do so, he realised with surprise, and some annoyance, he was caught in a mental cage.   He had been told of such oddities by Orden but had never expected to encounter one.   He had entered freely without hesitation and now he was trapped.

He watched through the man’s eyes as his mindless shell of a body was led away by the same young woman and ironically, not for the first time, he was ushered into the back of a covered wagon.  

‘Interesting, he thought, what say you Orden?’   But for the first time in an age his friend and mentor was silent.   It was then he realised he was totally alone.   His connection with the man’s senses had slowly and systematically been severed; until all that was left to him was darkness.   How long he remained in that state he had no idea.   He had been deprived of the means of gauging the passage of time.   He had become a passenger in the mind of an elderly man, not in the best of health, who cared more for money than for his country.   Bydrex was his chosen name.   Aldor cast around; finding nothing then cast his mind back to a time when he had entered the mind of his friend Skaa in order to rescue him from himself.   Skaa had constructed an elaborate reality, in his own mind, the world of his youth; a world that no longer existed if indeed it ever had.   It was a world where he had once been happy and felt secure.   Aldor’s own childhood had been more restrictive and regimented.   Security had been the key issue.  His training had always been focused on survival.

 His happiest times had been around the short period he had spent in the company of his friends Genna and Wizomi.   Then, perhaps his time with Orden, whose cave dwelling in the mountains had provided so many opportunities to learn new skills and develop as a person.   But all too soon it had ended in his conversion.   Through it all, he retained his personality and the natural abilities he had been born with.   He was a natural and enthusiastic storyteller.   During his rest periods at Orden’s cave, he had escaped, in dreams, into the 'UN' where he was able to visit others enhancing and augmenting the lessons they and Orden taught him.   He thought now of the people he had met and the things he had done out there amongst the stars.   He revisited lessons he had learned and discussions he'd had, and discoveries he'd made.  He knew there was yet more to be learned from his current situation.   The knowledge that seemed unimportant in the past now seemed to have a whole new meaning.  Realising, there was nothing in life that was unimportant or truly lacking in value.  If he could not see this, it simply meant he had failed to grasp its worth at the time.   The most trivial and mundane activity could have been adding a new meaning to his life, yet much of it had passed him by, because of his obsession with the big picture.  Aldor began reviewing his life, reappraising...

So from memory, he selected a small insubstantial flower, the forget-me-not, which embodied all of life’s mysteries, condensing them into a simple philosophy ‘the will to survive’, he took it to heart.   The tiny plant lived and thrived, changing its appearance when necessary, through time.   Unnoticed yet always displaying beauty; in spite of everything the world could throw at it always staying true to form.  This thought brought him finally to view his enforced imprisonment dispassionately...

(To be Continued)

Copyright Len Morgan

Sunday 25 July 2021



By Rosemary Clarke

I want people to hug
I don't want them near me.
Want a room full of people
Want so much silence.
I want to live
Yet I think of death.
Want the sweetness of a grave
Yet bursting to break the surface.
Want to alter things
Yet can't move a muscle.
Want out of this Hell
Yet it's still with me.
Want the memories out of my head
But they won't go.

Copyright Rosemary Clarke

Saturday 24 July 2021

Runestones 05/1


THE RUNES ~ Episode 1

by Richard Banks

Of all the disasters that can befall a farmer drought is the worse, for with the drought come the men who dig for what used to be, the forgotten things that would stay that way but for the marks on the parched ground that give them away.

         The museum men are the worse, trespass means nothing to them that know the law and their so called rights. No telling them to keep to the footpath when they have their papers from the court. Best to be friendly, keep them sweet. “Anything of interest?” they say and we tell them about something we noticed that’s well clear of whatever it is we think them more likely to be interested in. Usually, it works and they go away and don’t come back for a year, two if we’re lucky, but there’s no hiding what used to be below water, and during the longest drought in over a hundred years, it slowly showed itself in what was once the millpond.

