
Friday 9 October 2020



THE UNINVITED                     


By Sis Unsworth


They had all set out for a picnic, to spend the day on the beach,

She spread out the cakes and the biscuits, and placed food in everyone's reach.

But the sea did then seem to beckon, so some took a walk to the shore,

Leaving her there with the picnic, as the youngsters were keen to explore. 

When all the food was quite ready she waved then sat down on the ground,

The sun was shining so brightly, it was just the fine day they had planned.

She was quite content to lay down there, the children were happy to play,

The breeze seemed to enhance the moment, she thought it was such a good day. But what happened next so did spoil it, as something did just catch her eye, 

A rat which had not been invited was eating a homemade pork pie.

How dare he should gate crash our picnic, and think he could eat what he like 

She shouted in quite a loud fashion, 'you're not wanted here, on your bike!’

The family came running back over, to see what the fuss was about,

 And why she was getting so angry, and spoiling the day with her shouts.

'Look what is eating our picnic,' she pointed her hand to the rat,

'I'm not eating my food with a rodent,' so one of you get rid of that'.

The rat then did seem to panic, and grabbing a sandwich he fled,

And scurried back home to his off spring, as a bottle did just miss he's head.

He said to his family there waiting, how dare they throw something at me,

As they’ve all come down for a picnic, and invaded our home by the sea.'

If we go in their homes they all panic and try to exterminate us,

But when they come here uninvited, we never can make a great fuss.

So when you go out for a picnic, where ever you do choose to roam,

Remember you've not been invited, it just maybe somebodies home.


Copyright Sis Unsworth


Thursday 8 October 2020

Len's Diary Excerpt (4) 1999


Len’s Diary ~ Balance III & IV ~ (04) 22/08/1999

By Len Morgan

A babbling cacophony of sound accompanied her litany of spells.

She stopped, but the noises continued.

“Quiet!” she hissed.  Only the rustling of autumn leaves broke the unnatural silence that enveloped that gloomy dank forbidding glade.

“Too late, we are too late!” she wailed in a voice tinged with anguish. “The boy has become a man, he will replace his mentor Anthrax.  The vacuum has been filled.  Aargh! My Lacyndra is with child?  It must not, cannot be.  I Kaladreel will not permit it!”

“Corbane, Pexey, come to me my pets,” she called in a solicitous singsong voice. 

She turned at a scampering in the bushes to her left.

“Come to me!” she commanded.

The two cat-like creatures scamper in vain to escape from her firm mind grip.  But, wild-eyed with terror the moth-eaten creatures, their fur standing on end, were inexorably drawn to her presence by the power of her will.

“You have work to do, the fruit shall wither on the vine.”

Reaching into her pouch she drew forth a shining black ring, placing it in a small porcelain bowl.  She dripped three steaming drops of a vile green fluid onto it.  The liquid bubbled and hissed as it was imbibed by the ring, turning it to silver.  Carefully, she attached the ring to Corbane’s collar, then drew them closer, hissing into their ears.

“Leave the ring by the pool of Eternity where Lacyndra can find it!  Guard it with your lives until it is in her hands.  Fail me and you will live forever in agony and damnation!”

She began to chant, and they felt themselves changing and being transported…

They became two small black kittens in timeless Paroddiz Vale.  The dawn chorus was in full voice.  They played with a large black feather, stalking & attacking it, edging slowly towards the small cottage garden hedged with honeysuckle, mimosa and roses.  Their sickly sweet perfume wafted towards them on a gentle breeze.  It carries their meowing and the sounds of their play to the cottage.

“Whose there?” came a soft feminine voice, followed by light footsteps.

“She’s coming…”  Pexey loosed the ring from Corbane’s collar, at the edge of the pool, and they scampered into the undergrowth to witness; meowing to lead her on…

There was a flutter of wings, the sky darkened, and a large black jackdaw landed and grasped the ring in its beak and spread its wings.  In desperation, Corban jumped on its back and Pexey grabbed its tail feathers with his teeth.  Jackdaw dragged Pexey into the water and with a loud caw dropped the ring into the pool.  Pexey dived after the ring.  It sank deeper and deeper.  As he grabbed it he was unceremoniously dragged from the water half-drowned.

“What have we here?” said the young woman.  Pexey gazed into her big dark eyes and shook the water from his fur.  Her bell-like laughter filled him with delight.

Protect it with your life until it is in her hands,” a voice at the back of his mind warned, as he nuzzled up to her soft warm cheek, purring contentedly.


 Balance IV ~ 18/09/1999 

Water thundered down the mountainside.

The large blackbird faltered as it struggled to reach the thermals on the crest of the cliff.  It was dying from the effects of Kaladreels poison.

Corbane knew his survival depended on getting off its back as fast as possible, while it was still over water.  The bird started to spiral falling, falling, down towards the deep black pool at the base of the falls. Corbanes mount shuddered and cartwheeled; he dug his claws in but when the splash came he was thrown clear.  He sank deeper and deeper, the bone-chilling cold seeping into his bones the deeper he went into the pool filled with glacial melt. He saw the bottom coming up to meet him, but it slowed and stopped, then started to recede.  He rolled onto his back and watched the pale patch of light from above come closer and brighter…

He broke surface.  The thundering sound from the falls forcing him back to consciousness.  His limbs thrashed feebly, in a valiant attempt to reach solid ground.  Something solid and heavy rose beneath him, lifting him above the surface.  The suns rays warmed him, his dark fur absorbing the heat, he lay spread-eagled on the branch that had lifted him from certain death.

