by Richard Banks
To John Phillips <>
From Trevor Fellows <>
Dear John - saw your name on the School pals Reunited site last night. What a surprise!!! Where have you been
hiding since we left Hepton High? A few of the guys thought you had moved to Leicester but no-one knew for sure. Your site entry says
you’re now working in London; did you move there
after Leicester or is Leicester a figment of
someone’s imagination?
I’m still in Hepton, worse luck! The old
town doesn’t get any better I can tell you, but at least I now have a half-decent job with PKS Finance. Not before time, I might add. After a string of
dead-end jobs, I was going nowhere fast. Finally realised that three GCSEs were
never going to get me an executive position, so when PKS started recruiting
here I ‘updated’ my CV by adding in two A levels and a fake reference I
concocted on the computer. Put on the old charm at the interview and sailed
through. Makes you realise what an unnecessary exertion our school days were.
Still, there were some good laughs.
Remember that statue of the school founder, over the entrance, which you
dressed up in that kid’s uniform? How you ever climbed up there and down
without breaking your neck I’ll never know. Old Frosty, our ‘esteemed’
headmaster, nearly went ballistic next morning at assembly. I’m sure he knew it
was us, but he couldn’t prove it, of course. I don’t suppose he would have been
too chuffed had he known about the fags and beer we consumed behind the sports
pavilion at lunchtimes. What a struggle it was to stay awake in the
Have any of the old guard been in touch?
Be great to know how Ricky and Spike are
getting on. Email soon and bring me up to date.
Cheers Trev
To Trevor Fellows <>
From John Phillips <>
I refer to your email received yesterday.
My recollections are somewhat different
from your own. Unsurprising really as I am not the John Phillips you remember.
I am the other John Phillips, but then you probably never knew my name. I was
one of the boys in the lower school from whom you and your gang regularly
extorted money. No wonder you always had plenty of ready cash to spend on
cigarettes and beer. At least when you were boozing behind the sports pavilion
you weren’t bothering us. Most of us kept our heads down and came through more
or less unscathed, others were less fortunate. Remember Roger Jones whose cap
and blazer were used to bedeck the founder’s statue? - a schoolboy prank which
might have been amusing had it not been for the damage to the school roof. Poor
Roger was expelled for that escapade, implicated by the label in his cap which
bore his name. None of the other schools nearby would take him - well no-one
wants a trouble maker, do they? - and the family ended up moving away to
Newheath. Even less fortunate was Andrew Tully. He was another one of your
victims. Porky, I think you called him. Andrew never completed his school days,
he overdosed on his mother’s sleeping tablets. No doubt you read about it at
the time in the local paper. No doubt it never entered your head that you were to
blame. Even if you had made the connection, would you have cared?
I think it goes without saying that I
know nothing about the whereabouts of Ricky, Spike and the others. One of the
advantages of living and working in London
is that I am never likely to meet them again.
Curiously, our school days are not the
only thing we have in common. Like you, I am an employee of PKS. For several
months now, I have been working at head office as Assistant Director of
Personnel. The setting-up of our Hepton office, a year ago, was handled by my
predecessor - obviously not very well. Clearly, there are issues concerning
your employment with the company which fall within the disciplinary section of
the Staff Manual. In particular, I would draw your attention to para 32(b) of
Section 2 which states that ‘any contract or offer of employment will be
considered null and void if entered into on the basis of an application for
employment found to contain untrue or misleading information’.
In the circumstances, you may wish to
avoid embarrassment by resigning your position within PKS before your,
otherwise, inevitable dismissal.
Cheers John.
Copyright Richard Banks