         Great-granddad Gedds was the last to see it when he was a boy and the mill was not yet the ruin it became. His stories concerning it were given little credence outside the family, and as he got older there can be no denying that they owed more to imagination than memory. Nevertheless from what he said both dad and grand-dad were convinced that the ‘fabled’ object not only existed but that it was a gravestone, and as the water receded it seemed they had been proved right. I mean it wasn’t like the sort of gravestone you see in a churchyard, no finely chiseled slab or cross of stone, but stone it was, a large oblong stump, three sides rough-hewed with the fourth smooth, the all of it green stained but strangely free of moss.

         Great-grandad had also spoken of writing and in this, he was also proved right for on the smooth side there were letters; strange symbols that no one knew or understood. Even after we took a brush to it we were none the wiser even though each symbol was now as clear as the day it was carved. Grandma said it was to do with the old religion while Dad, who knew a bit of history believed the stone went back in time to the East Saxons who gave Essex its name.

         It was a discovery that would be of much interest to the museum men, but were we to tell them? The harvest was only two weeks away, and although it mattered little to us what they did in the pond they would need a broad way through our fields for the cars and trucks that brought the equipment they’d be needing. “Best to keep quiet,” said Dad until the corn is in. Tell them after that if it stays dry, and if it doesn’t if the pond fills up with rain, then why say anything at all. It was a sound plan to which we all agreed, but secrets are hard to keep especially when you’re seven years old, and my youngest, Will, spilled the beans at school in the hearing of his teacher.

         Next afternoon Jones from the museum arrives, with a museum woman and a Professor Henderson from the Natural History Museum. No stopping them now and with rain forecast for the following week, they’re in no mood to let us first go to harvest. What the writing says no one knows but the Professor’s sure that they’re runes, the written language of the Danes who conquered these parts, and much else before King Alfred beat them back. Some of it he can read but most he can’t because these runes are the oddest he has ever seen. But of one thing he’s almost sure, the stone is a gravestone and beneath it a body, or what is left of one.

         The next morning we get a copy of the court order that gives them their right to dig, and a man from the council promises us we will get compensation although how much and when he doesn’t know. He’s no sooner away than the first trucks arrive bringing pumps to drain the pond of the remaining water. They come off the nearest road and cross both our fields. This is now their highway that gets steadily wider until councilmen bang in metal posts that make a boundary. To make matters worse we’re on national TV and hundreds of sightseers turn up, trespassing on our land in the hope of seeing the stone which to their disappointment, but not mine, is soon lifted and taken to lord knows where for lord knows what.

         What’s happening in the pond now is the slow picking away of mud to reveal what lies beneath. A policeman arrives, and the reporters and sightseers finding the diggers less than entertaining leave them to it. By the time it gets interesting again the only one there apart from the diggers is me. What comes into view is the biggest skeleton that anyone has ever seen or is likely to see. When someone takes a tape measure to it he counts seven feet and eight inches from head to foot, thick white bones glistening in the sunlight, as perfect in death as they had been in life.

         “Superman,” I hear someone say. “Man?” says another voice, “twenty-four toes and fingers, are you sure?” The truth is no one is. All they know is that this is something special, something they’ve never seen before,  possibly the most important archaeological discovery of all time. They have struck gold and the sooner they can get their treasure to a safe place the better. By evening all the bones are lifted and on their way to Henderson at the Museum. The diggers, however, remain, gently removing the soil determined not to miss anything of significance no matter how small, each thing found photographed, bagged, and labeled.

         “When can I harvest what’s left of the corn?” I ask Penrose. He’s a Ministry man from Whitehall who thanks me for keeping quiet about the skeleton. I tell him that of course, I kept quiet, there’s no way I want more people tramping across my farm.