A young man stretched out with his crooked staff pulling the branch to the bank.  He picked up the bedraggled bundle of fur, noting it was trembling, and with satisfaction, he realised it was alive!  He carefully placed it in his green canvas pack and continued his journey.  Within minutes, the kitten was contentedly worrying a strip of dried beef jerky, that just happened to be sharing the pack…





Peter Woodgate 

It was early in the morning as I walked along the beach

and saw two sets of footprints side by side,

a closer look showed one set slightly larger

and both would soon be covered by the tide.

Each footprint made was clear, precise, distinct,

for no other, than my own, was seen,

the sand was flat, swept smoothly by the sea

and all around the bay, the air serene.

I glanced again, each footprint seemed to glow,

definitive within the soft damp sands,

this image had me thinking wistfully,

had they been made by lovers holding hands?

The romance in me chose to think they had

and in that moment had me feeling gay,

but further on, one set of prints turned left toward the sea

and one toward the cliffs, the other way.

The smaller of the two disappeared beneath the waves

swallowed by the motion of the tide,

the other set of prints, that led up to the cliffs

stopped suddenly, it was only then I spied

a notice, it was a plea for information,

there had been an accident two days before,

it appeared a couple on the cliffs had argued,

the boy had fallen off, it said no more.

The girl, it seemed, had then just disappeared,

the police would want a statement before long

could I have told them what I thought had happened?

And would I have felt a fool if I’d been wrong?


They found her body washed up two days later,

the tragic loss drove her to suicide,

how then, could I have seen, their footprints when I did?

She’d walked into the sea the night he’d died.

Of course, I could not prove it was their footprints,

the sea just washes evidence away,

I have a feeling though, their tortured souls live on

to walk the sands and leave their prints each day.


Copyright Peter Woodgate


Wednesday 7 October 2020

Books I've Read 04

 Books I've Read 04

By Jane Scoggins



By Peter Woodgate 

Dawn breaks with breathtaking beauty,

a golden glow from mountain to moorland,

the sun’s rays settle on earth’s loveliness

illuminating superior civilizations of the world.


City after city awakes

to find affluence squandered,

veiled by exhausted pyrotechnics

and urinated merriment.


Last night’s celebrations

lie in the gutter,

crushed and discarded,

sunlight shimmering from twisted shapes.


Deep into war-torn territories

the morning sun glistens

on a child’s tearstained cheek

and the barrel of a gun

with a magazine of death

contributing wealth,

to superior civilizations of the world. 


Copyright Peter Woodgate


Tuesday 6 October 2020




By Phil Miller

Be still, don’t move, can you see him there?

Clinging to reeds, waiting for the moment

To swim for the weeds, his mate awaits

In warty blouse, so cute she thinks is

This Great Crested Newt, whose dance

Entrance with grace and flair

His magnificent tail filling the air

With pheromones, to start a love affair.


© Phil Miller.

Len's Diary Excerpt (3) 1999

Len’s Diary ~ Balance II ~ (003) 27/07/99

By Len Morgan

His first glimpse told him she was the one.  She was the most beautiful woman, he’d ever seen.

Her lean whipcord body displayed her incredible strength, and reflexes like a coiled spring.  Her skin was smooth and dusky, her dark eyes missed nothing, and her short-cropped dark hair revealed her utilitarian upbringing; for everything a purpose.  He took in her body harness, totally functional with straps rings and pockets for specific purposes.  Her arm & leg protection moulded & studded all designed to protect the wearer.  Sheathed at her side was a short bone-handled stabbing sword ready for immediate use.

“He’s mine!”  She announced with authority in a quiet husky voice.

He realised that she was referring to him.  He gazed, without fear, into her dark obsidian orbs, for what seemed like an eternity – barely a millisecond passed in reality – their minds touched.  He showed her love.  She revealed her insatiable desire to rule the universe.  Nothing seemingly would satisfy her voracious appetite, she wanted it all!

“And then?” he asked in his gentle kindly voice.

She answered with a strange feral stare.  In that instant, she changed.  She’d digested his words but had no answer.  Realisation dawned.  Lacyndra took the naked young man into her arms, embracing him – the Universe on pause – her Thaal army stood like statues, no help for her there.  She fastened a collar around his neck attaching a thin virtually unbreakable leash testing its tensile strength with a tug.  She stood back to gaze at his slim youthful frame his golden shoulder-length hair. Momentarily, she became lost in his jewel-bright tawny eyes.  Those dilated pupils that sought to swallow her up.

He wants me more than I want him?  Inconceivable!

On reflection she removed the collar; he took it from her hands and replaced it around his neck.  Dropping to his knees before her, he removed her chain mail loin covering and buried his face in her glistening black fur, steeped in the scent of her desires.  His gaze traversed her glistening form; that of a transformed killing machine.

He would give himself to her, and she would be his, and they would be one.

She gazed down into those deep tawny pools and realised she was lost.  Accept his gift and she gained everything.  Kill him and the Universe was hers, but as he said, what then?

She unsheathed her sword and sliced through the collar.  A gift, freely given, accepted and returned in kind.

They consummated their alliance – in between time – the Universe alone bore witness.

Morlen had finally atoned for his mentor’s callous act…


Copyright Len Morgan