Your Words on
Jane Goodhew
Listening to your words on Spring
As I walked past a tree bare of leaves
I heard a cacophony of sound
That could have filled the Albert Hall
Looking up I saw so many birds happy that they were back
And looking down there was green
Of stems pushing through the once frozen soil
And soon a flower would bloom
If you wander through the woods
You may already spot
The snowdrop standing bold upright
Like a guard outside the palace
But being shy they prefer to stay protected
Beneath the sturdy oak
With a white cap upon their pretty heads
So, they may blend in with any lingering flurries of snow or fros
Unlike the golden daffodil
So bold and bright
Who reminds you of the sun
That is trying so hard to shine
Go further out and in the fields
Lambs are suckling from their mothers breast.
If they hear you, they may run as startled by the sound
But she just stands her ground knowing they will soon come
skipping back
So, they can snuggle up to her At night
when they will be disturbed by blood curdling howls of Foxes
As he prowls the land looking for his mate
Or a tasty meal for his first date
Copyright Jane Goodhew
Nice Pro's Jane