         “Nevertheless,” he says, “we appreciate your discretion, at this stage the less said the better.” He hands me an envelope addressed to myself; inside there is a cheque, my compensation money, more than I was expecting. “There will, of course, be conditions, papers to sign but for now all you need to remember is that you never saw the skeleton, it doesn’t exist. If it does we will say so, you will not. Money given can also be taken back and more besides, but if that is to be avoided who knows you may get more.” His severe expression gives way to a smile and he asks if there are any decent restaurants nearby. I tell him The Plough is best and he goes off for his lunch. I’m off home, to Dad who knows what I saw and, like me, has told no one else.

         Next week the rain arrives, the pond starts filling up and the dig is abandoned until the Spring.  Penrose returns with a sheet of typescript listing all the things I’m not allowed to do or say. At this point, I come clean that Dad knows what I know, but like me has said nothing and will abide by whatever we agree. This is the last thing Penrose wants to hear, he’s clearly rattled although he tries not to show it. He says I could be sued for breach of faith, but I talk him round saying that although Dad’s eighty-two and retired he still owns the farm and that we co-sign all papers concerning it. Penrose asks to see him and, although he continues frosty for a while, agrees to include Dad in the agreement he has brought. He changes each ‘I’ to ‘we’ and reads it to us from top to bottom, which doesn’t take long, it being only four paragraphs long. We are, if asked, to deny all knowledge of the skeleton and in exchange for our co-operation, we will receive an annual payment matching what we have already received. “However,” he says, “be warned, break the agreement and there will be a fine, more than you can pay.” We sign, money for old rope.

         He leaves, all smiles, saying that a colleague will look in on us from time to time. Any problems we are to let him know. “Oh yes,” he says as he walks towards his car, “I nearly forgot, there’ll be no more digging, you can get back to work.”

         And so life returns to normal, better than normal, there’s more money in the bank than we have ever had after harvest, and there’s more to come. Farming’s never been this good, or this easy, even if we just sit on the land and do nothing we’re still in the black. Then Parry calls and life’s not as good as we thought.

[To be continued]

Copyright Richard Banks


Thursday 22 July 2021

A Hobby for Life

 A Hobby for Life

By Rosemary Clarke

The only hobby I really enjoy is writing.  Even when I was at work I would be working on screenplays, stories, etc while munching on a sandwich in my lunch hour.  On trains and buses, I regularly write and look for characters, which on a long journey is a very interesting thing to do; imagine seeing the person opposite you not as an everyday traveler but a spy with their collar turned up and deep into a book, or someone with a pile of papers on their briefcase could be an embezzler out to bring down one of the banks and truthfully we don't know who anyone is.

     Sir Arthur Conan Doyle brought Holmes to life after being astounded by the methods of his tutor Dr. Bell who solved puzzles in medicine and taught his students to do the same.

 I read a lot as well to see how other writers phrase their work.  David Peace believes that crime should not be entertaining and so he concentrates mainly on the families and others who are left; what it feels like to go onto that police podium facing the press for both the family and the police. 

Michael Marshall Smith likes to lull people by soft words and ordinary places then...BAM!  then there's the mischief of Jasper Fforde who loves to play with the classics with Miss Haversham carrying an Uzi machine gun and loving fast cars, a detective called Thursday Next, and in one book bears using humans as drug mules for the illegal substance....porridge!

     But the one I shall always admire, I call him The Master, is Robert Bloch.  This unassuming American writer could take a place or a description of something and paint such amazing pictures with his words: read the REAL Psycho
if you dare!

Copyright Rosemary Clarke

Wednesday 21 July 2021

Runestones 05

 The Runes.

Jane Scoggins

The year is 1645 and King Charles I is on the throne of England but heavily challenged by Oliver Cromwell and Parliament. It has been a hard few years, what with the civil war and men across the country being rallied, or pressed, into service, some straight from the alehouses. The country is divided in their loyalties. Some folk were loyal to the King and others supporting the parliamentarians. Some families are split in their loyalties, and the country is torn apart. Martha is one of the many wives who have been abandoned by their husbands leaving home to fight. Martha is non too sure if men like her husband John Stone are really wanting to be true to the cause, or just wanting to take the King’s shilling, with the thought of adventure away from near poverty. She knows her husband of 13 years has grown tired of her. On many occasions in recent years, he has sought his pleasures in the alehouses with the women who frequent them. But what could she do, what could she say? Nothing is the answer unless she wanted a bruised cheek or a cut lip. Part of her was glad to see him go, the other part worries deeply about how she will manage with no money coming in. She knows John will not send money home even if he said he would. He has left her the little fishing boat in which she can catch fish and crabs in the estuary nearby, and she has the hens that lay well. But it is still early September and the weather is mild and the fish quite plentiful. She saves what she can from the sale of eggs and fish, and salts the rest for the winter months when food is scarce. When it is cold, the hens do not lay well, fishing is limited and there are few garden vegetables. Last winter was a struggle. The cottage, not much more than a shack, will need more wood for burning in the hearth and keeping out the icy winds. Their two children Seth aged 12 and Mary 10 will need their boots repairing or renewing before long, and they will all need warmer clothes. Seth has shot up in height and his trousers are well above his ankles, and his jerkin is too tight. He makes no bones about it as he knows his mother does the best she can, but Martha knows he feels ashamed of their poverty. He helps her all he can, but although quite strong he is not yet an adult and can manage only so much. He is deft with the fishing boat but not strong enough to manage the boat if the tide changes or there is a riptide. If he was swept out to sea Martha knows she could lose her beloved son and the livelihood of her boat in the space of a few hours and shudders at the thought. Mary is slight and fair with a happy willingness to do whatever she is asked to do in the way of chores, but she has a weak chest and exertion makes her dizzy and short of breath. Martha notices a faint shadow of blue around her lips from time to time and knows this means she has a weak heart. They all know that Martha cannot afford medicines or a visit to the physician. John was always hard on the girl saying to Martha that she mollycoddled her. Martha and Seth knew better and did all they could to protect Mary from her harsh father. Over the years as all country-born girls do, Martha learnt about the plants and herbs in the garden, fields and hedgerows that could heal, cure or reduce pain or inflammation in the body. She always had an eye out for anything to be picked and brought home to dry or preserve in oil that she knew could be used for medication. On many occasions, she had reduced fever or cured a rattling cough in her children with a homemade tisane or poultice. Local similarly poor mothers sometimes called on her for advice or to make a specially brewed herb tea for an ailing child or husband. No money exchanged hands as there was non to spare, but thanks were given in small gifts of food like a quarter loaf of bread or a square of homemade cheese. Martha welcomed these gifts. Some days they were what kept the three of them from going to bed without supper that day. At this time there were still rumours about witchcraft, and Martha knew she must be very careful with her potions not to give some ne’er do well the opportunity to start a wicked rumour about her. She knew she was vulnerable with her husband away. She also knew that some local folk had heard him under the influence of too much ale, speak ill of her. Martha had never stood up to him, but her pride had stopped her from crying when he hit her, and he found this an insult to his manhood. He had been a bad husband and father almost from the start and Martha now felt relief at his absence despite the increased poverty. Martha’s mother had been known for her knowledge and use of the rune stones she kept by the fireside in a leather pouch. Friends would call and ask her to read them so that they could know what to expect from their future or to ward of bad things. Over time these predictions were associated with witchcraft too and the stones only used in secret. When her mother passed away Martha dug a hole in the garden and buried them deep. However, tradition and country folk superstitions lingered and she continued to follow many of the ways her mother had taught her. Living in a cottage mainly held together with wood and straw it was always vulnerable to fire. Each evening before bed the embers in the hearth must be raked, but maintain a glimmer of light and warmth overnight. Martha would take a twig of kindling and draw a V on its side in the ash, the runic symbol for fire prevention. Time passed and there had been no word or money received from John. Martha knew that he probably would not want to return to her anyway. She knew life could only get more difficult. Still in her twenties and with attractive youthful looks, there was no prospect of remarrying while she had a husband, however long he chose to stay away. One cold evening after the children were in bed Martha sat by the dying embers in the hearth and after drawing the usual symbol in the cooling ash, let her twig continue to doodle. She thought about her mother and wished she was still alive to comfort her. When she stopped she looked at the complicated pattern she had drawn in the grey dust. Without realising, she had drawn the runic symbol for the hand of God. She smiled to herself and felt her mother was close by after all. News travelled slowly so it wasn’t until 2 months later that Martha heard that John’s ship had gone down in a storm and he had been drowned. Martha wept, she knew not why but was relieved that uncertainty was over. She would receive a tiny widow’s pension of only a few pence, but enough for bread at least, and she was free. She thanked God every night in her prayers.


Copyright Jane Scoggins

Runestones 04

 Find a way

Carole Blackburn

The brightening world looked on with slitted eyes.  Helgason finished his feast of berries he had collected along his route. Perched on the rockpile, he frowned at the Rune circle. The carved stones somewhat worn, that encircled him. There were times, he would have been crouching down in his usual hiding place. Here he would have observed the Elders. Mattis, Sigrid, and Junis, the Statesmen as the youngsters named them, who had been elected by the community.

Often at home Helgason, would lay near the hearth, at the end of the day only to hear his father say, “The telling of the Runes,” is a secret meeting of great importance,” in an attempt to silence his son’s curiosity.

These attempts of his father, failed once and for all, after he first saw Astrid, at the annual community assembly, at the coming of the harvest moon. The gathering for the Norse god Frigg, who was a paragon of love, fertility, and fate. He decided then and there, he needed to find out more about his future with her.

When the days dissolved into nights, and the darkening stretched into the colder season. And the ‘telling of the Runes’ were due to commence. Helgason trekked along the craggy path and hid behind the thorny shrubbery on the very edge of the forest glade, but still in earshot of the three elderly Statesmen. These became regular outings for Helgason and were to become his education into manhood.

Helgason trusted the wisdom of the Runes. They protected his kind; the runes’ knowledge had guided life for centuries. His ancestors would never have disputed their decisions. Just as the mountain air filled his lungs, the Runes had imbued him with their secret powers, casting no shadows within him.

With winter creeping across the wilderness of his homeland of Noreg (Norway, to you and I) being the eldest son, Helgason’s, hunting skills were already honed. His father regarded him as a dependable male, bringing home his animal kills and foraged supplies, to sustain his family over the darkening season. It was time for his son’s future to commence.

Astrid’s gentle but stubborn streak flowed within her. Becoming a woman and battling with her older sisters, Erika and Ingrid’s growing demands, to find their individuality. Together with their father’s attention since their mother’s death, challenged them all.

 None more so than, Astrid.

Trouble had laid ahead for this family, the fourth baby had not been planned and the Runes had foreseen this. Mattis had warned the family, to be prepared. The outcome, left Astrid distraught knowing her mother’s arms would never cradle her, again.

It was usual for the sunrise to warm and melt the grey dark mood that hung in Astrid’s mind of what her future may become. However, today her greying mood clung to her like the fog that shrouded the morning ground. It had been her chore to forage for firewood for the cooking of the main meal. Her courage to cope made her adept in her life to carry on to the best of her ability. In whatever way, she appeared, to the outside world. However, she was brightened by a chance meeting with Helgason that day. He had spied her wandering, seemingly lost.

Now, they sat on the rockpile, huddled against the howling wind, after all of the three statesmen had left the Rune circle. They had heard them translate the Runes which foretold the young adults their future. It was settled. Sorted. They were to be wed.

 Astrid was not so sure and asked, “My situation will bring its own future, can we manage it alone, Helgason?” 

His thoughts swirled around eclipsing the truth.

It would be fine, ‘the telling of the runes’, have spoken. He thought.

He would find a way.

 Hiding from the truth, was a way Helgason tried to regulate difficulties in his life.

Glancing down at his hands, which had been scarred forever. That day’s event came flooding back. The scalding water had seeped into his skin when trying to help his mother in the kitchen. The disfigurement was often hidden by mittens even on the hottest of days. This everyday reminder of his now, damaged, previously carefree boyhood days. At times, this memory, caught him unaware, just like his feelings for Astrid.

The Norwegian way of life is to be prepared. Mother nature guides and watches the planet’s custodians. With the intent of nurturing one generation to the next. The runes carved into the circle of stones, arranged over time to remain, like a torch, forever.

Life’s route with its twists and turns had bought Helgason to a crossroads on this eve meet, with Astrid. In a familiar spot, they had chosen after the community assembly for the god Frigg, just a few months past. Now, not long to wait.

The day became night, with a patchwork of clouds in hues of grey, gathered. Astrid walked hand in hand with her sister, Erika, who guided her younger sister. Now, essential in the dimming light and the threatening rain,

Helgason’s figure silhouetted the skyline, in the last edge of daylight before the night took over. He turned on hearing footsteps, but only one pair he could hear now. Concern raised in his chest, forcing his focus on the sound of the footsteps. He could see Astrid was alone, her hands outstretched feeling the night air for danger.

Erika, had with reluctant feet returned home, for her job was now done. The birth of her youngest sister, the unseen baby in her mother’s womb. Hiding a challenge not foretold.

The runes belong to the gods and their reasoning of altered lives are kept from the planet’s custodians.

Astrid sensing Helgason, her eyes that had never focused, never seen. Hands that grasped the darkness as he took her hand into their new life.

The planet’s past is part of our changing world. It will continue to stride forward promoting its custodians, into finding a way.


 Copyright Carole Blackburn










Tuesday 20 July 2021

Pink ticket

 Pink ticket

By Carole Blackburn

Grabbing the armrest and my father’s hand with my other clammy palm, the Boeing 747 bumped along the runway at Nassau International Airport. The gateway into the Bahamas. I tried to reassure myself that traveling again, would help, both of us.

“We have had, a wonderful life, haven’t we, Jacinda? And it will return, my love.” Dad was forever the calm in my storm.

Stepping back, into the wider world, had been an unexpected treat. At first, Dad had been reluctant, due to the limited travel time on the tickets and the unpredictable weather of our destination.

“The Bahamas are tropical, after all, Dad.”

 I knew this lucky treat, we deserved.    

Gathering our belongings from the overhead locker, we followed the procession of tourists to the Arrivals terminal. It opened into a vast honeycomb canopy that surrounded me with unfamiliar sights and sounds. However, I found myself with my familiar accomplice which permeated ripples of rapid firing into my chest that knew, no ceasefire. A familiar sensation, that tested my control once again.

Jacinda, breathe, breathe, I thought.

In the airport terminal, we absorbed the atmosphere. Whilst strolling, we located the exit and flowed with our fellow travelers towards the gliding, sliding doors. The warmth bellowed in, as I spied the line of taxis. We rippled out into the late haze. The anticipation flowed from the face of our cabbie-to-be. He beckoned us to his cab, which took us into the bustle of New Provence island.

The 4-star hotel with its sleek walls lined with doors, which would open into awaiting rooms of untold promises for those seeking paradise. Following the directions given, Dad and I trundled until our door number 103, smiled back at us. On entering, my eyes conducted a tour around, only then did they judder, as the sea view which came into focus through the French doors. My vision hypnotized, paralyzing me for a moment in a welcomed stance of relief. We had made it, safely.

Within the hour, my suitcase emptied, and with the lighter feel of cotton floating over my body and my feet freed, which were able to breathe again. I could then shake Dad from his catnap. Waiting as he stirred, I peered through the Sun-drenched gossamer window drapes as they fluttered, as paradise awaited.

Stepping outside, I blinked at the jeweled azure waves that danced in the distance. Daring me to take its invite. I accepted. Dad stretching out lounging with pride, again watching his only daughter, now happy once more.



That evening, bought a relief of a cooling breeze to my sun-kissed shoulders. Glancing at Dad, the atmosphere wound its self around me like a seductive pashmina. The hapless band with their West Indies tone percolated, only added to my intoxicating feel of how lucky, Dad and I were to be here. Whilst I reminisced, our recent stroke of luck.

Ted’s stubby, pincher, digits had picked out the last raffle ticket for the evening and with his tannoy-like voice.

“Pink ticket number 3-6-7, pink ticket 367,” while scanning around the seated audience. My eyes popped and nudged Dad to look down at the winning first prize ticket in my hand.


Only four months later, with that prize unfolding now, the ripples of the sea tickled the shoreline. I languished, as it instilled me into a troubled slumber.

 On that late afternoon, Mum had grabbed her car keys, happy just to run an errand for me.

“No worries love, I have time to pop into town, before my Bingo. It won’t take long” 

How true.

Her kindness, until her end, cradles me, still.

The only certainty in all our lives is that it will end one day. The ‘’how and when’ hangs, like the sword of Damocles. It accompanies us, always.

Now my morning, sprung into life as the beachwear clad bodies began to litter the loungers. We ventured out. The sand shifted beneath my naked feet, whilst my glittery flip flops entwined in my fingers like jewels. Dad in his comfy prone position having the full attention of one of the waiters lasted, but a few hours. The sweltering midday sun in Paradise summoned him to a retreat, into the coolness of our cocooned accommodation and for a wishful, refreshing nap, behind our French doors.

“You don’t mind, Jacinda, do you? love.”

“No worries, Dad I will soak up the Sun, a little longer,”

Drifting in and out of my thoughts. Alone again …I must do this. I turned and watched him shuffle back inside.

The afternoon heat faded into balminess with the sea blending with the cloudless sky, veiled me with its tranquillity. I needed to turn over like a spit roast, in doing that, I noticed the beach fringed parasols were swaying like dancers in time to the wind. I reached for my beach top as the sand began to cloak me like a shroud.

The ease of the afternoon quickened its pace, as others around me scooped up their belongings. Hastened by the agitated, angered waves. Seemingly, reacting to the loss of its Paradise and all it had known. It roared and spat its emotions, this despairing response, prevailed. It had no control of this situation.


The Palm trees and the clumps of surrounding grasses twisted and turned in support to the reactive turmoil of the waves. Every step I endeavoured towards my shelter; Nature’s tidal tyrant smacked me with its forceful attitude. Our French doors slammed behind me, I was safe, again.

 I continued to witness others deserting this haven, who scuttled to safety. My focus fixed on an older couple hand in hand, but torn apart and then discarded like empty seashells that had once bedecked Landgrove cove, such unnecessary cruelty.

Frenzied panic mounted, as it surged my mind to find a release. My eyes widened to this apocalyptic vision; the heaviness of a parked trunk doing a ‘roly-poly ‘like the ease of a floating feather twirling in a warm breeze. The cacophony that orchestrated with the lashing, whipped destruction of this paradise, rendered me helpless. I freeze-framed in the pandemonium of hurricane Cecilia.

A moment of stillness, human voices cut in. Their panic vocalised with screeching at this catastrophe, to halt. Desiring to be awoken, to resume with their normality in Paradise. Now in my trance-like minds’ eye, I tried to focus on the calm of the previous day.

However, it engaged me back to my pink ticket, that had bought me here, which laid crumpled in the bottom of my flight bag.

The Pink ticket bought clarity to my mind, “Storms if you allow them Jacinda, they will always rage within you.”

Earlier, Dad had stirred into the world and had shuffled to the opened doors. Only noticing the calm before the impending storm, he closed them. Now being shaken into the world of violence that threw him against those same doors, splintering his head.

My world shrunk.

Outside, the palms bent and gyrated to the aggression and screams of Cecilia beating without care on those who succumbed to her terror.

Cecilia’s purpose was to make her presence felt. Her destructive journey had collided with mine. Both unexpected to this paradise. I mourned, as the world beyond continued to cartwheel out of control.

 The only certainty in life drew me closer. Paradise rescinded.


Copyright Carole Blackburn